22 November 2023 6:55
Melipir dari macetnya jalan ke arah Lembang.
Ternyata tempatnya cukup luas dan nyaman, banyak pilihan tempat duduk dan ada outdoornya juga di belakang.

Pilihan makanan dan minumannya cukup beragam, hanya pesan minuman hot cafe latte dan ice empon-empon seger banget diminum sore-sore.
10 November 2023 23:41
Stopped by here because the Lembang direction was jammed,
A cozy place to relax, unfortunately the price is a bit expensive compared to similar cafes.
12 Agustus 2023 0:36
Saya pesen bebek garingnya 2 karena dulu rasanya enak. Ternyata sekarang harga nya sudah sangat mahal 93rb plus tax and service, lalu bebek nya sangat kecil dan tidak garing. Saya rasa sangat tidak worth it. Untuk steak nya daging nya sangat berlemak dan agak alot, pisau nya pun kurang tajam jadi susah untuk potong steak nya. Spaggeti nya lumayan enak tapi sedikit keasinan.
08 Agustus 2023 22:10
Cantik sekali tempatnya. Cocok buat makan bersama keluarga, teman atau rekan kerja. Menu beragam ada masakan Indonesia, pasta dan steak. Rekomendasi Minuman Mint Tea, steak, bebek crispy dan ayam betutu.
01 Juli 2023 5:33
1000/ 10 for the Sundanese food. Premium quality. Excellent taste. Clean & healthy. Fast & friendly service. Super homey vibe.

Feel home away from home the moment you are inside. Will absolutely come back!

Pro tip: Must taste their nasi jeruk ayam ungkep.
07 Juni 2023 12:13
Tempat asyik sebelah kampus UPI.
Pertama kali diajak kesini, padahal sering lewat ahaha.
Pertama masuk kesannya hommy bgt. Furniturenya kayu sofa keren-keren.taneman di belakang juga bikin seger.
Toilet&westafelnya bersih bgt, salut sama resto/kafe yg perhatian sampe ke kebersihan toilet.
Mau poto2 dimana aja juga keren haha.
Makanan minumannya enak, menu&harga bervariatif, dilihat aja di photo menu ya biar dari rumah udah siap2 mau pesen apa haha:)
Kami pesan nasi goreng ayam sama sandwich grilled chicken pake saus keju sama roti ciabatta (baru makan roti ini dan enak, saya awam jenis roti, cuma tau crossant:)
Minumnya mah si aa cofee latte, saya mah yg berkalori tinggi yg namanya paling panjang wkwk. French vanilla butterscotch crunch iced blend.nah loh sejenis minuman apa ini? Kudu liat yutub dulu haha eh liat aja di poto ya
Oh ya ini ditraktir senior.duh rezeki:)
Terima kasih staffnya yg melayani kami dengan ramah:)
27 Desember 2022 21:27
Makanannya enak enak ga percaya dengan tempat yang seperti ini tetapi makanannya juara. Suasananya homey banget
20 September 2022 7:23
Rasa lumayan.
Price juga lumayan mahal.
Tapi lokasi dan parkiran baik. Ambiencenya juga homey dan sangat bersih.
10 Juni 2022 10:59
Nice fried duck with a little bit expensive price.but its worth! Nice and cozy place especially at outdoor
21 Mei 2022 5:38
Suasana agak² vintage dengan rasa yang hommy beserta masakan² barat hingga timur yang not bad at all.
14 Mei 2022 17:19
Makanannya enak, oke. Tempatnya nyaman. Toiletnya bersih. Pelayanan juga bagus. Buat ngumpul-ngumpul oke sih.
09 Mei 2022 23:32
Mampir niatnya mau ngopi, jadinya minum wedang uwuh karena cuaca dingin pagi2. Tempatnya nyaman sih.kalau ke Bandung lagi pasti mampir kesini
21 April 2022 15:22
1. Parkir cukup luas.
2. Venue asik banget dengan dekorasi jadul / vintage nya. Dan yg menarik dari resto ini adalah banyak meja outdoor dan untuk bagian indoor banyak jendela2 besar yg bagus sirkulasi udara dan juga bagus pencahayaannya utk foto2.3. Kami pesan nasi tutuh oncom, ayam betutu, pesto and mushroom soup, nasi goreng rawon, nasi bali (lupa namanya). Semuanya ENAK!
4. Ice capucino nya enak.
5. Meja yg paling asik menurut saya adalah yg dekat dengan kolam, suara gemercik air nya bikin tenang / calm.
6. Keren buat foto2 instagram. Datangnya lebih awal biar puas foto2 nya.
7. Pemiliknya ramah banget (padahal gak kenal).
Recomended untuk lunch atau ngopi2.
05 Maret 2022 1:25
Nuansa jadoelnya terasa, bagus untuk acara reuni, keluarga dan sobat k
esayangan, pilihan menunya beragam, yang kangen suasana jogja atau bali bisa di sini

Suasana rumahan dan kekeluargaan banget. Recomended
27 Februari 2022 0:29
Love this place, they serve Indonesian and western cuisine
I tried soto ayam and nasi megibung, plating food was good, taste good
You can choose indoor or outdoor, spacious parking lot
Must visit
19 Februari 2022 7:04
Menunya enak.harganya mungkin more expensive tp sesuai lah.soto bandungnya seger.chicken grill and croissantnya jg mantep.buat menu2 pilihan yg tanpa nasi jg udah ngenyangin.cuma agak kurang di rasa tachosnya sih.minumannya enak.banana strawberry smoothiesnya mantep.parkirannya luas.desain unik.kamar mandi bersih.
14 Desember 2021 2:07
-catatan sy wkt mkn hr Mggu siang adalah: Rawon & Nasi gorengnya, msh kurang terasa bumbunya (kurang "strong").
Tks FXH teman pak Giri.
06 Desember 2021 1:25
Tempatnya bersih, adem, menenangkan, lokasi outdoornya rindang dan nyaman. Kami memesan menu nasi uduk dan nasi jamblang, diluar dugaan ternyata enak! Gelatonya juga enak. Anak-anak betah semua. Dan yg paling penting, buka sejak pagi. Waktu itu kami datang pukul 8 pagi dan semua menu yg kami pesan ada stoknya. Tidak mengecewakan. Akan kembali lagi kesana jika ke Bandung lagi.
03 Agustus 2021 11:08
Rasa enak, tempat nyaman dan cozy, harga sih lumayan mahal karena memang resto bintang atas. Rekomendasi bagi yg punya budget cukup banyak, utk makanan berkualitas di daerah setiabudi
23 Juni 2021 15:21
It was a quick sip at night and found there's fresh herbal drink made with very well. Place also quite cozy with old furniture that makes homy.
29 April 2020 20:37
Meeting my former students, I was lead to this place. The vintage interior bring us back to the late 80's. Majority of the building have not been changed, to keep the nostalgic value. Even old style furnitures are placed that I can have a taste of my childhood. Being close to a crowded road, this place can maintain peaceful atmosphere inside.
Heritage serves some old style cuisine from local to European. I cannot say it is great but it is decent. All I can remember is the nice day having food in this place like when I was having a good one at home 30 years ago.
This place is cute.
21 April 2020 8:27
Satu lagi restoran Indonesian Food di Bandung yang boleh dicoba! Makanan lumayan enak meskipun porsi sedikit kecil dan porsi perorangan. So dont miss this place guys.
Price: $$
Portion Size: Medium
Sharable: Yes
Recommendation level:
10 April 2020 19:25
The place itself is cozy, ethnic, and well-maintained. The outdoor is all green. The coffee is good and the snacks i had there were of delicacy. I spent quite a long time there as i really enjoyed the relaxing atnosphere. It also provides a wide range of instagrammable spots.
03 April 2020 3:53
Well, this place is so comfy, for relax, gathering, or meeting.the food is okay, tasty.the price is middle up.they have a beatiful back yard and gaeden with a little nice fish pond and a big rambutan tree.the buliding also clean and fresh with hommy style interior. They serve western, and asian cuisine.
31 Maret 2020 11:40
Very nice vibe to have a good food with hommy place.
Their Indonesian food is very good, one of my favorite is tahu peletok.
Most of my friends fall in love with their bebek menu.
Their pizza also good for sharing.
Also you can find more space n spot for taking picture.
20 Maret 2020 6:57
Desain interior yg modern, serta exterior yg menyajikan kesejukan dimata.dgn menu beragam varian mulai dari menu indo maupun menu "LUAR"
17 Februari 2020 23:12
Foods are ok, the best thing about this place is the atmosphere, which make visitors dine calmly in homelike restaurant, with back garden, eventhough theres a really busy street in front of it, it feel better once you get inside.
Theres also praying room for moslems who want to pray while dining.
But dont expect much from the pics in the menu, they seem bigger the real one:)
10 Februari 2020 1:55
Very Nice cafe with two settings, outdoor and indoor. They have sufficient parking space so don't worry. The place itself is homy and they serve various kinds of food. I came for brunch and ordered light snacks and salad. It was delicious and the portion is genorous. Very good for hanging out, meetings, or just for lunch date. The recommended light snack would be tahu pletok and bitterballen. It is nicer to come when the weather is nice and bright.
09 Februari 2020 11:54
Cozy place buat kumpul2 sambil makan, suasana nya enak buat bersantai di tengah kemacetan menuju lembang.restoran yang bekas galeri ini mempunyai furniture yang unik
03 Februari 2020 10:57
First open in Bali, now they bring the heritage tasty recipes to Bandung. First named as Heritage kitchen & gallery, now they rebrand themselves as Nana Heritage kitchen & coffee. Nana means “seven”, as they served the “seven family heritages recipes”.

They have spacious and beautiful place, I recommend this cafe for family gathering and dining. I love the outdoor space, not only beautiful and instagramable, but you can also enjoy the fresh air of Bandung. They located in a higher landscape of Bandung, but not a very crowded one.

I love how the menu vary from eastern, western and good choices of snacks. I just regret that they don’t have fruit salad. The price is very affordable, for my surprise, remembering the place looks like “expensive”

We tried some menus, the taste is overall good, however not very spectacular. They serve very well, friendly and responsive.
I don’t really like the coffee for it’s too light.

Overall I regard the place better than the food.
03 Januari 2020 21:11
Cozy n nice place to hang out with family or alone, but the food n beverage just so so while there are starbuck n dakken just nearby
13 November 2019 16:42
Must try:
1. Nasi Megibung seperti nasi campur Bali dengan urap, suwiran ayam, dan sate lilit.
2. Poutine, kentang goreng homemade disajikan dengan saus mushroom dan Mozarella cheese di atasnya yummmm
3. Crispy duck, nasi dengan bebek goreng yg super crispy.
31 Oktober 2019 3:26
Great place to work, read, study for introvert like me. Please don't come here if you're not one of us: D
22 Oktober 2019 17:55
Cozy place. Enak banget sih buat nongkrong siang2 dan lagi sepi. Hommy gitu (kalau sepi yaa.). List menunya seem unik meski yg dtg beda warna antara foto dan aktualnya haha. Tapi tempat oke punya sih. A lot of photo spots. Teteh n aak nya juga baik2. Nice lah.
05 Oktober 2019 0:33
Well, if you fancy kinda vintage ambience. It is quite a suitable one. Foods and bevs are good enough for my taste, not as expected compare to price but still do okay. Expect bookings and parking lot tricks before coming on holidays and weekends. Cheers!
02 Oktober 2019 9:06
I ordered premium tea and it tastes freaking good. The place is so cozy and homey. You can take your time and just sit there watching the fishes in the pool.
02 September 2019 19:55
Letaknya di jalan SetiaBudi dengan parkiran lumayan bisa nampung mobil 10-an lebih. Makanannya rasanya lumayan. Tempatnya ya model2 Rumah heritage gituh dengan perabotannya. Halaman belakangnya ada utk dijadikan Kursi meja makan. Terasnya juga ada sebagai kursi meja makan. Menu Indonesia ada, Menu Western Food ada. Ngga terlalu merhatiin sih waktu ke situ apakah ada Chinese Food. Saya pilih Nasi Ayam Betutu, enaak. Walopun saya belum tau aslinya rasa ayam Betutu seperti apa yg jelas masakannya enak. Ngga bisa bilang apakah termasuk mahal atau wajar atau murah. Soalnya saya puas dengan rasa masakan yg saya pesan. Cuma pelayanannya kurang tanggap ke tamu. Kasih menu terus pergi. Mau pesen jadi bolakbalik manggil. Ya kurang servislah padahal waktu saya makan restorannya sepiii (jam 7 malam). ]
28 Agustus 2019 22:49
Good heritage concept
Good classic treats
Good special taste
Good Indonesian dishes
Good families
Good people
16 Agustus 2019 9:11
Rasa OK.harga lumayan mahal. Nyaman untuk acara makan keluarga ataupun teman2 dengan nuansa rumahan
04 Agustus 2019 5:02
Tempatnya homy banget, ada indoor and outdoornya. Untuk makanan yg aku order enak semua. Aku order ayam betutu & crispy duck. Untuk kopinya juga mantap.
24 Mei 2019 0:29
A place to go to if you wanna find some traditional Indonesian food from various places. The food is great and the price is fair. There’s a coffee bar at the front, and they also have coffee beans from Indonesian provinces, that are good to try. They also do manual brewing.
The place is very cozy, there’s open space in the backyard where you can also sit to have your meals. When the weather is pretty cool, it’s very nice to sit outside with the greenery surrounding.
Service is quite good and friendly.
24 April 2019 9:38
Tempatnya nyaman seperti di rumah sendiri. Ada halaman belakang yg cukup luas. Menunya Asian food dan European food. Rekomendasi untuk kumpulan keluarga atau kolega.
10 April 2019 5:43
Ada halaman belakang yg cukup luas. Menunya Asian food dan European food, Tempatnya nyaman seperti di rumah sendiri, Rekomendasi untuk kumpulan keluarga atau kolega. Di design dengan suasana rumah tinggal bernuansa modern tradisional, ada ruang indoor dan outdoor. Cocok untuk menikmati waktu luang bersama keluarga/teman2. Furniture dan dekorasi-nya juga keren. Pelayanan ramah dan cepat. Harga cukup terjangkau. Pilihan menu cukup banyak dan yang pasti enak (Tiramisu, nasi goreng, mie goreng dan mushrooms pasta-nya enak, orange squash-nya segar sekali dari perasan jeruk asli). Ada Coffee cornernya (Espresso shakerato dan V60 robusta-nya enak).
09 April 2019 4:52
Super loveeee the avocado coffee! Thick, rich & smooth as choco-coffee silk lingering on your tastebuds. As this is a seasonal drinks, I'm so lucky to get the chance for drinking this!
Oh, don't forget the fantastic coffee! Friendly & helpful barista ready to serve the suitable coffee for us. If you happen to be here, don't hesitate to ask for the barista's suggestion for coffee.

Since me & hubby are pescetarians, we are very happy to find the tasty & delicious array of nasi pecel (traditional style of blanched vegies with peanut sauce), mushroom pasta (aglio olio style w/ chilli flakes), sweet & sour dory, and generous salad.
Our friend ordered the signature dish crispy duck, dare to say that it is the best crispy duck in Bandung!

06 April 2019 11:01
Datang saat tempat ini dijadikan acara pernikahan.tempatnya cozy bagus dan well planed.cocok untuk dijadikan acara seperti itu.saat hujanpun petugas siap untuk menutup makanan (karena acara outdoor). Cuma sayangnya parkir agak susah saat ada acara resepsi.
11 Maret 2019 14:43
Located in the same place with the Heritage kitchen & gallery, cozy place indoor outdoor, good coffee; good price and cozy place. Love it

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