02 November 2023 4:47
Gerai nya tidak hanya jual roti cake saja, tersedia dine in resto juga di lantai atas, varian menu western food. Rekomendasi spinach carbonara dan spatula breakfast bun bread nya enak banget, dan order teh manis itu sudah gula cair terpisah.
29 Oktober 2023 5:37
Tempat yg udh jd inceran, krn banyak yg rekomendasiin. Akhirnya kesini jg bersama rekan2 kantor. Tempat ngumpul expatriat sptnya, kmrn emak2 korea pulang main golf mampir disini. Restonya ada di lantai 2, tempatnya tidak terlalu besar tp cukup nyaman. Di lantai 1 ada bakery yg harumnya sampai menguar ke atas. Utk makanan oke standar cafe lah.
27 Oktober 2023 19:26
Pasta n pizzanya cocok si.tapii klo lapar, buru2.jangan pesen pizza yaa karena pasti perlu waktu.
23 Juni 2020 12:40
An option to dine in Sentul. Nice food. Just be patient as it usually take some time to fulfill orders.
16 Juni 2020 16:55
Best best best ever! One of the hidden gem in Sentul City! They serve best food with reasonable prices. They also served pastry, but the main dish was exquisite. The restaurant serves Western food started from pasta, pizza, hamburger beef, and salad. Also, they serve tropical juices that would freshened your mouth. It is located in the hook (corner) of Plaza Niaga.
The place is not really big, but quiet comfortable. Be careful when parking your cars because it's kinda crowded parking lot.
05 Juni 2020 5:36
Saran saya bagi yang baca, pesen new yorkers extra moza + panggang kering sama pesen curly fries.
30 April 2020 2:51
The best martabak ever! Rekomendasi: martabak spesial (NO sugar and NO milk) topping almond-nutella.
01 April 2020 12:33
Sejauh ini belum ada menu yang nggak enak. Semuanya selalu mantap polll! Mulai dari menu spaghetti, nasi, toast, es krim, semuanya enakkk. Sangat direkomendasikan untuk makan bersama keluarga dan teman!
02 Januari 2020 10:11
Except from the inadequate airconditioning (large west facing windows), food really good at those pricing!
01 Januari 2020 21:53
More like American/Indonesian style. Not traditional Italian style. My kids like it. I'd like to see some better quality non pizza items. But I don't think im their target market so.
25 November 2019 17:43
Cuman ke poto croissant nya doang. MasyaAllah ini croissant enakkk. Walaupun ga sourdough kayak punya amante home bakery yang dijogja itu. Tapi rasanya enak banget! Ga kering kerontang kayak yg dijual dibakery kenamaan. Ada lembabnya jadi digigit masih bertekstur ga kayak makan wafer.oia ice cream nya MasyaAllah yang greentea enakl poll, nyusu abiessss gila! Nyenengin bgt deh sukses bikin gembrot.
01 November 2019 12:29
Pelayanan payah. Kata kasir cuman 15 menit, tapi saya tunggu hampir 1 jam.

Harusnya konsisten klo lebih sekitar 20/30 menit ok lah. Ini saya hampir 1 jam di situ.
22 Agustus 2019 13:05
Kalo ada bintang enam, saya kasih bintangnya enam. Mestinya sangat dapet tuh bintang enam dari saya yah.
19 Agustus 2019 10:11
Tempatnya bagus, semua makanan dan minuman yang saya coba enak rasanya. Pelayannya ramah. Saya sudah berkali-kali juga beli roti dan kue di sini. Untuk kafenya harganya agak tinggi, tapi sesuai valuenya deh. Untuk meeting santai cocok banget
26 Juli 2019 15:22
Cafe kecil ini menyediakan kue2, roti, snack, kopi, jus, coklat, es krim selain menu makanan besar seperti aneka pasta, nasi, mie, dll. Makanannya enak. Tempatnya lumayan nyaman, tapi tempatnya terbatas. Paling sekitar 10 meja @4-6 orang. Lokasi di area niaga sentul city. Cocok utk yg cari sarapan ringan atau snack sore/malam. Utk cari aneka cake dan es krim juga cocok. Harga rata2 per cake 30 rb, minuman sekitar segitu juga.
26 Juli 2019 5:50
Disappointed. We came almost 40 minutes earlier but two table next to us got their order first. Even our ice tea came later after we kept asking about it.
Even worst when they post the customer care phone number, and the number could not be reached and not even exist. Worst service in culinary business.
25 Juli 2019 7:13
This place is in Plaza Niaga. All of its menu are so delicious. Affordable. I often buy bakery and ice cream. Must try all of its food.
03 Juli 2019 10:02
Ice creamnya enak, pizzanya enak, beragam jenisnya dan lain dengan pizza yang terkenal itu. Tempatnya nyaman, menu lainnya juga enak, roti-rotinya juga enak
15 April 2019 0:17
This place consists of a bakery (which also has gelato and other sweet stuffs) and a restaurant.

We ordered spinach carbonara penne, creamy spinach pizza, and caesar salad. They taste so goodd! The pizza was really soft yet crispy. The penne and pizza was deliciously creamy.

However, please do anticipate some waiting time when the restaurant is full during weekends. The restaurant is quite small that can only sit 6-7 groups at a time.
06 April 2019 15:31
We ordered its pizza, the dough is thin and crispy which I liked.one of my list for pizza and gelato
05 April 2019 4:27
Abis jalan dari jungleland, mampir dulu nyari cafe terdekat buat ngobrol-ngobrol. Dapet info soal tempat ini langsung cuus kesan pertamanya seneng banget, interiornya juga keren apalagi pas ke atas. Buat menu, suka banget sama pizzanya ️
26 Maret 2019 12:36
Love this place! Came here many times, a good place to visit when we go to Sentul. The first floor is the bakery and smells so good each time we went there. They offer bread and pastries but the yoghurt ice creams are our favourites and worth going back for. The food taste good as well and priced affordably. There aren't many tables so it does get quite full on the weekends and during meal times, service was rather slow as well but still we really love what we ordered there and it remains one of our favourite place to go to.
18 Maret 2019 16:01
The gelato is delicious. The aglio olio is delicious also. But the black olive fried rice is too salty (too bad). The prices are pricy for me, but it's relative I think. Nice place to have lunch or dinner with fam and friends.
09 Maret 2019 20:42
Nice croissants, good coffee, sweet martabak, and for dinner decent pizzas. Simple atmosphere, quiet - no blaring "music". Take-away, and delivery service
01 September 2018 20:24
Makanannya enak2 semuaaaaa. Aplg pizza bayamnya nyam nyam bangeeettt, spageti aglio olionya paling endes blm ada yg ngalahin hehe. Sering kesini krn aku dan anak2ku suka semua makanannya dan skrng dari Parung ga pake macet krn langsung masuk tol dari dpn BCC

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