01 Oktober 2023 6:16
Udah tempatnya gerah, ada karyawan juga yang bikin gerah. Tolong evaluasi biar karyawan tau cara bersikap ke customer seperti apa.
30 Juni 2023 4:31
Lokasi sebelah kanan sebelum pintu keluar bersaing dengan beberapa bar ternama lainnya.tempatnya lumayan ga terlalu kecil ataupun luas. Buat kumpul2 yg sambil minum2 asik denger musik, Ga cocok kalo niatnya mnm2 sambil ngobrol santai. Untuk pelayanan standarnya bar, rame nya mulai dri tengah mlm menuju pagi, untuk harga bersaing. Toilet aman dengan pintu terpisah untuk para ladies
12 Mei 2023 11:39
Minimal ordernya ngga terlalu gede, nyaman bgt buat ngechill/heboh.recommended buat mahasiswa yg pengen hiphiphura
13 Desember 2022 3:54
Sekali kali satgas covid datang dnk silaturahmi party bareng2 disini. Stres jangan kerja Mulu.
08 November 2022 23:52
Evrything is great.makanannya enak, minumannya oke.service dan keamanannya terbaik.live music dan dj nya juga keren. 4 thumbs up for ss
03 Oktober 2022 2:59
Greeter nya ngejago, kalo bisa pecat aja, ga ramah banget untuk kerja di dunia FNB mending dagang seblak aja
04 Agustus 2022 2:27
New place in town. The place was fairly small, but the ambience was nice. They have so many staffs and security, so the service was fast and I felt safe.

The foods needed more touch. The chicken steak was dry, the pasta adobo was bland. They have many good varieties of drinks they were cheaper than other similar places.

But I had a bad experience there, at 2 a.m they subtly trying to kick me and my group and said it was closing time. In all my time enjoying bars and clubs, this was the first time smthng like this happened to us. In the end we order one more drink and they let us stayed until the end of the night. In other places, we used to order less than that and they had no problem letting us stayed until 4 a.m. I felt disappointed and disrespected.
13 Juni 2022 11:42
Ramah, pegawainya fast respon & meja selalu di bersihkan, sayangnya penempatan panggung dan table kurang nyaman

Tulis Ulasan

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