25 Februari 2022 5:39
Terima kasih donat Bateng, karena anda saya bisa danus buat nambah duit jajan
04 Maret 2020 14:11
It sells some variant of donuts. This place was very famous for student. Many student buy donuts here and sell it again in the class. They'll get the profit from the price margin. When an association student will create an event, they'll usually looking for funding for kind of selling food in class. And this donuts often become the food that they sell.
12 Juni 2018 4:59
Donatnya murah meriah. Cocok buat konsumsi acara kemahasiswaan
11 April 2018 12:06
Lokasi dekat pintu alternatif ipb atau biasa disebut berlin, tersedia tempat parkir, harga murah, menerima pesanan untuk acara dan cita rasa lumayan serta penjual ramah dan pelayanan baik
10 Maret 2018 4:11
Murah, tapi gak murahan.kalau beli borongan ga akan rugi, ini donat terlaris di ipb.pagi jam 7 sudah terjual hingga ratusan pcs
01 Maret 2018 12:09
This place, located at near berlin shortcut to ipb campus, sells sugar and chocolate donuts, also sells various risoles.
The price is so affordable for students.

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