06 November 2023 9:36
*Edit: And still until today, this school is overrated. Management mostly talk their way out of something not beneficial for them. We don't need your 'diplomatic' answers, we don't care if your edu business is profitable, we need what's best for children and we need you to care more!
STOP #pencitraan & #ngeles!

LOW QUALITY International Curriculum School!

As it was in the tagline "The most AFFORDABLE IB school. "

Well, you'll realize what the slogan highlights, but not really worth every cents that we spent.

They actually only put IB and higher price point on the fees (compared to some schools in Bekasi) as branding material and selling point, but in practice they're not reflecting the expected qualities of such school.

Poorly managed, too many teacher rotations (and can happen cross-grades), stressful environment & bad interactions with educators and management.
Change of Principal doesn't really affect anything.
Owner/Management do all the talk but NOT the walk!
Keep holding seminars but doesn't really put those topics into practice.

Really DISAPPOINTING experience with their operations, services, and quality.

#Speaking up for fellow parents & students who's afraid, too much pride or even shut by the school
#STOP preferences for close parents / high profile parents. STOP KKN!
30 Oktober 2023 8:23
Sekolahnya bagus banget dan fasilitasnya oke, tapi bisa lebih oke lagi kalo bisa pake meja belajar yg aku jual
05 Januari 2023 11:24
Anak kami di saat SD sangat tidak menyukai belajar terlebih matematika, namun setelah SMP dan SMA mengenyam pendidikan di Sekolah Victory Plus Bekasi, perkembangannya sangat luar biasa, kedewasaan, tanggungjawab serta semangat belajar menjadi sangat kuat, bahkan kuliah mendapatkan beasiswa dari pemerintah Rusia untuk bidang study Teknik Nuklir. Terima kasih SVP
17 September 2022 5:19
This school provides many things for the parents and the students. The facilities, the education, the staffs, the community, then the environment and many other awesome things. This school bring the name of education to another level! Keep up the good work!
21 Juli 2022 17:33
The best International school in Bekasi. Having surveyed almost all International schools in Bekasi, I would say SVP has the best school facilities. Their teaching IB curriculum is the best. The teachers as well as the assistants are awesome.
Thank you SVP and God bless.
17 Mei 2020 12:02
Sekolah yang memiliki fasilitas yang lengkap & bagus. Tenaga pengajar yang kompeten. Lokasi sekolah yang strategis.
12 Mei 2020 9:30
Sekolahnya keren, tempatnya luas, dan acara kali ini juga setuju banget dan menyenangkan sekali.
Makasih buat sponsor juga
08 Mei 2020 20:15
Senang sekali bisa berkunjung di sekolah victory plus.sekolah yang sangat bagus.semoga nanti kami bisa menjadi bagian mendidik anak kami di sekolah victory plus.
24 April 2020 2:42
What a great school! An ib world school.thanks for inviting us to share the knowledge about parenting and bonding. Fasilitas lengkap, gedung sekolah gv nyaman, dgn guru2 yg berpengalaman belasan tahun.
20 April 2020 0:38
SPV keren banget loooh. Sekolahan yg mengedukasi banget dan menjadikan orang tua ikut berperan penting untuk anak nya. Thanks SPV pembelajarannya hri ni di acara meet teman noesa
19 April 2020 12:48
LOW QUALITY International Curriculum School!

Sesuai dengan marketing slogannya. "The most AFFORDABLE IB school. "

Well, you'll realize what the slogan highlights, but not really worth every cents that we spent.

They actually only put IB and higher price point on the fees (compared to some schools in Bekasi) as branding material and selling point, but in practice they're not reflecting the expected qualities of such school.

Poorly managed, under qualified staffs, too many teacher rotations (and can happen cross-grades), stressful environment & interactions.
Change of Principal doesn't really affect anything.
Owner/Management do all the talk but NOT the walk!
Keep holding seminars but doesn't really put those topics into practice.

Really DISAPPOINTING experience with their operations, services, and quality.
My children are better enrolled in other schools.
18 April 2020 16:26
Pertama dateng ke sekolah ini langsung keliatan gimana kerennya ini sekolah. Sarana prasarana nya bagus. Ternyata bener pas dengerin langsung kepala sekolah SVP ini ngasih sambutan + paparan. Keliatan bahwa beliau sangat berpengalaman dalam hal mendidik anak2. Sukses selalu SVP Bekasi
09 April 2020 19:09
Sekolah victory plus bekasi, pertama kali liat cuma kagum, kerenn banget sekolahnya, anak2 pasti suka banged dg sekolah ini. Tadi sempet nanya2 sama miss rini jg tentang program pengajarannya dan beliau detail menjelaskannya.mudah2an ada rejeki anak saya bisa masuk sini ketemu sama miss2 yg baik.
06 April 2020 13:15
Sekolahnya bagus banget. Guru-guru yang sangat kompeten serta pegawainya yang ramah-ramah. Fasilitas sekolah yang sangat bagus.
26 Maret 2020 13:18
Kali pertama ikut acara yg di adain di sekolah victory plus bekasi, sekolah nya keren, fasilitas lengkap ada kolam brenang pribadi nya juga,
16 Juni 2019 21:28
Mau sekolah ajah mahal bgt.mau jadi apa anak bangsa kita ini yg tak mampu.
Satu kata usir org kaya yg tak mau berbagi.
31 Mei 2019 9:34
Gedung sekolah nya bagus, pengajarnya orang2 terpilih. Murid2 nya meski masih tingkat tk, fasih berbahasa inggris. Salut untuk pengajar dan juga yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan di victory. Sayangnya. Mahaall.
25 Mei 2019 15:16
SVP is a positive learning environment, teachers are caring and passionate towards the students' growth.
08 Mei 2019 8:46
If you ever wanna get the penal battalion feel, this is the place for it. Come here if you want to have your opinions shut down because you're nothing but a convi- err student. Chaotic management, peculiar curriculum all in a pack with arbitrary application of the curriculum. It's stuck between being an IB school and national curriculum. Here's a suggestion, take your pick. Focus on a curriculum and go down that way, not alternate between 2 of them. At this price point, you're supposed to get quality education as well, not just an "international school" mark on your diploma. I've seen a lot of amazing teachers here come and go by so fast. Hell, some of them even left so quick I didn't even catch their name.

Oh and another thing, if you folks ever decide to change to one curriculum, please, do NOT screw your students over by changing the curriculum in the middle of their high school education. Emphasis on the word education, I mean the whole 3 years, not just the semester.

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