11 September 2023 6:50
Jujur saja untuk kopi nya sebenernya rasanya biasa aja, harga nya terlalu tinggi. Kemari juga sebenernya bukan kepengen kopi nya cuman butuh tempat nya aja, jadi gak terlalu inget order apa, karna random aja milihnya. Starbuck itu cafe nya paling enak buat dipake meeting. Tempatnya tenang, fasilitas nya oke, bersih dan pelayanan nya gercep banget.
05 September 2023 20:33
Services are not like real barusta suppose to be. They are slow. And when I went to spv. “RIKA” she act like nothing not even applogies.
16 Juli 2023 11:25
Selalu pesen javachip frappucino less sugar. Pelayannya oke, cepat, ramah dan informatif. Tempat luas bersih dan nyaman.
16 Juli 2023 0:33
The best place when i need space for recharge my energy
Food is good absolutely, coffee absolutely good, atmosphere is good too, and the service totally good. The barista is really kind
24 Juni 2023 5:42
Tempatnya dan suasananya nyaman, untuk makanan dan minuman sama lah ya dengan starbucks lain pada umumnya.
09 Juni 2023 14:05
I won't recommend buying a drink from this Starbucks. The coffee taste is awful, and the quantity is super small. I also ordered green tea latte less ice extra matcha and it's taste awful for a IDR59K beverage, the tumbler I bring is grande size but the fill not even half bottle and the barista said it's because of the less ice. What a smart guy, Starbucks should hire more like him.
07 Juni 2023 22:16
Seems like others Starbucks outlet, masih jadi tempat nongky untuk menikmati aneka minuman dan cemilan khas warkop HIJAU ini.

So nothing special to rate it.
04 Mei 2020 1:08
Pelayanan ramah, tapi sayang petugas masih sering salah memberikan pelayanan kepada pelanggan atau bahkan kurang teliti
15 April 2020 17:52
Tempatnya nyaman.luas.menu kopi ma makanannya cukup banyak pelayanannya sangat ramah.yg penting anak2 suka buat nyantai
10 April 2020 19:58
Waktu kesana hari minggu malem senin. Antrinya lumayan lah tapi ga kaya di store lain. Untuk dine in nya lumayan sepi sih ga terlalu rame. I'm enjoy it. Cukup strategis.
10 April 2020 12:21
Barista nya jutek, pernah mau diusir gua gara" dikira ga pesen beverage padahal mh udah gua buang ke tempat sampah biar ga kotor, selaku member starbucks sejak lama baru kali ini gua direndahin, di depan banyak orang lagi
30 Maret 2020 15:40
Tempatnya oke dan rame, cuma kalau beli di pagi hari terkadang pelayanan lama (maybe kurang staff di shift pagi)
14 Maret 2020 15:43
As always still favourite coffee shop in town
But the location outside here is hot not comfortable
the barista behind the cashier machine is not friendly for information we need,
05 Maret 2020 5:36
This store might be too small to be in a Mall, they're overloaded with people most of the time but the baristas are attentive and very welcoming even on busy hours and a long line of customers.
01 Maret 2020 17:11
Seperti kopi Starbucks pada umumnya, saya hanya mau kasih bintang.
Untuk tempat kecil dan selalu ramai apabila sore sampai malam hari.
26 Februari 2020 21:12
Sbux paling dekat dengan kantor, jadi paling sering jajan di sini. Apalagi kalau lagi promo. Luv!
20 Februari 2020 1:05
Tempatnya nyaman, cuma bangku buat no smokingnya kurang banyak.
Pelayanan baik.
Suasanya nyaman.
Tidak menyatu didalam mall.
07 Februari 2020 6:08
Such a cozy place, with speed internet connection, warm welcoming by cashier and barista. Great drinks!
23 Desember 2019 0:30
Mall favorite warga Bekasi, cuma siap siap kaki pegelll. Karna jarak parkir dan semua area berjauhan
11 November 2019 20:10
The seat inside is sooo comfortable. And outside is a bit windy though. You'll hardly find a seat on weekend. The baristas are sooo friendly
18 Oktober 2019 3:56
Like most western chains in Indonesia, this was poorly run. 8.30 a.m. On a Sunday morning they didn't have any of my 1st 3 choices of breakfast combination sandwich. The 4th choice wasn't available as part of a deal which meant I ended up spending more and getting less. Such a common practice in Jakarta, sadly! When will these places come remotely up to scratch, no toilet in the premises either so you have to spend a penny in the mall or hotel nearby (I'd advise this before sitting down to try and enjoy a substandard coffee).
19 September 2019 9:53
Great! Architectural is efficiently to keep the building nice - decorated.it's great to Having time to take your unfinished job, with some relaxing coffee.
16 September 2019 20:13
Pelayanan bagus. Cepat. Tempat bersih. Tetapi lokasi susah ditemukan karena diluar gedung mall dan berada di belakang gedung. Kalau mau kesini masuk lewat gerbang hotel Harris saja.
06 September 2019 6:19
Tempatnya Cozy buat nongkrong, letaknya strategis.letaknya arah belakang mall (kearah alazhar) deket dengan haris
28 Agustus 2019 9:57
Lokasi strategis terletak di bagian depan mall dengan fasilitas indoor yang nyaman dan outdoor yang bisa dimanfaatkan bagi pengunjung yang merokok

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