09 Juni 2023 12:29
This Restaurant has been around 1946 which is 1 years after Independence day, one of the legenda Soto in Bandung with no MSG clean soup with meat
They also have Mie Soto etc
19 Maret 2023 15:22
Soto daging nya enak dengan kuah bening.bagi sy rasa nya khas.mantap.
Sama es Shanghai nya seger.
25 November 2022 2:19
Soto nya enak babatnya bersih cukup ramai pengunjung saat makan siang hanya saja mnurut saya agak trlalu mahal harga dibanding makanan dan porsinya
10 Juni 2022 2:38
Rasanya masih mengingatkan pada zaman baheula, waktu cukup sering makan di Pasar Baru tahun 80an.
14 Februari 2022 0:49
Kaldunya gurihh segar, enakk. Pesan yang soto campur jadi selain daging ada koyor/otot sapi dan babat. Banyak isiannya dan super empukk. Tidak seperti soto bandung lain yang biasanya pakai lobak, di sini tanpa lobak. Ingin coba otak2nya juga lain kali.
03 Agustus 2021 2:10
Soto Po adalah soto Bandung number one.bukan sup.soto ini rahasia resep sendiri.dulu tempatnya di Pasar Baru sejak jaman Jepang.sekarang dilanjutkan anaknya.saya sudah lebih 60 tahun menikmati Soto Po.lezatnya beda dari soto Bandung lainnya.pasti ada rahasianya
27 November 2019 16:40
They called legend because of their taste. Ringan tapi punya kekuatan dalam rasa. Meskipun tempatnya biasa aja layaknya rumah makan jaman dahulu, tapi layak untuk dapat bintang 5. Kalian kesini bukan karna tempatnya, tapi karna rasanya.
20 Agustus 2019 21:03
Soto legendaris, didirikan tahun 1946, kenapa namanya soto "po"?
Itu diamnil dari nama pendirinya yang nama akhirnya "po" (panjangnya lupa siapa, hehe)
Awalnya berdiri di pasar baru, setelah beliau meninggal, sekarang soto po dilanjutkan oleh anaknya, dan mukanya mirip banget, saya nyangka kalo foto yg terpampang itu dia, eh ternyata itu bapaknya. Waktu itu saya beli yg lokasinya di jl. Rama,
14 Juli 2019 16:06
Harga sebanding dengan rasa.
Lokasi mudah ditemukan, terletak di pinggir jl rama.
Pelayanan bagus.
01 Juli 2019 16:57
Let's learn a bit about Indonesian history. Indonesia gained its independence on the 17th of August 1945, which was 73 years ago. Soto Po (Po's Soup), one of my favourite restaurants in Bandung has been around since 1946. This restaurant is now managed by the son of the original owner, Liok Eng Kwong.

The name derived from the created of Soto Po, Liok Tjin Po. It started as a restaurant inside a market called Pasar Baru.

My whole family used to visit Soto Po a lot, and our relatives from other cities in Indonesia love to gather here for a quick lunch or afternoon meal. What makes Soto Po super special is the broth and the flavour of their beef soup.

Honestly, I could finish two bowls of rice with soup or noodle soup by myself. It's that delicious! Located in Pajajaran Street, a lot of university students and family attend the restaurant on a regular basis. Not only they love the food here, but the price of each dish is also really friendly for the wallet.

One of the best ways to eat the Soto is to have crackers on the side. You can dip it into the soup or just eat it with a spoonful of rice and soup.

Before you pay for your meal, don't forget to order a bowl of Shanghai Ice. It's drizzled with condensed milk and has hidden grass jellies, pineapples, coconut underneath the mountain of shaved ice.

Last time we visited, the owner of the restaurant is unsure whether the business will still be there for the next 10 years. Similar to what's happening in Singapore at the moment, not many young people in Indonesia want to take over their families' restaurant business. It is understandable, but I still hope that Soto Po will still be around for a very long time.
04 Maret 2019 8:10
Tempatnya bersih banget.
Soto dagingnya enak banget
Udah pas semua ga ush tambah kecap, jeruk dll lg
Recommend makan sini
30 Desember 2018 22:53
Soto dg rasa yg khas sekali. Terlihat bening sekali kuahnya. Tp gurihnya terasa sekali. Berlokasi di tempat yg mudah dijangkau.

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