18 Agustus 2019 1:53
Cocok buat yang mau makan steak harga oke. Kadang-kadang tenderloin medium nya malah cenderung ke arah well-done. Lebih suka rib-eyenya. Jangan lupa coba rays special saucenya ya, dan coba tingkat kematangan medium-rare.
26 Juni 2019 5:41
This restaurant sells many types of processed foods from meat. With affordable prices, customers are able to enjoy good food. Seating options consist of indoor and outdoor. This place is also commonly used by the Bangun Energi Foundation to conduct training and sharing sessions
11 Mei 2019 8:12
The place is convenient and one building with Surabi resto. You can also order Surabi and Cireng from the other resto here.

The steak is affordable and nice. Their standard steaks are only 100 and 200 grams.
03 Mei 2019 2:52
Makanan enak harga nya juga ga terlalu mahal standart, nyobain ray's special sauce enak tempatnya sepi, pelayanannya ramah pokoknya top
20 Februari 2019 11:09
Tempatnya lumayan asik.dengan sekitar 100 tempat duduk.kalau melihat harga sesuai lah dengan makanan yg disajikan.tidak terlalu mahal juga.apa lagi bagi penggemar steak.semua sesuai selera pasta.chicken. Steak. Minuman.juga. Dessertnya.dituntut lebih profesional untuk service dan penyajian.
Kesopananan bagi team service cukup.
Semoga tetap eksis RAY. S steak & grill agar kami yg berkelas menengah dapat merasakan nikmatnya menyantap makanan berkelas Dunia.
19 November 2018 11:06
Tempat duduknya banyak, pelayannya ramah banget, variasi menunya banyak, steak Australian rib eye nya sangat berserat, agak keras, pas kokinya masak kedengeran suara getokannya kayak lg renovasi rumah hehehe. Pas steak dipotong ga terlalu susah tp keliatan serat serat yg udah ancur tergetok. Pas dikunyah jg berasa. But Mushroom sauce dan rays special sauce nya enak banget.suka sm Sauted vegetables nya ada aroma grill yg enak. Curly french fries nya cruncy tp lbh enak potato wedges nya, luarnya cruncy dalamnya buttery, gurih. Harga so so.
17 Agustus 2018 11:51
Nyobain sirloin australia 200gr tingkat kematangan medium. Tingkat kematangan yang didapat dari medium rare yang almost rare ke medium-done, tingkat kematangan lemaknya masih agak kurang jadi masih keras banget. Saus barbecue nya pas, saus sambal dan tomat additional nya juga pas kok, gak ngeberantakin banget rasa dari dagingnya. Untuk sayurannya rasanya agak unik ya, karena ada beberapa yang masih kerasa fresh mangkanya manis sayuran tumisnya berasa, ada juga yang hambar. Untuk seasoning dari dagingnya sendiri masih agak kurang rata juga: ") ada part yang pas enak banget, dan ada yang miss. Untuk tempatnya sendiri nyaman, ada smoking and non smoking area. Pelayanannya menyenangkan, ramah. Untuk harga murah dengan rasa dan pelayanan yang ditawarkan
01 Agustus 2018 19:53
My order was a cut of Australian Sirloin that weights about 200gr, with wedges, sauted vegetables and Ray's homemade sauce.
In my own opinion, the taste is really good for its price. The meat does not get too spicy because of the pepper, and is not salty. I ordered medium, but i think it is on the middle of medium rare and medium, looking at the still an almost dark red meat. The homemade sauce is. Untraditional. It is a mix of cheese and barbeque sauce. It's really a hit and miss, and personally it is a hit for me.
However, some of the fat that the meat has is not fully cooked, and as a result, the meat has almost inedible fat. But then again, then didn't serve hot meat, which means they let the meat cool down for a moment.
The waiters are very polite and the service is quite fast, and the place is perfect for hanging out, judging by the layout.
All in all, i enjoyed my meal really well

TL;DR: Steak's good, but some of the fat is uncooked, sauce is a hit and miss, quite fast service, and nice place

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