03 Juli 2023 14:00
Wow wonderful dinner time I spend. Hospitality was so natural and makes me so comfort. Owner offered the compliment desert ice cream and browny, it was surprisingly and emotionally appreciated. Thank you so much and I'll come again whenever I stay in Bandung.
20 Juni 2023 1:15
Yang mau lunch atau dinner, disini cocok banget sih karna harga makanannya yang affordable. Kalo masalah rasa kalian harus cobain sendiri sih karna rasanya bener-bener enak pokoknya kalo main ke bandung wajib banget dateng kesini
14 April 2023 7:07
Makanan nya cukup enak, tempat nya lumayan nyaman, buat yg biasa makan banyak cocok, porsi nya jumbo.
08 Januari 2023 3:48
Layanan masih bisa ditingkatkan, cita rasa makanan OKE!
Tempat reuni baru yg menjanjikan
15 November 2022 8:17
View nya bagus, makanannya enak & harga competitif, buat orang2 yang mau reunian cocok tempatnya.kalo bisa ada promo2 supaya makin rame tempatnya
21 September 2022 19:20
Ini lokasinya ada di lantai 3. Tempatnya bagus sayang pemandangan sekitarnya terganggu pembangunan. Menunya enak dan cukup terjangkau. Berkisar 30-100rb
26 Maret 2022 21:08
Tidak sengaja nemuin tempat ini pd saat searching lokasi terdekat dari hotel. Tadaaa amazing dengan suasana resto yang nyaman, cozy dan untuk outdoor bs liat kerlap kelip kota bandung. Untuk makanan pesan menu steak, fish and cheap, beef nasi dan semuanya enak sekali dengan harga yang tidak menguras kantong dan suasana yang indah. Next pasti mampir kesini lagi kalo ke kota Bandung.
07 Agustus 2021 21:09
Kami pesan beef zurich, butter beef, salmon dan tenderloin steak. Menurut kami makanan tdk istimewa, cenderung rasanya hambar. Sayang skl padahal tempatnya nyaman.
07 Juni 2021 13:02
This restaurant for me is kind of underated.imho this restaurant have great quality of their meat and great taste of the foods. For the price i think it is reasonable and worth with the quality of their food and they are so strict with covid protocol (touchless lift button, sensor stand temperature checker, they also have a handwash right after you out from lift, sanitize and sterilized cutlery)

Place: spacious, easy to find and access, have a enough space for parking, you can choose for smoking and non smoking area. You can also book this place for small party or if you are want to confess to your loved one. (this resto ambience is just right)

Food: you can choose variety of menu here from western, japanese and indonesian (my fav is western) the yakiniku and teppan set here is one of favourite but my choice are
- caesar salad (so fresh and the chiken taste is incredible and you can request for the amount of mayo here)
- meltique tenderloin, try medium well and trust me you can ask for more (if you have enough budget because this one is pricy)
- chiken/beef zurich

All in all i can say this restaurant
Safe for toddler
28 Februari 2021 6:57
The food is good. And it's quiet too, especially if you come at lunch hour. I came at around 3, and there's only one other table filled.

Could be considered quite expensive for some though.
21 Februari 2021 15:31
Ada coffee shop baru di lokasi yang sama dg ini namanya railway coffee, cabang kedua di kota bandung
15 Februari 2021 8:48
Pesan promo buy 1 get 1
Harga lebih mahal dr menu
Pesan tenderloin tp kualitas daging sudah lama dan kurang fresh n lebih ke meltique
30 Januari 2021 12:34
Lame services.
4 of us need more than 30mins before the first dishes served.

Another 45mins for nachos which we request to serve first as a snack.

The waitress even seems uneducated. I ask her to take out my plate since I'm done with mine. She is not only taken my plate, also took my son's plate while he is still eating. What an awkward moment when she is ask if he is done or not right after she took away his plate.

Clearly not happy with the team
17 Desember 2019 13:14
Hmm tonight i try fish and chips, and hot cappucino, i think for the place is good enough, well clean and good atmosphere, wide parking space, and for the taste, the fish is not working because you can't taste the fish itself, the potatoe chips is delicious, the tartar sauce well enough, and for the coffee cappucino also well enough, prices are normal
05 Oktober 2019 20:56
A steak restaurant located at 4th floor of the building on the main road Dr. Setiabudi, north Bandung, give us a quite nice view to Bandung City. Best if you come for romantic dinner. There were smoking and non smoking room, spacious dining room and parking area, clean toilet. Praying room shall be better. Access little bit difficult since traffic engineering applied, one way from uptown to downtown.

Salad, union ring, Sirloin Steak, fresf juice were very good. Little bit much expensive for me, compared to regular steak house around Bandung. Since have a nice view and the taste, its worth.
09 Juli 2019 1:47
Pemandangan dari lantai 4 bagus, makanannya enak dan harganya sesuai. Terutama Vanillava-nya, enak banget.
30 April 2019 13:42
You MUST try it if you are in Bandung and craving for western foods. It's super delicious and the atmosphere there was very pleasant. The service was good too. My fave is the sirloin steak.
17 April 2019 20:12
Balnja murah meriah ya d sini.jharus pintar2 pilih bajunya.harus teliti liat jaitannya.tapi secara keswluruhan pas lah sama harganya
15 Agustus 2018 11:18
Was a really pleasant experience. The food was delish, had no complaints. I had the pesto pasta, roasted chicken and a goulash soup. The drinks were refreshing and the hot choco had good ratio, couldve been a bit hotter though. The atmosphere and ambience was very calming and relaxing, accompanied with the city lights at night blinking and flashing over the dark horizon, recommend to visit this place at night as the temperature is cooler and the view becomes a lot better. Service was also excellent, i had very few other customers so i do not know how it would be if it was a full house; waitresses were very friendly. Me and my family had a wonderful dinner, followed by talks and just chilling in the cool night of bandung.
31 Mei 2018 0:20
Sumpah ya tempat ini bagus banget!
arsitektur dan interior ruangannya juga elegan banget, makanan asia hingga eropa juga ada. Tempat ini bisa banget kalian reservasi kalo ada Acara keluarga, ulang tahun, reunian maupun arisan. Pegawainya pun cepat tanggap dengan costumer. Makanan nya enak terus disuguhi view kota Bandung yang cantik dan bikin fresh banget kalo nongkrong disini.after all gue rekomendasiin nih tempat banget buat kalian. Gak ada kekurangan sama sekali.ini tempat di kanan sobbers, sebelum pom bensin.emang kurang keliatan kalo diliat dari luar, karena dia berada di gedung dilantai 4nya. Jadi kalo kalian ingin kesini, kalian tinggal masuk ke bangunan itu, terus naik lift ke lantai 4.

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