15 November 2023 0:29
Sebenarnya mau kasih bintang 4, tetapi karena banyak fasilitas yang kurang (seperti gym yang sudah udang) jadinya kasih bintang 3 saja.

Breakfast cukup beragam walau terhitung sedikit
18 Oktober 2023 23:24
Lokasi strategis. Ruang rapat tersedia banyak. Staff ramah dan cekatan dalam merespon request pengunjung. Restoran tidak terlalu besar tapi masih cukup nyaman untuk antri ambil makan.
12 Oktober 2023 17:01
Located in jl. Juanda no. 18, Bandung wetan, Bandung. It's a 5 star hotel with ultimate services. Its location not far from business district and can be reach by public transportation easily.
15 Agustus 2019 3:53
The room was quite large, many varieties on breakfast buffet, the staffs were helpfull. It has swimming pool, kids club and fitness center on east wing. But the important thing is location. You can easily find foods, shopping center near hotel
10 Agustus 2019 3:25
Servicenya buruk, tidak pernah request morning call, tiba2 dimorning call. Request perbaikan closet dan lampu kamar yg padam, dr pagi minta dibetulkan baru dikerjakan sore begitu kita mau istirahat.
05 Agustus 2019 1:08
Suka dgn hotel ini.pelayanan yg baguss d mulai dri pintu masuk yg d sambut oleh petugas yg ramah. Interior design kamarnya yg modern dan bagusss n completee. Makanannya yg variasi yg enaakk. Alhamdulillah.trima kasih the luxton
04 Agustus 2019 21:21
Vallet is not safe. Our emoney card was gone missing after they return our car in the morning. Be more careful and dont left your stuff out in the car
30 Juli 2019 19:06
Hotel menurut saya bagus untuk kalian menginapa 1 atau 3 hari di kota Bandung. Nyaman tempatnya, ramah service pelayanannya, ruang meeting juga bagus.pokoknya recomended buat kalian menginap deh.
21 Juli 2019 1:47
The room is nice and clean.don't worry about the parking lot, you just drop the car key to the security, valet services already included.
20 Juli 2019 18:47
Very clean, cozy and well maintained hotel. Located in the heart of Bandung, very easy and reach. Helpful staffs. Car park are limited and Dago street in front of the hotel is always busy. It's highly recommended
19 Juli 2019 3:34
Biasanya kami puas dg layanan dan fasilitas hotel ini, kali ini saya agak kecewa utk menginap di Luxton 8-9 Juni 2019.
Proses cek in yang lama, padahal kedatangan kami sekitar jam 15an, baru masuk hotel sekitar jam 16an.

Kamar excecutive 301, lokasi di pojokan sptnya jarang di huni dengan lantai parket yang pecah pecah dibeberapa titik, dengan sisa perbaikan yang pernah dilakukan tapi tidak sempurna. Saat lantai diinjak, pecah kembalilah parket kayu tsb dan berhamburlah debu-debu. Perbaikan cepat yg dilakukan staff hotel membantu debu tidak keluar lagi. Saya sempat meminta karpet bersih untuk menutupi parket yang diturup isolator, namun tidak tersedia, akhirnya saya merasa membayar TERLALU mahal untuk kamar excecutive 301 kali ini dan berpikir untuk MENCARI hotel ALTERNATIF lain saat kunjungan ke Bandung berikutnya.
26 Juni 2019 19:17
Came here just attended the seminar but the hotel is good, the employees including the security guard are also very friendly. #let'sGuide
17 Juni 2019 2:53
Hotel modern dengan fasilitas terbaik di kelasnya, suasana western sangat kental disini dengan mesan minimalis dan warm soft atmosphere. Fasilitas lengkap. Pelayanan profesional dan informatif.
07 Juni 2019 0:43
Sedang renovasi di lantai 2 yg biasanya merupakan lokasi restaurant sehingga resto sementara dipindah k lantai lobi.
Lokasi yg pas di tengah kota menjadikan luxton cukup strategis utk mencapai berbagai pusat belanja fashion dan makanan d bandung
05 Juni 2019 4:13
Excellent! Room is clean and spacious. Breakfast is very tasty. Friendly staff and hotel price is reasonable as well. Anyway this is my second time stay in The Luxton Bandung.
03 Juni 2019 0:44
A good place to stay in Dago area.unfortunately, the power plug is (limited and) far away from bed.
19 Mei 2019 17:23
Lokasinya strategis ke arah Dago. Parkir rubanah relatif sempit tapi gratis. Nyaman sesuai harga. Saat ke sini sedang ada pembangunan tangga ke lantai 2.
13 Mei 2019 4:59
Saya hanya ikutan seminar di sini. Jadi saya hanya menilai berdasarkan pengalaman saya. Dari tempat seminar cukup baik, toilet juga bersih saat saya di sana. Dan paling suka sama makanannya. Enak menurut saya. Pelayanannya juga baik dri satpam nya. Interior juga bagus.
11 Mei 2019 18:07
It has spacious rooms, yet are dimly lit and it brings out the spooky impression. So i think the brighter light is more preferable.
The food is tasty, the location is great.
Please provide kibla direction and more stack outlet for electric plugs inside the room.
08 Mei 2019 18:11
Great location, in the heart of the city. If you are a culinary adventurer, you can indulge yourself in variaty of meals, from a fancy dining place to a humble street food are within walking distance. The hotel offer a spacious clean room, with the view of the city which is really enjoyable especially at night. The reception was also very fast and friendly. My only complaint is the check in process which was slow due to some late check outs, this is something the hotel need to be aware of.but I believe it can be improved. Oh one more, the hotel was under renovation when I was there, so the lobby was not really comfortable. Hopefully it would be much better after the renovation. Thank God, the receptionist really know how to handle an upset guest like myself who are annoyed by the fact that I can not check in on time because of the late check out if the previous guest. Thank you for the complimentary.
07 Mei 2019 22:38
Location easy to acces, comfort room, have own parking area but not enough. If full can perking in others location, can help by hotel staff (valet) without aditional chargr. On sunday morning can enjoy dago car free day
03 Mei 2019 6:56
Parkiran Sempit, pelanyan Hotel sangat kurang, terUtama pelayanan Valet tidak maximwl dan pelayanan nya sangat tidak welcome / Ramah.
29 April 2019 23:26
The swimming pool a bit windy (high ground). The taste of the food nice but a bit pricy. Great location, within walking distance to eating/shopping place. Nice room.
29 April 2019 22:26
Kesan prtama sgt mengecewakan, sy pesan kmr dgn 1 bed uk besar, tmbah extra bed utk anak sy.kmr sih lmayan besar, tp trnyata kloset nya rusak. Sy mnta pndah kamar dgn type yg sama, tp ptugas bilang yg trsedia hnya kamar dgn 2 bed uk kecil, oke lah sy ambil aja yg pnting kmr mandinya g ada yg rusak. Stlh sy lihat trnyata kamarnya lbh kcil dan sdh penuh dgn 2 bed, jd g ada space lg utk extra bed nya. Sy bilang sm ptugasnya kl extra bed ga bisa d pasang krna smpit.jd uang yg sdh sy bayarkan utk extra bed tsb mau nya sy d alihkan sj utk breakfast.tp ptugasnya bilang pmbayaran extra bed nya tdk bs d alihkan intinya ga lagi" deh mnginap d sini. Bsok paginya sy coba bcara lg dgn ptugas yg brbeda, stlah sy jelaskan smuanya akhirnya s ptugas mngrti, dan uang pmbayaran yg sdh msuk pun bs kmbali.
22 April 2019 20:30
Strategic location, easy to find, clean & great breakfast. Swimming pool too small only suitable for the kids but fitness center was ok. Nice staffs & good service is the plus.
12 April 2019 18:24
Room was great and large.the bed is comfortable.amanities is complette.nice staff.but the lobby decoration too simple for 4 stars hotel.
27 Maret 2019 9:53
This place is suitable for family vacation. It has an indoor pool with warm water, children will love it. Nice, clean and good facility. Helpful staff
23 Maret 2019 0:43
Bangunan ok, karyawannya bagian ruang meeting. Malas bgt. Jadi harus detail sering sering liat ruang kalo acaranya mengubah situasi ruangan. Misal dari rapat rapat kecil ke rapat rapat besar. Atau sebaliknya. Infocus dari hotel sering bermasalah.

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