11 Desember 2022 15:29
One of international school in Cirebon, berbasis Cambridge curriculum.tempatnya luas, fasilitas lengkap.terdiri dari 2lantai dan 1 rooftop untuk lapangan serbaguna dan ada fasilitas swimming pool.buat mom/dad yg anaknya seneng belajar dan fokusnya bagus, cocok nih kalo diajarin pake kurikulum Cambridge, tapi kalo anak mom/dad adalah tipe yg social butterfly cocoknya pake kurikulum yg lain yg mungkin lebih cocok sama anak mom/dad

Jika berminat ingin memasukkan anak kesini, cari di saat pembukaan di mall atau ada exibihition karena akan ada promo menarik.kesini karena ikutan lomba mewarnai, wah masuk ruangan kelasnya dingin sekali, sejuk.jadi bukan sekedar ruang kelas yg ada ACnya, tapi ACnya sejuk.
17 Januari 2021 22:30
Salah satu sekolah internasional terbaik di kota cirebon. Menawarkan pendidikan terbaik dengan kurikulum cambridge dan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar. One of the best school in cirebon.
04 Desember 2020 12:26
Sekolahan nya bagus, cuma sedang ada pembangunan.parkir nya pada di pinggir jalan, bikin macet pas pulang sekolah/brgkt.sampe zebra cros juga dipake buat parkir. Trs klo nganter/jemput anak sekolah mobil berhenti nya pas bgt depan gang jadi yg naik kendaraan dari dlm gang mau keluar itu suka kagok tiba2 ada mobil berhenti di depan gang
07 Februari 2020 5:54
A pretty good school with a good curriculum and also teachers are nice and facilities are great the downside is that the cap currently is at secondary 3 so they are using the Secondary 3 as guinea pigs but other than that they did a good job. For the secondary 3 they do take care as best as they can but for some parents they don't want that risk.
07 April 2019 16:33
A pretty good school with a good curriculum and also teachers are nice and facilities are great the downside is that the cap currently is at secondary 3 so they are using the Secondary 3 as guinea pigs but other than that they did a good job. For the secondary 3 they do take care as best as they can but for some parents they don't want that risk.
17 Februari 2019 22:50
The best school in Cirebon City with International Curriculum (USA and Singapore), great teachers, accessible locations and nice facility
22 Januari 2019 3:57
Great school with great facilities and curriculum to prepare our kids well for a more competitive future. Thats the least we can do as parents.
02 Januari 2019 10:14
Happen to know the mastermind behind this institute passionate and committed couple. The only place in cirebon to help u prepare ur kids future

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