29 Desember 2023 4:58
Very beautiful place, well hidden and very a calming Place to be to recharges with a partner… Not a fancy Place but aHomey
03 November 2023 12:18
I've here last year for vacation with my husband, this is the best place to spend time with the love one. The room was great, and the view was incredible. We will come here again, absolutely!
30 Oktober 2023 15:38
Bawa anak kecil diatas 2 tahun bayar 250rb/anak
Lebih diutamakan untuk yang berpasangan belum punya momongan atau pengantin baru dan harga wekand/wekday sama saja
06 Oktober 2023 1:31
Layanan tidak sesuai Iklan, membawa anak2 kena charge Rp 250 rbu /orang.
Minta cancel karna tidak sesuai iklan, malah tidak diperbolehkan.

Kamarnya tanpa ac,
Pantainya kotor
04 Oktober 2023 22:07
Saya mendapatkan pengalaman yg tdk mengenakkan, saya memesan kamar seashore, saya datang dengan anak saya dan keluarga, anak saya balita dan diminta tambahan 1 anak 250 rb jadi total saya harus nambah 500 rb hanya utk anak saya yg balita. Sampai ownernya nyamperin kami dg komunikasi yg sulit dia meminta kami keluar jk tdk menambah per anak, akhirnya kmi keluar dan sdh memesan ditraveloka dan tdk bs direfund. Semoga pengalaman sy tdk terjadi kepada org lain. Dan semoga Allah SWT mengganti apa yg sdh diambil tidak adil dr kami dengan yang lebih baik, Aamiin
08 Juli 2023 7:58
Ownernya sangat ramah, tempatnya juga bagus banget enak buat bengong-bengong & recharge energy.
29 September 2022 14:35
Semua ok. View, privasi, pemandangan exotic, kebersihan (lantai aga lengket karna memang depan banget pantai) minus nyamuk nakal doang
09 Juli 2022 21:43
Tempat yang cukup unik dengan konsep mirip bali. Akan tetapi perlu diperhatikan perawatannya karena kamar mandi yang kami sewa ternyata bocor dan airnya basah kemana-mana.
Perlu di perhatikan juga penanganan orang2 yang berkemah di dekat sea vibes, membuat kami yg menginap di sini tidak nyaman karena orang2 tersebut dapat dengan mudah memasuki area sea vibes dan menggantungkan pakaian secara sembarangan, sehingga mengganggu pemandangan yg seharusnya sangat bagus untuk di nikmati
22 Juni 2022 10:25
Tempatnya emang sea vibe dengan ukiran dan ornamen kayu yg epic banget.interiornya kaya gaya2 eropa gitu, walaupun dapurnya old tapi luas dan masih berfungsi dengan baik.penerangan temaram gitu jadi ya bagusnya bawa obat nyamuk hehe.walau di tempat tidur dikasih kelambu, c nyamuk bisa menelusup.bangun tidur view laut yg.subhanallah seklali vibesnya emang keren.tapi sampah depan villa nya tidak trurus,
sedih banget karna ombaknya besar saya kehilangan cincin pernikahan hiks.hiks.seandainya ada orang baik yg menemukan atau alam membawanya kembali bisa hubungi saya.saya kehilangan pada hari minggu 8 MEI 2022. Mulai menginap tanggal 7 mei.lupa naro pas main air.dan emang lagi besar ombaknya.so sad.but Qadarallah wa masya Allahu fa'ala.keajaiban kalau ada yg nemu dan dibalikin ke saya.walau kemungkinannya kecil.huhuhu
06 Maret 2022 20:18
Villanya enak banget buat Healing, pantainya sepi. Viewnya juara.
Villanya cuma pakai kipas angin dan ga ngasi sikat gigi serta sendal tp buat saya ga masalah.
17 Januari 2022 17:34
Perlu di coba menginap disini, bangunan nya dari kayu semua, cocok buat yang suka alam. Depan kamar langsung pantai, pantai nya bukan privat, tapi cenderung sepi pantai depan penginapan karena jauh dr pantai umum. Pilih kamar tipe seaboard, paling dbest, kamar bersih dan tidak ada AC
Tolong ganti/cuci gorden dan tirai nya saja karena sudah kotor.
15 November 2021 11:30
Good deal with this pandemic situation. The owner make this place feels like Bali. Basically its a villa with couple of bedrooms. Most of them dont have AC but the fan is enough, its cool already tho’ because your bedroom facing the ocean directly, like literally on yo face.

They have a bathtub, shower too. No TV, well who need it while you can enjoy the ocean all day long aight. There’s a lot of great books from the owner btw.
This place could be perfect if the floor wasnt that dusty.

Worth it tho
10 November 2021 5:03
Kagum sekali sama tempat ini.vilanya bersih kamarnya luas sekaliiiii. Owner dan staff nya baik sekali, komunikatif.breakfastnya enak. Viewnya langsung pantai. Serasa milik sendiri pantainya. Seru!
14 September 2021 14:31
The best hotel along the coast of Pelabuhan Ratu. The room is spacious & airy overlooking the beach, feels like you have your own private beach. Staffs are nice, the owner is super friendly and you can talk about many things to him.loving the vibes, surely will come back!
05 Agustus 2021 19:13
View bagus, kamar bagus, pelayanan bagus. Namun sayang antara kamar sebelah masih bocor suara berisik
27 Juli 2021 15:44
We stayed here for 2 nights a couple of months ago. Room is very spacious for its price, breakfast is delicious, and the view is breathtaking. Probably the best along the coastline. You may need to know that all the rooms here aren't equipped with Air Conditioner but it wasn't a problem for us. The problem is that our toilet was a little bit hard to flush at that time and the water in the shower only ran lightly (and no hot water available). But apart from that, Seavibes really stands out for its value for money, location, and its amazing view.
11 Juli 2021 0:14
Bagus, kamarnya luas, nuansa retro. Hotel eco, tanpa AC.
Pandangan dari kamar langsung ke pantai. Tidur sambil liat ombak
10 Juli 2021 0:44
Hidden gem that u must visit once in your lifetime. Located in pelabuhan ratu near karang hawu area, this place resembles the name "sea vibe". The vibe is strong with this one.
04 Juli 2021 14:16
We (me, husband and a 2 yo kid) checked in on April 1st 2021. When we checked in, the staff took us directly to the Seaside room (as we booked via the villa's WA number).

10 minutes later, a staff came into our room and told us to move to a room next to Seaside, located in the corner with no light in the terrace so it's very dark at night.

Reason why we were told to move: our kid is too loud it bothered the owner. We asked for a refund since it is the owner's decision, surprisingly they said we couldn't do a refund.

We regretly moved to the room as commanded, and the only thing we expect is for the day to pass so that we can check out early the next day.

I might only get a bad day, this might not happen to other guest, but please re-consider as this could happen to anyone.
01 Juli 2021 22:07
Sukaaaaaaaa.pasti balik lagi kesini. Bisa pesan makanan dari kamar. Kesini pas lagi pandemi berasa pivate beach karena sepi. Yang jaganya juga ramah. Sayang kitchennya gak bisa dipakai kalau hanya pesan 1 room. No card. Cash only.
24 Juni 2021 11:53
What a worderful place.really hiden gems with affordable price

The owner is Kiwi now is WNI, Ian O'Donnell (OD) very nice guy.has been here for more than 30 yrs, former expat for electrician

The rooms are big neat cool even cooler at night time.and amazing view directly to the open sea.

All night long while you are sleeping will hear the roar of sea waves.not a noice but a sound. OD says

Remember they just provide rooms n towels soap.others availble at the kitchen.

Thank you OD. I will be back.

Friends of mine also very keen to come over night here.after I informed them.
08 Juli 2020 13:10
Tempatnya keren lah.pas depan pantai.utk keluarga besar atau yg butuh utk gathering (5 kamar, cuy!). Pas banget!
Bersih.cuma minus AC aj.
05 April 2020 22:29
Tempat parkir untuk Roda 4, belum terkondisikan, happy a nice trip, Mr. James, and see you againt
11 Desember 2019 1:01
The most stunning villa in this area. Perfect for relaxing and escape from routine. Lovee. Recommended for couple.
13 September 2019 13:19
Beberapa kali kesini (tiap datang beda tahun).
Harga ttp sama.
Untuk makanan mmg cmn di sediakan sarapan saja, jd sebelum datang baiknya sedia amunisi untuk selama menginap, karena suasananya nyaman bgt (akses pantai lsg - sepi) jd pasti males keluar cmn buat sekedar cari makan.
Lokasi, pas dipinggir jalan besar, sebelah kiri kalo dtg dr jakarta (hati2, jgn kelewat.)
Pokoke, berasa pantai privat.
Bisa duduk2 pinggir pantai tanpa keganggu org2 & jg bisa nikmatin pantai dr tempat tidur (tinggal buka pintu aja).
tujuan persantaian yg tepat untuk yg ingin refreshinh sejenak tp tdk punya byk cuti (hahahaaa.)
06 September 2019 20:56
Ulasan lengkap saya cantumkan di foto. Cuma kekuranganny, bangunanny kurang cat ulang ajh supaua warnany lebih muncul.
15 Juni 2019 18:01
Menginap dsini semalam, viewnya langsung ke pantai.
Sptnya bangunan tua, Saya dapat room Seaside, ruangan besar, king bed Ada kelambu. No TV, No WiFi, No AC tpi Ada fan 2pc dan Ada ventilasi jadi gk panas. Parkiran terbatas.
Room pakai jendela kaca kalau bisa dibuka semua, cuma agak susah krna relnya juga berkarat. Ada gorden, Model pintu sliding door dan susah bukanya (rel berkarat).
Utk water heater sdh tdk berfungsi lagi. Lantai roomnya gelap.
Breakfast Ada dua pilihan roti atau nasi goreng.
30 April 2019 18:04
Eco house yang seru buat liburan no tivi, no wifi. Suara ombaknya benar-benar keren dari kamar, bahkan dari kasur bisa lihat ombak. Mau ke pantai Karang Hawu tinggal jalan kaki lewat pantai.
20 April 2019 14:47
The best romantic villa in Pelabuhan Ratu.

1) It's quite cheap compared to other villa and hotel with this kind of room and facility.
2) It has direct access to private beach in Karang Hawu; so the beach is quite clean and not crowded.
3) The room is awesome. It's so spacious and tidy with Indonesian and european architecture design.
4) Free breakfast with home made Nasi Goreng or Sandwich.
5) The owner, a "Bule" from New Zealand, and the staff are very polite.

1) Everything in this place is so "open"; ventilation, windows, even the toilet door is so small and open.
2) Slow WiFi.
3) No AC. Only ceiling fan and floor fan.
3) No TV.
4) Small parking lot.
5) Not noticable from main road.

the place is so romantic and beautiful. It's more suitable for new marriage couple or couple who just have toodler kid.
24 Maret 2018 10:31
Nice place to spend holidays around Pelabuhan Ratu. The place has some characters: low-profile, quiet and secluded. The beach in front of the villa is clean and not crowded. The rooms are large and the bed is cuper comfy.

Only minus point is mosquito as a consequence of an open style villa.
No AC and no TV, but not every person think that is deal-breaker.

The owner, Ian, is polite but straightforward. The staff is helpful. I am torned between 4 of five, but for an AC would definitely make them 5 especially in the night.

Tulis Ulasan

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