04 April 2023 22:45
Nice place for dinner, hang out, party and else, nice food and friendly services, highly recommended
15 Maret 2023 11:07
Went there a few days ago. The place was rather empty (maybe because it was raining). But the whole ambience and atmosphere feels super comfortable. The servers are nice. I'll definitely come back here again for some coffee.
23 Februari 2023 7:03
Waaa nemu resto yg mnurut aku rasanya enak, mushroom soupnya mantap, tmptnya lmyn, plating foodnya jg keren
07 Desember 2022 7:08
I went there with my family and it was a nice experience. The food is tasty even though the menu has more than 1 types of culinary dishes (western, indonesian) and the services was great.

I especially like how I can physically taste the bell peppers in the quesadilla and they serve the meat ball with the cranberry jam (which kinda rare if u ask me)
28 Juli 2021 1:22
Great service. Plating is excellent. Great taste. Main course is around idr 40k-90k. Cozy place. Recommended for 2-6 ppl. I wait for 15 mins in my last visit.
19 Juli 2021 4:42
Tempatnya enak. Ada 3 lantai yg bisa di pakai. Ruangnya cukup luas. Ada outdoor dan indoor. Makanan gaya western dan campuran indo asia yg sesuai di mulut banyak org. Jenis minuman yg varian dan masi menyiapkan makanan manis yg sesuai. Harganya ok di kisaran 50ribu untuk bisa duduk dan bersantai di sana. Mungkin bukan tempat untuk berfoto tapi nyaman
18 Juni 2021 4:32
Cozy place situated in the lower part of sentul, just before jungleland, do come as their food is good and price wise OK, tried the coffee cubes + ice turns out nice
01 April 2020 4:12
Lovely modern little cafe next to Jungleland. Great selection of food at a reasonable price. Clean and spacious. Worth a visit.
29 Maret 2020 11:25
Walaaah kali ini lagi di daerah sentul, nyari yg agak larut malam tutupnya. Kesini pas malming jadi staffnya bilang sih tutup jam 11 malam. Berhubung niat nongkrong doang.aku disini cuma order LYCHEE & PEACH MOJITO. Otentik pake daun mint tp ga di crush, bersoda, seger, minusnya sih.coba double check yaa PEACH agak terasa blenyek kyk kelamaan dikaleng terendam air gulanya. Untuk pelayanan disini ok banget! Nextnya bisa sihh coba menunya. Pas aku liat sih variatif
20 Februari 2020 23:00
Really fantastic quality food, true Western flavours (for the Western menu options). Always meant to try this resto out, waited too long! Will become regular customers now. Thanks!
13 Februari 2020 9:35
Kue untuk ultah.momen2 kkluargaan.tman2.kntor.dan untuk kue weding juga bisa.enak trkenal.harga lumayan.slhkan di psan dan antar.k. Rmah atau kantor anda
04 Februari 2020 11:07
Lokasi dekat dengan Jungleland. Jadi bisa mampir ke sini dlu kalau berencana ke sana. Menu bervariasi dan enak-enak, tapi untuk nasi hainam rasanya terlalu banyak jahe.
15 Januari 2020 21:52
Good food but a little bit on the pricey side. I would recommend to try the Gurame dish and also Chicken Cordon Bleu. Its tastes great and quite filling your stomach for sure! Staff here are polite as well.
11 Januari 2020 1:16
Tempatnya nyaman, pilihan makanannya banyak dan enak. Pelayannya pun ramah.
Setelah sehari yg lalu, kami order Chicken Cream Soup, Australian Steak & Pizza. Makan siang hari ini kami order Mushroom Cream Soup, Fettuccine Carbonara, Chicken pop corn & French Fried.

Overall semua makanan yg kami order enak, dan Pizza, Cream Soup, Fettuccine Carbonara nya enak banget.

Oya, disini juga kalau pesen tea (jasmine green tea, camomile tea, English breakfast, dsbnya) refillable loh.
Kemarin juga sempat pesan Fresh Juicenya (no added sugar). Ritzeky Green & Ritzeky Green Lite. Komposisi sayur, buah dan rempahnya pas banget, refreshing deh
04 Desember 2019 9:39
One of few bistro in Bogor with serious cooking in my opinion. The taste is so so good, the food and the drinks are delicious. The place looks a little bit small, but its actually a two floor bistro (third floor is for praying)
. The price is quite expensive but worth the taste!
It's located just beside the main road to the jungle land, so should be quite easy to find.
28 November 2019 20:51
Tempat yg sangat recomended bgt, masa kini tpi dimanjakan dengan masakan daerah yg top serta, pelayanan yg sangat memuaskan, fast response and clean.
21 Oktober 2019 11:26
Untuk kita yg suka kumpul bareng dg keluarga, inilah rekomendasi tempat utk kta kumpul bareng dg keluarga, sambil nikmati aneka hidangan.
19 Oktober 2019 0:01
Service is fast, crews are very polite, and the store is always clean.you must visit this place when you are in sentul nirwana.
13 September 2019 22:08
Pesan beberapa jenis minuman, mojito, red velvet umumnya berasa oke, soto dan nasi gorengnya lumayan. Untuk harga masuk menengah atas ding
06 Agustus 2019 15:00
Tempatnya sih tidak istimewa, tp lumayan cozy. Kopinya OK, sy memesan coffee ice cube, rasanya OK n harganya OK. Istri saya memesan mushroom soup rasayan enak n harganya worth it. Pelayanan bagus, sy dengan mudah booking untuk 20 orang dan ada HP kami yg ketinggalan, sy lsg ditelpon pihak resto dan HP itu lsg dikasih ke saya. Recommended place utk warga sentul dan sekitarnya
06 Agustus 2019 2:00
Daging Steaknya mantap pdhal masak sendiri loh, daging kualitas A+, beef kebab nya dibuat kaya barbeque hanya sayangnya kurang empuk, tapii cemilan tahu crispy hot hotnya bikin ngobrol jd makin seruuu
19 Juli 2019 6:25
Ritzeky Bistro Cafe @ sentul selatan

Salah satu tempat ngopi dan nongkrong yang nyaman di sentul. Letaknya di kompleks perumahan nirwana.
Karena di jalan besar, maka dapat melihat suasana kompleks nirwana.

Makanan dan minuman nya enak dengan kualitas baik. Saya mencoba Pizza supreme nya enak, dan keju nya sangat terasa.menu minuman bervariasi, mulai dari hangat hingga dingin. Ada cappucino, affogatto, dst.

Cocok untuk kumpul dan hang Out

#nongkrong #nongkrongsentul#sentul#makanenak
23 Mei 2019 2:02
Nice layout and interior design here. You can enjoy Eastern or Western cuisine at restaurant with friends or families on weekends or free time. The staff are friendly to serve you. You can enjoy yourself here anytime.

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