29 Oktober 2023 23:06
Tips for going to the national library of the republic of Indonesia from SMAN 7 Bekasi

the item required is an e-money card

1. From SMAN 7 Bekasi we can take public transportation k44/kr and get off at Plaza Cibubur
2. After arriving at Plaza Cibubur, continue taking public transportation 121 and get off at the Cibubur Junction busway stop
3. Tap the electronic money card into the machine, then take busway 7C towards Cibubur-BKN
4. When you arrive at BKN, continue on busway 5C to PGC 1-Juanda
5.get off at the city hall bus stop (before Juanda)
6.then tap out the card
7. Walk slightly to the right to cross
8. Arrive at your destination

name: Dea Juhria Tri Awalia and Zahra Khairunnisa Nazlia

class: X-1
28 Agustus 2023 21:51
Korup Mulu, Atep bolong aja ga dibenerin, AC panas, beli bangku di situ 15 JT + bayar gedung 7,5
27 Agustus 2023 9:21
Korupsi aja terus biar kenyang
AC nya panas
Pintu rusak
Atap bolong
Kursi meja bolongĀ²
Cuma baik di depan kamera aja faktanya
10 Juli 2023 23:45
Sekolahan nya rapi, bersih, tertata tenaga pengajar nya ramah ramah dan dekat dengan tempat tinggal saya. Jos banget.
15 Januari 2023 20:36
Aku kesini pas event kimochi no matsuri, sekolahnya bagus tempatnya nyaman, dan asik banget

Tulis Ulasan

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