16 September 2023 12:58
The entrance of the hotel is impressive, but that's about it.
Shower bad and broken.
Bed I accepted the pit in the middle, but the springs of the mattress that bothersome did not come through.
Elevator 2 broken. As a result, the entire hotel had to use one elevator.
10 Januari 2019 10:50
I like the lobby and the pool area of this hotel. The lobby is spacious with nice atmosphere. There's live Sundanese traditional music occasionally.
The pool are is nice also.
The room is spacious but little bit old furnished.
But it's homey though.
31 Desember 2018 14:55
Untuk fasilitas Dan public area sudah Sangat baik.hanya saja Karna saya sering bulak balik sini akhir~akhir ini makanan nya skarang ga kaya dulu.dulu enak-enak.skarang selain menu nya berkurang rasa juga turun nya terjun bebas.semoga kedepan lebih baik lagi.
31 Desember 2018 2:02
Hotel bintang 5 dengan layanan yang baik, saya menginap disini 3 hari dengan 2 jenis kamar yang berbeda. Executive king dan naripan wing. Dimana pada saat menerima kamar naripan wing ternyata mendapatkan kamar yang lebih kecil dan tidak sesuai dengan tahun lalu. Namun ketika meminta kamar yang sesuai dengan yang diharapkan pihak hotel langsung segera menyarikan kamar yang dimaksud dan akhirny kita pun pindah di kamar yang diinginkan walaupun agak sedikit menunggu lama karena kamar yang dimaksud harus dibersihkan terlebih dahulu.
30 Desember 2018 22:05
Old hotel.helpfull staff, however we visited during peak holiday season so it was quite busy.five stars will be given if some mistakes not happened; phone not working (call the front desk from our cell phone, tech guy visit and it works), no towel provided (call front desk for towels), asked for non smoking superior king room and was given a twin smelly smoking room (changed to room as my request after complaining). Other than those, everything was good.breakfast was good.pool was good.
21 Desember 2018 6:45
Hotel bernuansa klasik, elegan, dan berada dekat dengan pusat kota bandung. Dekat sama gedung Asia Afrika.
17 Desember 2018 20:22
Hotel ini keren banget, pelayanan ramah.ada meeting room juga, kamarnya enak banget.mewah tapi harga bersahabat.
15 Desember 2018 6:23
Pengalaman saya disini. Makanannya lumayan. Tempat tidur nyaman. Bantal nya banyak. Saluran tv banyak. Tapi showernya rusak air panas nya doang yg bisa diputer keran nya. Air dinginya gak bisa. Akhirnya mandi pake wastafel. Dengan gelas sebagai gayung nya. Hehe
15 Desember 2018 4:20
Hotel nuansa kuno, tapi pelayanan jaman now. Rasa makanan enak dan bervariasi.
Kebersihan kamar sangat terjaga.
Pelayanan prima.
14 Desember 2018 19:46
One of bandung's heritage. I always love to come and stay there. Unfortunately the price is getting higher.

Almost all the Doormen knows me well, warm, polite with personal touch

Room is giddy and clean, not like.modern hotel, I could easly Shalat.

But the breakfast? Almost nobody shows up for around 20 minutes. Fried bihun empty, tempe goreng empty, to whom should I asked?
I saw a waiter filled in the pop corn booth, and he took some and eat it. There. While he was working. Not professional at all

Please don't leave the restaurant unattended
09 Desember 2018 6:22
Salah satu hotel berciri arsitektur Art Deco yang sangat megah, kamu mendapat pelayanan baik dengan kamar yang nyaman. Hotel ini juga berada di Jl. Asia Afrika yang memudahkanmu mengunjungi lokasi lain di Kota Bandung, bahkan dengan berjalan kaki.
07 Desember 2018 19:25
Makanan enak, tempat strategis, kolam renang bagus, bersih hotelnya. Cuma tempat fitnesnya jadi kecil padahal dlu bagus luas lengkap buat olah raga
06 Desember 2018 2:27
This is my first time came to bandung so i want to comment that: Room was very clean, big enough for us, perfect breakfast, friendly staff especially bapak sugeng and other that i forgot the name
24 November 2018 19:25
Saya suka dengan hotel preanger, selain nyaman tapi juga semua karyawan nya ramah-ramah, service nya sgt memuaskan
23 November 2018 13:46
Hotel tua yg mahal. Jika bukan karna istri yg sedang hamil yg minta, saya akan berpikir berkaliĀ² untuk kesini. Tapi over all pengalaman hampir seminggu menginap disini sangat menyenangkan. Pelayanan bintang lima, harga makanan yg reasonable dan enak bahkan di atas ekspektasi saya.
23 November 2018 2:52
Hotelnya mewah banget besar namanya juga bintang 4. YA walaupun hetelnya udh lumayan agak tua tapi masih sangat nyaman untuk holiday dan urusan bisnis.cuma kebeneran saya dpt room exekutive yg sangat bising kendaraan jd agak susah tdr hufft.mengenai breakfastnya enak2 pelayanya ramah.menunya bnyk bngt smp gk ke makan semua hehe
19 November 2018 13:04
Terlalu banyak kenangan di hotel ini selain pelayanan yg ramah, kita seperti berada di tempat yg rilex dengan dikelilingi teman2 yg banyak pengalaman, suasana sangat nyaman, makanan enak dan yg menarik lagi pastry ya ada diskon setiap hari Rabu dan Sabtu 50% dan hari lain tetep ada diskon tapi kurang dari 50%, hehehehe.tempat yg bagus utk meeting ataupun berlibur keluarga
15 November 2018 10:35
Tempatnya nyaman, bersih dan luas, makanan enak, kolam renang bersih.tempat yang menyenangkan membawa keluarga.
13 November 2018 23:15
This is one of hystorical hotel in Banding city west java. Build in 1929 redesigned by architect CPW Schoemaker and supported by Ir. Soekarno.
06 November 2018 8:07
Hotel tempo dulu yang masih menjaga dan melestarikan bangunan nya, dan tempatnya sangat artistik mantep deh. Recomend banget buat nginep disini
27 Oktober 2018 21:39
Last October 4, my wife and I checked in at this hotel with its attractive interior and impressive-looking external architectural appearance. Upon our arrival we were cordially received as we checked in. Our room was spacious and comfortable and kept well-cleaned by the staff. Breakfast, while reasonably varied and good, selections offered seemed more limited then at comparable hotels of similar stature elsewhere in Indonesia. Meals served at the restaurant were a bit disappointing and the lounge served no alcoholic beverages, other than beer and wine.

It struck us with pleasant delight to see that many among the hotel staf workers were noticeably extremely friendly and attentive. As example, I'd like to acknowledge in particular 2 people assigned to the breakfast dining room, who on their own initiative went out of their way to please me: SANTIKA, who brought me every morning on arrival a cup of a different kind of coffee, because I did not care for the generally served coffee; and BAEHAKI, who every morning brought to me the fried eggs he had made, placed on a buttered slice of toasted bread with a very big smile!

Overall, we very much enjoyed the hospitality we received throughout our entire six-night stay. Prof. Ralph Ockerse
17 Oktober 2018 10:13
Lokasi di pusat kota. Tidak jauh dari beberapa objek kunjungan spt Gedung Museum Konferensi Asia Afrika, Alun-alun Bandung, Jln Braga, Hotel Homan, Pasar Baru (pusat belanja murah), dll.
Hotel nyaman terkesan antik. Pelayanan prima, makan enak, kamar lengkap, wifi bagus. Pokoknya siiip.

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