13 Agustus 2023 5:12
Lokasi tepat dipinggir pantai timur pangandaran.
Lihat sunrise tepat didepan kamar.
Ada kolam renang buat anak dlam hotel.
10 Agustus 2023 20:23
The best hotel in Batukaras! The buffet breakfast was so good. Traditional Indonesian style. Very recommended. The rooms were very clean. Friendly staff and helpful owner.the best.
24 Juni 2023 2:06
We spent four nights at Sunrise Hotel and loved our stay. The room and the resort was extremely clean and lovingly designed. At the same time, we received a super warm welcome from the owner family and felt very comfortable throughout our stay. The owners Sumi, Tony, and their children as well as all other staff were impressive; they always gave an open ear for questions and helped with all matters such as scooter rental, restaurant recommendations, transport etc. This made our stay unique and perfect. The location of the hotel is also ideal. All surf spots and beaches can be reached by foot and by scooter.

Absolute recommendation! We can't wait to come back.
13 April 2023 12:27
Always a joy! Quiet, incredibly clean and so comfortable! The owners are very accommodating and helpful. I will keep coming back.
10 April 2023 5:36
Nyaman bgt.
Kamar bersih, WC bersih, fasilitas lengkap, TV oke, sarapan cukup, pool luas dan bersih, mau ke pantai tinggal nyebrang, ,
Betah pokoknya nginep disini.
Bakal balik kesini lagi sih kapan2, ,
25 Maret 2023 14:12
We booked 4 days and stayed 1 month. The hotel is insane, super equipped clean rooms, good mattresses and a huge pool. Perfect location, close to the sea and centered between both surf spots. The best part though are the owners and staff. So friendly and helpful. They fulfill your every need before you even know you have them! Unbelievable! We can hardly wait to come back.
12 Maret 2022 17:33
Hotel ternyaman di batu karas dengan harga terjangkau.tempat bersih dan fasilitas lengkap.keren!
27 Februari 2022 4:01
Kamar familynya cukup besar dan bagus cuma telpon di kamarnya tidak bisa untuk telpon ke kamar sebelah dan breakfastnya cukup enak walaupun variasinya sedikit dan lokasi hotelnya dekat green canyon dan pantai untuk surfing
10 Desember 2021 2:06
Love love love banget, tempat bersih, kolam luas, lokasi strategis, hospitality cukup baik. Sarapan lumayan enak dan dapet ekstra buah potong juga, meskipun ga terlalu banyak pilihan. InsyaAlloh bakalan balik lagi bersama keluarga besar.
27 November 2021 22:26
Hotel bersih.owner baik bgt. Alhamdulillah dpt gratis sarapan untuk tambahan org anak2 happy, dekat pantai.sukaaaaaaaa dan pasti kembali terimakasih banyak
27 November 2021 3:34
Sangat berkesan pelayanan sangat ramah, hotel dgn fasilitas yg cukup memadai, bersih tertata rapi, ada kolam renangnya membuat anak jadi betah
19 November 2021 21:09
Sering kali saya bawa tamu ke sini.
Semenjak ada covid saya belom bisa mampir. Dan jnagan lupa harus silaturahmi.
10 November 2021 3:17
Responsive, informative, friendly services. Right from booking process until we checked out. Nice room and facilities, strategically placed near the beach. Ver recommended for family vacation
06 Agustus 2021 14:03
The best hotel in batukaras, have private swimming pool, family room quite spacious and they have good services.
04 Agustus 2021 8:36
Ini benar benar tempat yg cocok untuk berlibur, resortny nyaman, bagus, bersih, fasilitasny lengkap dr pd hotel yg lain.breakfastny jg yummy. Ini hotel saya rekomendasikan bagi yang mau menginap di batukaras,
23 Juli 2021 19:56
Nice place to stay holiday with family in batu karas, clean hotel, hospitaly also. Swimming pool clean and near from my room, parking available and nice staff, many thanks.
28 Maret 2020 15:59
Family hotels and friendly environment. Cozy and great hospitality. Friendly staffs And clean. Loved the place
24 Maret 2020 23:59
I have visited Batukaras many times over the past 5 years. This was the first time I have stayed in Sunrise Resort. To my surprise this morning I was greeted with a full Buffet Breakfast. This included fruit, good variety of main course both western and indonesian, cakes, juice, tea/coffee and or water. I could eat and drink as much as I want at this hotel. I'm dumb founded as to why other hotels in this area are not doing the same. Extremely good value for money, this hotel is fully facilitated including onsight atm, pool and spa!
19 Maret 2020 19:10
Hotel terbaik dan ter urus di batukaras.harga kamar sangat terjangkau dengan fasilitas yang lengkap. Di dalam kamar mandi Ammenities nya lengkap:)
19 Maret 2020 9:13
Clean room, affordable price, i was surprised with the full Buffet Breakfast provided.with both Indonesian traditional food and western food too.anyways you get what you pay for!
11 Maret 2020 9:43
Very nice hotel, big pool with rest area, good location for surfers in the middle between the two spots in Batu Karas the point and the reef. To get to the beach you just need to cross the road. I was there in January 2020, during the rainy season and "off season" for surfers and brought my Performace SUP and shortboard. However, it rained only occasionally and I could surf every day with waves between knee/hip high up to a bit overhead. The point and the reef allow for very long rides. At other beaches around Batu Karas (~30 min by motor bike) it was even bigger (1.5 x ~ 2 x overhead). Very friendly owners (Tony and his wife Sumi) and staff. You can rent motor bikes diretly from the hotel 50.000 RP/day. Tony, a former professional surfer from Australia, knows where the waves are best and showed me all the good spots also in the area around Batu Karas. He has also organised my trip from Jakarta airport to Batu Karas and back. Very tasty and excellent breakfast buffet. Big, comfy rooms with air condition, free Wifi. If you stay there, you should try the body massage in the SPA. Perfect place to relax and to enjoy the excellent waves. The Sunrise Resort, highly recommended!
03 Maret 2020 14:30
Hotel nya bersih, dan sangat nyaman, staf nya sangat ramah apalagi yg melayani di bagian restoran pas sarapan pagi ada bapak dede kalo ga salah org nya sangat ramah sekali pelayanan nya sangat baik, pokonya next kita kalo liburan ke batukaras nginepnya di sunrise lg.
23 Februari 2020 11:58
Kolam berenang bersih, service nya ok, menu sarapan pagi banyak pilihan nya (western food And indonesian food) (menu ala carte). Sampai saya bingung mau pesan yang mana. Dan saya diberi discount karena langsung booking dengan owner nya.ini hotel keren banget.sukses terus sunrise!
12 Februari 2020 19:00
Pelayanan oke. Kamar bersih. Kolam renang bersih. Taman2 dpn kamar bagus. Parkir cukuplah.

Kran air wudhu di kamar mandi kecil. Tea pot /termos harus diminta.

Akan berkunjung lagi kalo ke batukaras
06 Februari 2020 21:13
Hotel nya bearish banget, kolam berenang ter urus, air kolam nya jernih dan pakai sistem desjoyaux, buffet breakfast byk pilihan, staff hotel ramah-ramah
03 Februari 2020 8:01
Hotel nya luas, bersih, ke urus, staff nya ramah" begitu juga dengan owner nya. Jarak deket sama pantai.view resto nya pantai
23 Januari 2020 17:01
Kolam berenang nya ter urus sekali, kamar bersih, breakfast nya byk pilihan sesuai dengan standar hotel nya
16 Januari 2020 17:18
Kamar bersih dan nyaman, kolam renang bagus, tp sayang makannya hanya nasi/mie goreng, ngga level dgn hotelnya
11 Oktober 2019 1:29
Aku gak nginep disini tapi lewat sini mungkin. Nginepnya mah di hotel so OYO hotel. Yg punyanya ramah banget tempatnya bersih nyaman dg fasilitas kamar yg lengkap. Okeh banget.
10 Oktober 2019 2:01
Nice hotel. Only stayed one night but enjoyed it. Small but well kitted out room. Lovely pool and gardens. Simple but tasty included breakfast.
04 September 2019 15:21
Fantastic place to stay. Great pool, quiet, handy to everything and very good value. The host Tony was great with local tips and even showed us around. Clean and well appointed rooms, I highly recommend staying here.
26 Agustus 2019 14:55
Pas qt kesana lagi mendung dan grimis jd blm bs liat sunrise.tp asyiknya main diombak sm main banana boat yg menegangkan.yg seru naik gladiatornya.
14 Agustus 2019 15:45
We stayed for four days at sunrise resort and it was an absolute joy. Sunrise was particularly good because it is near the beach, a short ten minute walk from the surf, but away from all the crowds and noise. Beautifully maintained resort with a lovely big room and everything is spotlessly clean. Breakfast was generous, we hired a motorbike and the owners Tony and Sumi could not have been more generous. Sumi also arranged our passage back to Yogyakarta with an excellent driver. Thankyou very much for everything. Highly recommended.
20 Maret 2019 16:22
Salah satu hotel di Batu Karas dengan pilihan kolam renang. Posisi dekat pantai namun bukan di sisi terbaik nya. Kamar cukup bersih dan teratur. Bangunan terawat, namun kolam renang lumayan tinggi kaporitnya. Sarapan kurang variarif. Sepi saat malam hari di luar hotel
15 Maret 2019 8:00
Actualy its a nice well maintaned clean hotel have slept here for several time. Yet this time, after long drive we arrive that night expecting to have rest. Yet the neighbors are soo noisy. They partying and dangdutan all night. Zzz
18 Desember 2018 8:06
Charged for 6 days when I stayed 3. Friend was badly injured, and we were told "the extra care" warranted being charged for our original stay of 6 days. The extra care was 1 car ride. Owner refused refund. Disgraceful, he seemed like such a nice guy too. Really a shame to treat people like that, especially in a time of crisis. Avoid at all costs, owner seems great but is two-faced and greedy.

Response to owner: You did NOT refund me. The refund was forced by my credit card company and I initiated it, not you. What a disingenuous response, trying to mislead people into thinking you gave me a refund.
02 Agustus 2018 16:38
Hotelnya sekitar 50 meter dari pinggir pantai. Ada kolam renang. Friendly staff. Ada air panas namun toilet sempit. Tidak ada kulkas padahal daerah pantai lebih asyik kalau bisa taro minuman dingin. Tidak ada teko listrik untuk memasak air, jika ingin air panas akan diberikan termos besar yang bisa diisi ulang gratis. Saat saya ke sana dengan keluarga besar menyewa 4 kamar. Pada saat checkout kunci diletakkan tergantung di pintu masing - masing karena lokasi kamar juga tidak jauh dari lobby. Namun pada saat di cek per kamar, handuk di salah satu kamar hilang (2 pcs). Yang menempati kamar adalah orang tua (Nenek-nenek 2 orang) yang mengatakan handuk diletakkan di tempat tidur 1 dan di kamar mandi 1 tapi setelah di cek tidak ada sehingga kami harus mengganti 1 pcs Rp 150 ribu. Saat saya di sana, listrik mati lebih dari 2x namun ada lampu emergency dan genset. Breakfast hanya ada pilihan terbatas, nasi goreng, mie goreng atau roti dengan jatah per kamar 2 porsi. Di luar kejadian kehilangan handuk, overall cukup menyenangkan.

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