09 Agustus 2022 8:01
Place: the place is located in very strategic location, easy to reach and find,

Price: the price in this store is slightly rather expensive

Service: the staff is very friendly and helpful

Parking: the parking spot is big

Cleanliness: the restaurant is clean and well maintained, despite its small space

Taste: very tasty! Just ask for signature menu, thats the best

When u come here, make sure u have a mega card, that almost 50% discount, and with that i will always come back
21 Oktober 2021 11:24
Dapet food dari resto ini udh jauh jauh, titiknya salah eh di cansel padahal udh di TLP minta lokasi yg yg benernya dimana
28 Juli 2019 22:30
Makanan minuman biasa aja, harga relatif mahal krna makanan minumannya biasa aja.yg parah, pelayanannya jelek bgt, pegawainya gaada sopan2nya k pembeli. Gw prnh dtng bli minum greentea latte doang krna gw emg ga laper n cmn mw nunggu tmn gw bres ngmpus, dsna gw cmn diem sekitar 1 jam trus gw lngsng pegi soalnya tmn gw dah dtng. Pas gw mw bayar s mbanya nanya "pesenannya apa? " Gw jwab "greentea latte". Ni mba2nya ngmng "oh greentea latte doang" trus mas2 yg dblkng nyeletuk "es teh manis mereun". Gila ga? Kapok gw asli.
21 Juni 2019 11:01
Salah satu tempat favorite untuk menikmati burger dan chicken wings. Interiornya dominan kayu ala cowboy, terbagi jadi 2 lantai, bawah non smoking, atas smoking area. Tersedia mushola dan dan toilet juga.

Penyajiannya di atas piring, bukan pake tempat karton, suka deh, jadi meminimalisir sampah. Chicken Wingsnya lezat banget, crunchy tapi berbumbu, manis, pedes dikit, gurih. Kalo burgernya udah pasti juara, bukan pake patty biasa, tapi irisan daging tipis yang di tumpuk jadi 1.
13 Juni 2019 11:58
I had Cheese Steak Sub Sandwich with Curly Fries for my late breakfast. Bun was soft, beef was tender and juicy, and fries was good. Service was good, too.
I will definitely come back for its Spaghetti with Meatballs, Broccoli Cheddar Potato and Zuppa Soup.
14 Mei 2019 5:25
Despite of being the "flagship menu", the sandwich is just so-so, both its taste and its dressing. I prefer Rotisserie chicken. However, the place is super clean and so wood-themed-artsy. Detailed rating:

Beef N Cheddar Melt & Roast Beef with Cheese 3/5
Lack of beef and vetegables taste experience

Caffe Latte 4/5
Decent coffee

Iced Tea 5/5
Very fragrant. Love it!

Rotisserie chicken 5/5
This menu is better than the sandwich. Lol.

Tulis Ulasan

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