22 Agustus 2023 7:00
7.75/10 Kentang, cookies, toast sm maranggi nya enak tapi paling Sukak banget sama kopi sekawan dan pisang karamel nya. Buat tempat nya nyaman yaa pelayanan juga ramah.
Untuk minuman rasa nya kurang konsisten, tapi pembuatan dan pengantaran cepat
Untuk makanan rasanya selalu konsisten, tapi.pembuatan nya lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sekali. Untuk area parkir cukup luas dan mudah. Ada toilet yang bersih serta musholla juga bersih dekat dengan kolam dan ada angsa nya nyaman sekali untuk ibadah. Tapi kalo ujan dan gaada payung skip. Soalnya agak jauh posisi nya kalau dari coffe shop nya. Overall oke dan akan selalu kembali karena dekat rumah dan sudah jadi comfort food ku. Sukses yaa
13 Agustus 2023 7:00
Japanese coffeenya enak!
Menu makan beratnya juga enak. Ah pokonya rekomen banget deh. Cinta
Ada indoor ada semi outdoor, seating areanya luas. Vibenya berasa di rumah yang adem semilir gitu.
20 Juni 2023 6:59
Best spot in Bogor. Amazing coffee, great food. Manual brew always favorite here. I recommend to try their artisan tea, great choice of tea.
02 Juni 2023 0:46
Suasananya tenang, oke untuk kerja atau mengerjakan tugas, kopinya enak, pelayanan sangat ramah
20 Mei 2023 23:02
Tempatnya oke dan tidak pas banget di pinggir jalan. Jadinya bikin tenang buat orang yang mau nugas atau kerja. Sudah parkiran luas, adem pula. Tampilannya juga oke, industrial modern ala vintage. Pokoknya gitu.
17 April 2023 1:16
For drinks, I ordered hot cafe latte, ice cafe latte, ice chocolate and ice matcha latte. My sister ordered iced matcha and chocolate, so I don't know how they taste, but the cafe latte is delicious. But it's lighter than the espresso I've had so far than I thought. It feels a bit like cold brew? A bit embarrassing, but delicious. It also has a strange taste. The latte art is pretty.
We also ordered some snacks: bala-bala, pisang coklat, roti bandung, and chicken and fries. I ate everything except Bala-bala. Bala-bala size is too small, Pisang coklat is a bit tasty, but it doesn't taste like banana and it's smaller than I thought. I wondered what kind of bread roti bandung was, but it's just plain bread toast, and the last one is Chicken and fries, the most delicious among the snacks I ordered, but It's just that, crunchy and salty. Order this rather than just fries, Chicken and Fries. But for all the snacks I ordered are all overpriced.
And the indoor room was too small, so it was very disappointing for someone (like me) who hates outdoors, doesn't smoke, and doesn't like inhaling cigarette smoke. I want to eat at Dine-in, but what if the room is full?
And since we went in the evening, the road was a bit dark, and there is a prayer room, but it's small. The road to the prayer room was too dark. I almost lost my way.
10 Februari 2023 17:27
Been there for couple of time and definitely would love to revisit!
Great spacious area with various menu offered. Not sure if the coffee will meet your expectation because I prefer to have a cup of an artisan tea here, plus, it can refill once!
The food also taste great and enough. I am okay with all the food I ordered so far. Once tried poffertjess and it came with quite big portion complement with a scoup of ice cream.
Seating area are plenty, mostly outdoor but the circulation is quite good, since the building design with an open air.
There also praying room near the fabricated small lake with a lot fishes, made this praying area bring more peace. No need to worry on parking lot as the whole area is huge. Couple of times there were also held community gathering there to do some.kinda excercise or something, I am not sure. No worries, you will not even being distract from them.
Prices are moderate to high but can considered as worth.

Power socket is available almost everywhere, but internet connection need to be improved a bit. Especially when the gamers come in:)

Since almost of the area is open for smoking except indoor, some guests like me may not comfortable with the smells. Need to sit in strategic area where the winds blows.

Even I am not a smoker, I always feel goosebumps when entering the toilet. Not because the thing like you know who.but it feels like treathening my life as I doing 'my business' near the freakin huge gasss wkwkw (it is just me or? I am just feel not okay:) )
09 Desember 2022 16:03
Numpang duduk di sini karena lagi hadiri acara nikahan bestie saya. Baik banget gak diminta pindah duduk karena bukan pelanggan Coffee Roaster. Makasih ya
02 Juli 2022 1:17
Lumayan untuk menikmati kopi bersama rekan bisnis. Area cukup luas dan menarik. Mari petualang!
08 Mei 2022 16:12
Tempatnya nyaman dan cozzy banget untuk nongkrong, parkir kendaraan lumayan luas cuma aksesnya agak sempit aja. Menu Kopi & makanan terbatas dengan harga sedikit tinggi diatas rata2.
11 April 2022 21:34
Cozy coffee shop and serve good coffee too. Unfortunately lack of Barista's knowledge about roasting service, would be nice if he could inform about it especially when it comes to name of it "coffee roaster
16 Februari 2022 8:05
Great hidden place to enjoy coffee and light food. I didn't expect there is an oasis in the middle of the congestion of Jl Arzimar. This Coffee Companion used to be located on Jl Pandu and moved to this place. The barista "Reggy" and "Iqbal" are very friendly and has good product knowledge. I prefer to be here between 8-11am because it's quiet & "sejuuuuk".

The location is open, lots of trees, beautiful gardens, chill fish ponds, I like the ambient

(Note: This place also can be used for outdoor weddings up to a max 300 invitations for 2 sessions).

For coffee, I like the manual brew V60 Bali Kintamani Natural. If you want non coffee ones, you can try Yuzu Cha (you can ask without soda).

For the food, the Chicken Coeslaw and Cheese Toast are really great. Don't miss it
At night, it's a bit creepy hehe

Suggestion: They are not providing easy access to wastafel for hand washing instead of providing hand sanitizer. Actually the wastafel is available in toilets, but it is not convinient for me to go to toilet only for hand washing.
30 April 2020 12:11
Its easy to find, but they told me that they'll move soon. They have good foods and the chocolate is tasty
15 April 2020 0:06
Tempat strategis, ACed area oke banget, tapi kok lattenya kurang pas ya.mungkin karena pake single origin arabica local ya
02 Februari 2020 21:38
Tempatnya nyaman, ada khusus smoking roomnya juga.
Toilet bersih, tapi untuk musholla ga tau ada atau nggak karena ga mampir untuk numpang sholat.
Teh yg direkomendasiin itu gourmet tea, sebelum pilih menu kalian bisa coba cium aroma tehnya. Well, fav gw itu gourmet tea. Harum tehnya beneran bikin relax. Rasa pancakenya lumayan, not bad. Iced chocolate Sulawesi Ranoha-nya juga okee.
Pelayanan oke, mas-masnya baik dan membantu.
28 Januari 2020 4:40
Tempatnya sih nyaman. Pilihan kopinya juga banyak. Cocok buat yang lagi santai sambil ngopi disini.
20 Januari 2020 17:07
Good coffee, good place. Varian snack-nya pun oke. Coffee shop terbaik di area Indraprasta IMO dari sisi rasa dan suasana.
05 Januari 2020 20:42
A nice place to chit chat and chill with your fellows. They have a good coffee. Just drop by whenever you’re in Bogor
10 Desember 2019 20:20
Great coffee. Great playlist. Nice and quiet on weekdays, but can be very loud and crowded on the weekend. Toilet bersih, selalu ada sabun dan tissue. Musholanya nyaman. Barista ramah
25 Oktober 2019 2:26
The food and beverages are good. I love the ambience. The crew and barista are helpful. But the wifi so-so
20 Oktober 2019 13:21
Kunjungan kali kedua.pesan potato wedges dan es kopi susu, biasa aja rasanya.but the London fog is a must try teh susu dengan ekstrak vanilla, disajikan hangat dengan tingkat kemanisan yang pas banget
17 Oktober 2019 1:22
Amazing coffee experience! Great choices, professional and cozy environment. Nice to hang out with friends or a date:)
07 September 2019 4:52
For the coffee its a good blend. And the food tastes good too. I tried potato wedges, beef bruschetta, poffertjes (sorry for typo), and baked banana. All tastes good.
For the place the air conditioned one is so small and make a place looked too crowded.
Even the smoking area is bigger, but the air circulation rather bad, i think they should consider opened up more windows.
The service nice but the orders came a bit longer than we expected. We got a cashless problem when we paid, but the price not over expensive for the good taste:)
Will be back again later for a good coffee.
11 Agustus 2019 15:34
Tempatnya sangat nyaman, pelayanan nya tidak mengecewakan, cocok juga buat freelancer tp saran tidak di weekend karena ramai sekali
03 Agustus 2019 8:39
Sering nongkrong disini, enak banget pokoknya. Bisa banget buat foto foto atau sekadar ngopi atau bahkan belajar. Kalau ga mau rame datengnya siang atau pas baru buka. Karena kalau sudah sore menjelang malam tempatnya rame banget. Harganya standard lah
19 Juni 2019 18:17
Tempat menyenangkan utk menikmati kopi sambil bekerja atau kumpul-kumpul teman. Suasananya santai dan cozy. Makanan minumannya oke. Akses mudah karena pas dipinggir jalan yg mudah terlihat.
17 Juni 2019 5:22
This neighborhood coffee shop serve quality coffee. I order Es Kopi Kocok (esspresso mix with white chocolate) and Capucinno taste really good. Both use quite strong coffee. They serve food but we didn't try the food yet. Quite spacious with smoking and non smoking area. Clean and staff gave good service. Nice to hang out.
23 Mei 2019 22:49
Tempatnya asyik buat nongkrong, kerja maupun belajar. Terbagi menjadi ruang merokok dan bebas dari rokok. Kopinya bagi yg suka memang enak walaupun pahit. Dengan harga yg.jgn sering2lah ke sini. Kopi plus makan ringan minimal 50.000. Cocok untuk ketemuan dan janjian dgn klien.
18 Mei 2019 11:35
Love all the foods served, I'm not a coffee seeker, so I ordered the white tea and it was also good.but please open earlier like at 8 maybe, hehe.
18 Mei 2019 1:11
Aku udah 2x kesana, so far enak enak kopi dan makanannya, service nya bagus, staff nya ramah dan selalu greating saat dateng dan pulang. Kalau kesini biasanya pas lagi ngobrol jadi lupa buat foto-foto. Paling seneng kalau naek motor ditengah hari yg panas daerah bogor dan pengen yg seger-seger, langsung aja dateng sini minum *es kopi kocok* nya mantaf bgt, affogato juga recommended buat yg suka kopi manis, kalau lagi pengen yg ga manis bisa cobain es kopi atau cold brew nya, suasana nya juga terkesan tenang jadi nyaman
15 Mei 2019 13:23
Tempat nyaman buat nongkrong atau ngerjain tugas, harga terjangkau dan kopi sekawannya recomended, wc nya bersih dan ada tempat solat juga.
26 April 2019 22:54
Well this is the place you just want to be, if you're looking for a comfy place to work on your papers, assignments, or just to have a little chat with your friends. I really like this place as it offers you a warm atmosphere, relaxing background music, with soothing aroma of fresh coffee being brewed. Don't worry about emptying your devices batteries, as there's many wall outlets available here, especially in the indoor area. The employees here is polite and ready to help you choose the types of drinks of your liking from the menu. For the pricing, it's fairly affordable for the average students and workers. They serve not only coffee, there's also hot cocoa and tea. And some light snack to accompany your day. Don't worry about your prayers (shalat), as there is a little space to accommodate your daily prayers. The only cons about this place is that they're closed at 10 p.m, wished it was longer LOL.

P. S: i think i once saw Bima Arya having a little meeting here lol.
24 April 2019 4:26
Tempatnya asik banget, cocok untuk kumpul bareng temen sambil ngobrol-ngobrol. Pelayanannya juga ramah, betah sih kalo kesini terus. Makanan dan minuman yang dipesan pun enak. Ga lupa, parkirannya juga lumayan luas hihiii
31 Maret 2019 15:32
Tempat asyik, makanan enak, dan kopinya juga sesuai ekspektasi.

Harga standar dan lokasi mudah dijangkau. I
15 Maret 2019 14:43
Kafe ini menyediakan berbagai jenis minuman (kopi, teh dan coklat) dan makanan (snack ringan hingga berat). Minuman kopi dan coklatnya sangat tidak mengecewakan sebagai teman nongkrong bareng teman ataupun mengerjakan laporan. Makanan yang dihidangkanpun sangat menggugah selera. Namun ada 1 kritikan bagi kafe ini. Ruangan bebas asap rokoknya agak sempit (dekat barista) dan tidak ada sofa (sofa ada di area merokok).
Musik yang diputar sangat enak didengar, kamar mandinya pun bersih.
20 Februari 2019 21:48
The Coffee Companion is the place to visit when you're in a mood of a cup of coffee. Don't be fooled by the name, though, they also serve teas and cakes to sweeten your day. The shop opens from 9 a.m. To 10 p.m. And it closes on Monday. It's located on Pandu Raya st.

This coffee shop welcomes you warmly and friendly. My advice, don't hesitate to greet the barista. They're happy to see you. The Coffee Companion is the place for all your stuff: Hanging out, dining, meeting, working, studying, etc. They also provide Wi-fi for free!

You can drive or ride to the shop since they pull the shop a bit back for a spacious parking lot. Are you a smoker? Bring your cigars and take a seat in a nice and cozy Smoking Room with air vents to clear the air from smokes. It's adhan and you're going to have a prayer! A musholla is available for you, don't miss a single prayer!

The baristas will serve you the best brewed coffee you can have. For a price (@ Rp 25.000), you should enjoy a cup of caffeine that'll brighten up your day! Are you gonna go alone? Need something to read? Ask the barista to borrow some books, they'll lend you nice books about coffee. Go smart inside this coffee shop!

The Coffee Companion offers all the essentials of a good café. If you're looking for a coffee shop, you should try this one.
27 Januari 2019 23:42
Tempat favorite ga keitung sih sebulan berapa kali kesini haha! Kopi enak, pelayanan enak sopan, makanan enak, wifi kenceng hahahaha smoking area luaaas, cozy bgt, dia jg ada produk kopi sendiri dan enaaaaaaak, rekomen bgt! Tiap tempat ada kekurangan yah nah kekurangannya.mungkin toilet yah terbatas tp saya memaklumi rata2 coffee shop yg sering saya datangi emang cuma dua jd no problem sih, terus karna ini tmpt hits jd bnyk abg ya begitu klo ngobrol kenceng saya memaklumi, namanya abg dimanapun pasti klo lg fun lepas suara karna mereka enjoy dgn tempatnya, overall sangat bagus, intinya tempat, wifi, kopi, pelayanan sudah bagus keep it up yah!
26 Oktober 2018 13:21
Coffee Companion is a good place to have good coffee and the food companion with your friends and colleagues or family. You can gather with them, because there are enough room, tables and chairs. The interior is nice, thick wood tables and chairs combined with iron looks so perfect. Nicely designed. Serves many various local coffee. Meals or just snacks available to accompany your coffee. I ordered kampong hamburger, containing fried eggs and beef, with potatoes and sauce. Nice toilet and prayers room. Recommended.
11 Oktober 2018 4:29
Tempatnya nyaman buat nongkrong2. Kopi dan makanannya enak. Td sempet salah pesen, pesen coklat. Dan coklatnya enakkkk
22 September 2018 17:50
The place is comfy, they have a large of smoking room for those of you who smoking. The coffee was good, the food is nice. Recommended for you to visit this place.the price is cheap enough. The hospitality was perfect!

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