22 Juni 2023 7:19
Saya senang sekali dapat mengadakan penelitian disini. Terima kasih kepada Ibu, Bapak dan teman-teman SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan yang telah membantu penelitian saya tentang Perpustakaan Digital IBekasikab
13 Januari 2023 12:42
Sekolah yg bagus, security nya ramah, ada petugas lobby nya juga.
Jam belajarnya pun panjang, dari pagi sampai sore, tidak seperti sekolah negeri lain.
Sayang nya berada dijalan kampung, jadi kalau bubaran sekolah sangat macet.
14 November 2022 7:37
Lama banget ga kesini. Lulus tahun 2000. Pernah beberapa kali kesini pas Reuni akbar. Juga ke GOR voli depannya waktu acara kantor. Rencana mau sekolahin anak disini juga tahun depan (2023). Tapi aksesnya sekarang macet. Jadi buat pertimbangan
14 Oktober 2022 20:16
Aku alumni bonlap Tambun 1992.skrng mrantau k Jateng ikut suami.kangen dg almamater sklh SMA Ku.bgtu bnyk memory slm 3 thn.kls 1.5.2 bio 2.3 bio 2. Amoeba anak moeda bio 2.
24 Agustus 2022 10:40
Termasuk salah satu SMA Favorit di Kab. Bekasi dan terfavorit di Kec. Tambun Selatan, Kab. Bekasi. Sukses selalu untuk SMAN 1 TamSel
09 Agustus 2022 13:38
Anak saya daftar tahun kemaren ikut jalur zonasi online sudah ada di no 43 giliran daftar ulang namay hilang.
16 Juli 2022 17:21
Masya allah Tabarakallah. Anak ku Lulus tahun ini dr SMAN 1 TAMBUN SELATAN. Trima kasih buat para GuruĀ² Pembimbing yg selama 3 tahun sllu ada buat anakĀ² smga Kalian smua Allah limpahkan Nikmat Sehat, Keberkahan dalam segala Hal juga sllu dlm lindungan Allah Ta'ala. Aamiin
15 April 2022 8:42
Sekolah Menengah Atas di daerah Tambun Selatan, Sekolah luas, asri, dan nyaman, terdapat banyak fasilitas yg menunjang pendidikan muridnya. (Foto dari Gugel).
27 Januari 2020 11:50
"South Tambun 1 State High School" or known by the name Bonlap, which is used by the name of the road that is Kebon Kelapa, is one of the state high schools in Bekasi, West Java, which is predicated as a National Standard School (SBN). SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan was established in 1987. The rapid development of the school is accompanied by an increase in physical facilities and academic achievements and student skills making people living in Bekasi and surrounding areas interested in being able to send their sons and daughters to SMA 1 Tambun Selatan.

For extracurricular activities in this school include English Club, Japanese Language, IT Club, Jounalistic Organization Of Bonlap, Youth Scientific Group, Photography Club of Smantas, Paskibra, Scouts, Youth Red Cross, Red Ant, Rohis AL Jihat, Chat Art Studio, Environment Life, Nature lover. And this extracurricular activity takes place every Friday after returning from school at 15.00 -17.00 WIB.

One of the achievements of this school has been, sending its students as ambassadors of Indonesian students to the United States in 2010. Then, it ranked 32 out of 1600 participants at the 2010 National Science Olympiad, ranked 11th out of 59 participants at the National Physics Olympiad at ITS in 2011,1st place in the National Japanese Language Speech Competition at Persada University, and 1st place in the 2015 SMENTION National Debate Contest.

This school is also actively cooperating with the local government and CSR from the closest companies in the context of socializing the dangers of crime and narcotics.

As is well known, geographically the existence of SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan is a support and buffer for the population of the capital city. The widening of industrialization, the development of technology and culture in the current of globalization, make SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan need to improve themselves to answer the challenges of the times. The existence of SMA 1 geographically in the midst of the people of Bekasi Regency must be able to bridge and at the same time adjust to the needs needed by the community.

Always success for SMAN 1 Tambun Selatan.
15 Oktober 2019 2:11
Sekolah yang banyak kenangannya, selalu renovasi setiap tahunnya kereeennn, bikin kita disiplin juga, dan banyak kegiatan2 positif yang dilakukan sebelum masuk kelas, seperti literasi ataupun tadarus al-qur'an
04 Agustus 2019 21:21
Sekolahnya luas
Lapangan ada 2
Lab komputer 2
Masjid masih dalam pembangunan
Kelas menggunakan AC
Banyak Kucing juga Pablo, Pedro, Siska, TanpaNama, Tina, Joni, Jona, Lulu, Caca, Kucing Kawaii, Luki, Luka, Puebla, Henry, Cemong.
23 Maret 2019 3:03
SEKOLAH FAVORIT NIHH.lapangannya luas lagi. Negeri tapi ber-AC saya lihat. Toilet bersih lagi. Ada WALL CLIMBING juga, mungkin buat peserta ekstrakurikuler tertentu. Yang pasti, ini sekolah jadi incaran buanyakkk orang. Monggo, yang mau daftarin putra/putrinya di sini.

Tulis Ulasan

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