13 Oktober 2023 12:03
One of the Starbucks branches in Bandung which is not too busy, not lots of people inside. Recommendation for wfc. For those who don't like coffee, the teas from Teavana are worth trying, especially the Teavana youthberry
17 Juni 2023 4:54
Pelayan yang ramah dengan sabar membantu saya memilih minuman yang sesuai dengan selera dan memberikan rekomendasi.
Kualitas minuman di Starbucks Braga City juga konsisten dan sangat memuaskan. Kopi yang disajikan selalu segar dan bermutu tinggi, dengan cita rasa yang kaya dan seimbang.
Selain itu, variasi menu di Starbucks ini juga sangat lengkap, mulai dari kopi klasik hingga minuman baru yang inovatif.
Secara keseluruhan, Starbucks Braga City adalah tempat yang menyenangkan untuk menikmati kopi dengan pelayanan yang bagus.
16 Juni 2023 18:17
Makanan nya dan minuman nya hampir sama tak jauh beda dengan starbucks yg lain.pelayannya ramah dan suasana bagus dan menarik.
15 Juni 2023 14:13
Minum kopi nikmat dengan keramahan pelayanan dan suasanya nyaman dan menyenangkan,
Selalu ingin kembali kesini di setiap ada kesempatan.
11 Mei 2020 20:54
Gak boleh kelewat harus nongki di starbuks dimana pun di tiap kota ato rest area, tempatnya bagus nyaman dan banyak unsur seninya dari hiasan yg menggantung di atas atap, sampe kursi" sofa beraneka warna d setiap sudut yg bikin mata seger buat ngeliat setiap detailnya, mas dan mbaknya juga ramah
03 Mei 2020 10:39
It’s cute & tight, a proper hide & seek place but a little bit stinks. Maybe it was from the fabric on the back (sofà) ? Idk. Also there was occasional septic odors.
20 November 2019 22:30
Its a typical Starbucks with its standard quality service and products. The differentiating factor is location location location, smack in the middle of Bandung scenic Braga Streetwalk!
10 November 2019 7:10
Klo untuk starbuck dimanapun buka caranya pasti tempatnya strategis &nyaman juga sih untuk ketemuan sama pacar dan juga teman kerja
13 Oktober 2019 11:13
Nice place to get a cup of coffee. Also done your homework, meeting, have a talk with your friends or family.
07 Oktober 2019 15:59
Kalau malam enak datang kesini. Tempat duduk juga ada yg diluar (bukan diteras). Makanannya juga enak dengan kopi.
20 September 2019 10:02
It is located inside braga city walk. Kinda crowded with those who gym in gold gym. Their service is quite good. The staff is very friendly too
11 September 2019 17:48
Kopi yang menjual brand, ada gengsi tersendiri jika ngopi disini. Rata-rata pengunjung lebih menikmati tempatnya daripada ngopinya. Oleh sebab itu starbucks di kenal sebagai tempat nongkrong yang asik dan bergengsi. Enjoy!
03 September 2019 8:00
Always love this branch of coffee place, everywhere. They always give a great coffee, great ambience and a great staff to serve your need of cafeine.
12 Agustus 2019 20:06
Starbucs menyediakan aneka racikan kopi yang nikmat banget.

Berbagai racikan kopi nikmat tersedia do sini
14 Juli 2019 9:35
Best place to spend your time alone. Super nice staffs, a lot of seats, decent amount of power socket (yas) and superb wifi (major yas). My favorite highlight in this starbucks location is the fact that the music wasn't too loud unlike some other starbucks I went to. Went here a couple times and somehow it was never that crowded, both day and night, weekend and weekdays, which is lovely! There are outdoor seatings as well so don't worry. Located beside Braga Citywalk so it's very easy too access. One of my favorite starbucks location in Bandung!
12 Juli 2019 9:06
Dont drink their coffee, but instead try their other menu, macha latte, tea, chocolate, panini, greek yogurt.very comfy if you want to work in here.
25 Juni 2019 7:46
This starbucks is located in front of braga city walk with calm atmosphere on the inside and nice view if you're outside but this place is smaller compared to another branches on the outside there's no fan so yeah its a little bit hot. Overall the staff are friendly and the place give me good memories
30 Mei 2019 15:36
Cozy place, perfect place to enjoy me time with coffee.friendly and helpfull staff, the place is easy to find, but you have to sharing table and not much available electricity if you bring lapstop or gadget
16 Mei 2019 3:39
Hampir setiap hari, sesudah gym saya mampir kesini untuk menikmati segelas kopi. Pelayanannya oke. Tempat juga bersih
06 Mei 2019 0:22
Ya namanya Starbucks pasti top deh ya. Cuma tempatnya agak sempit sih, kurang cocok buat nongkrong rame"
27 April 2019 5:25
Rasanya tidak ada yg istimewa ya, ukuran tempat tidak terlalu luas tapi tidak juga terlalu sempit. Ada pilihan non smoking & smoking area. Tapi kurang cocok kalau membawa laptop & hendak menghabiskan banyak waktu disini, diameter meja bulatnya terlalu kecil. Lebih cocok untuk menyendiri, membaca novel sambil menikmati kopinya. Sepertinya orang-orang lebih memilih take away & melanjutkan aktivitas di sekitar jalan Braga.
15 April 2019 6:37
Sama seperti outlet Starbuck yang lainnya, tempatnya nyaman baik yang di luar atau di dalam, hanya saja bagi yang ingin ngopi sambil menikmati jalan Braga, paling tepat pilih tempat di luar karena view-nya langsung jalanan Braga dengan lalu lalang kendaraan, termasuk Bandros (Bandung Tour on Bus).
11 April 2019 12:54
Cozy and calm despite the hustling location. Barista can be more gentle with bean bags. Complete selection of Starbucks' core coffee bean. Cool accessories are also available
05 April 2019 22:35
The location is great. And the morning vibe is calming your mind. A bit dissapointing for parking in this area.
24 Maret 2019 1:15
Salah satu tempat favorite buat nongkrong, karena emang udah jadi member juga. Internet kenceng dan ga ribet buat diakses
01 Maret 2019 8:50
Biasa si, kaya Starbucks2 biasa. Rasanya. Harganya. Hehe cuma ini tempatnya bagus soalnya di jalan braga terus disamping braga citywalk.
25 Februari 2019 11:08
Desain tempat kopinya lumayan bagus, memanjang tapi ada pilar besar di tengah gedungnya, mungkin memang bawaan gedung lama, tapi enak dan cozy disini, baristanya oke lah minumannya standar sbux pada umnya
01 Februari 2019 6:05
Same coffee as Starbucks Christmas Blend, but with a different name. In 2013, the coffee team decided it was time to create a new identity for Holiday Blend, and a unique recipe featuring bright Latin American and smooth Indonesian coffees was born. The result is an elegant flavor with layers of maple and herbal notes that are balanced with a medium acidity and body. Holiday Blend is complex enough to satisfy your coffee cravings throughout the season, yet approachable enough to share with a crowd
06 November 2018 22:44
Inside the Braga City Walk there is absolutely nothing to do, so i decided to grab some coffee while waiting for my train. There are lots of choices in Braga street, but i don't know why i kept coming to Starbucks. There are lots of table inside, especially when we are coming alone or as a couple. The wifi is open and free and pretty fast, love the music ambience and strong coffee smell. No restroom here, we need to go to the mall toilet. This is your standard Starbucks coffee in a good location. Cheers.

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