20 September 2023 22:03
This place was my favourite when I came here years ago that I brought my husband here this time. The place had only us dining, and it was a Sunday night. The view was amazing, but the food wasn’t great. It gave me a food poisoning. They didn’t have desserts. We also had to overpay because they didn’t have enough change. Definitely not the experience I wanted to have.
04 Juli 2023 4:21
Saturday night 7pm, we are the only one dine in here. Food still ok, but most of the menu not available. Remember years ago when the place was packed.
03 Desember 2022 10:17
Already closed, need to update here. We're searching some lunch, and absolutely.already closed.scary.
28 Oktober 2022 12:27
Lovely place to hangout at night, well the view are a bit too dark since it's at night, but lovely place nonetheless
19 Juli 2022 7:07
Sudah sangat tidak terawat, sangat kecewa. Better direnovasi dan di consider kembali jika masih mau membuka tempat ini. Need a lot of improvement.
11 Juli 2022 16:03
The spaghetti is terrible consider with the price, i think they should check other competitor to maintain the quality of their food and services.
13 Oktober 2021 12:53
Untuk para pebisnis yang menikmati keindahan alam dengan suasana sejuk dan alami serta keindahan pegunungan yang sangat indah
05 Oktober 2021 8:16
T4 nya di puncak banget. Sayangnya entah pandemi atau gmn, semua t4 pada tutup dan gak keurus. Huhu
02 Juni 2021 19:47
Came in april, 2021. Place used to be great now it’s dying. The resto cant seem to afford maintenance and trained employees. I ordered norwegian salmon steak for around 198k and what I got was overcooked salmon with half-cooked potato wedges, some weird-tasted sauce that took 40mins to wait. I also ordered beer that turned out to be separated bar that gave me no receipt.
21 Maret 2021 7:17
Dinner with the view disini nyaman banget, banyak pilihan wine dan lumayan kumplit.
Buat yg mau acara romantic dinner ada spot nya di atas namanya sky dinner, dekor nya romantis banget untuk moment anniversary atau apapun berdua. Untuk table dinner biasa juga dekor nya bagus, ada lampu2 dan cantik.
Sangat recommanded untuk dinner disini.
02 Maret 2021 14:16
I cannot forget all the memories I had in this place during the old times. The food quality they served remains after decades.
02 Maret 2021 7:35
The only good thing about this place is the view and their collection of wine

I booked the place for 5 pm, but when I arrived with my family the staff was still decorating the place - nobody came to my table of 20 pax to guide us through the menu or give recommendations

Our steaks were chewy, the oxtail soup was a disaster, fried rice and pasta were acceptable to eat

My family's table was served by waiter and waitress that cannot answer our questions. The person who can answer was not there yet

There's more but I guess what I wrote is enough. We definitely won't come again.
19 Februari 2021 0:38
Bener bener kapok deh kesini. Emang dulu tempat ini itu sempet rame, tapi kemarin waktu kesini kok berubah banget ya. Waktu Dateng itu saya kira restoran nya tutup, karna gelap dan sepi banget. Terus pelayanannya low service. Harganya mahal, tapi rasanya zonk banget. Ga lagi deh kesini. Kecewa.
03 Maret 2020 8:14
It has fresh air, good for hangout or dining, great food & dessert, good wine variety, friendly staff too
lovely dining area
20 Februari 2020 19:31
Very recommended place either you wanna hangout, dating, or enjoy the night with your family.
Enjoy the live music accompany with fresh wind, wine and some food.
A late served food compensated with another free drink by the management. Sincere thank you from us.
18 Februari 2020 19:53
Bagus bgt, udh prnh dtg kesini 2 kali, dan oke bgt, pemandangannya ckup indah, terutama di mlm hari, ada bar jg, mknannya jg enak bgt, ada western sm indonesian food, cpt nyampe jg, tp meja nya kbykan goyang, kalau bs diperbaiki mejanya atau diganti agar orang yg makan gk goyang":)
12 Februari 2020 15:11
Went there to celebrate our wedding anniversary, but to say I am disappointed is an understatement. We ordered fish & chips and spaghetti carbonara. I’d say it was one of the saddest fish n chips I have ever been served for. Not only the portion was awfully small (especially given the size of the plate, look at the photos), but also instead of chips, baked potato wedges were served. In addition, it took forever for my spaghetti carbonara to be served after my fish n chips, such that it was not only sad, but also cold (I’d nam it a sad & cold fish & chips). I also asked for chili sauce that took forever to come (perhaps they need to buy it first from a nearby mini market). On the other hand, the spaghetti was just okay, I’d give it a 5/10.

Location wise, it is located on top of a hill but the view of Bandung city was just okay, not spectacular but not too bad. Nevertheless, we were not impressed. However on the side note, they have quite a selection of wine & liquors (although I wont be able to give comments on this since we didnt order any).

Will I come back & recommend this to friends / families? Simple answer: I would not.
03 Februari 2020 12:05
Sangat mengecewakan. Untuk mineral water saja perlu waktu 30 menit untuk disajikan. Apalagi makanannya. Sampai 1 jam belum juga disajikan. Rasa makanan tidak sebanding dengan waktu menunggu yang sangat lama. Kalau memang tidak bisa melayani di lantai 2 jangan di buka dong. Saya kapok makan di sini. Kebetulan saya bawa tamu dari luar kota, sampai saya malu dan sangat menyesal bawa merek makan di sini. Very poor service.
03 Februari 2020 0:38
Nice place to chill and chat.
They have live music at night and they recommend good wine.
Also, their price are very reasonable and it already include taxes.
18 Januari 2020 17:45
Positives - the view, house band were good, friendly staff
Negatives - service; only got our bottle of wine poured by the time we'd finished the main course. Food; a mediocre onion soup, wagyu steak was bland and overpowered by a too sweet and too heavily emulsified sauce. Both were undercooked, the rare one was cold. Served with a few leaves and potato wedges. It was like a throwback to the worst restaurant dining of the uk in the 1970s. There are far better places to eat for a fraction of the price.
16 Januari 2020 4:34
Makanannya g seberapa harganya mahel harga nya menuju lokasi harus pake effort banget.view kalau malem g sebagus instagramnya
03 Desember 2019 10:00
View nya bagus romantis suasana kalo malam, menu nya bervariasi.hrg standart lah.cuma mushola yg tdk terawat
02 Desember 2019 22:23
Subhanalloh pemandangan disini luar biasa indahnya. Udara diselimuti kabut. Serasa di atas awan. Cuman disini harganya lumayan mahal
02 Desember 2019 16:16
Kecewa berat dengan kenyataan yang ada. Restauran yang sepertinya mati segan hidup tak mau. Rencana merayakan ultah isteri dengan suasana yg romantis, akhirnya kandas saat tiba di lokasi. Saat weekday ternyata tidak memberikan suasana yang diharapkan, sepi dan gelap untuk menuju lokasi the peak. Yang lebih mengecewakan lagi, langit2 dengan kain hitam kusam, kain kasa nyamuk bahkan taplak meja yg sudah kusam, tidak seperti dalam bayangan kami untuk suatu restauran berkelas. Wagyu dan Tenderloin Steak yg kami pesan terasa aroma bau sapinya, sedikit terobati dengan kue coklat larva yg rasanya enak dan memberikan sedikit kesan romantis.
Sebaiknya The Peak berbenah diri secepat mungkin karena akan sayang sekali jika dibiarkan tenggelam.
02 Desember 2019 4:11
If you are looking for simple romantic place for proposing, this place would be the right place for you. However, sorry to say, the food was just so so.
17 November 2019 23:15
Buruk. Kami pesan pakai voucher traveloka beli 4 voucher. Tapi hanya available 2. Kondisi resto perlu di rapikan dan di bersihkan, karena berdebu dan usang. Akses keresto tersebut sangat sulit medan nya. Makanan cukup mahal dengan rasa yang biasa saja. View juga biasa saja.bisa dibilang mengecewakan. Niatnya mengabiskan lama disana.tapi belum sejam kami memutuskan untuk pulang.
31 Oktober 2019 5:23
Villa nyah sangat bagus dengan pemandangan gunung tangkuban perahu dan pula kotabandung yg sangat jelas sekali
26 Oktober 2019 1:54
Viewnya keren banget bisa liat kota bandung dr atas.hny sj utk menuju ke lokasi medannya berkelok kelok.makanannyq lumayan lah.
23 Oktober 2019 0:12
The place was very beautiful. Nice nice music and ambience. They have indoor and outdoor settings, chair and sofa tables to dine in. They have tons of wine selection and alcohol beverages (yes they have a bar). It's Western and Indonesian style food.
The Tenderloin Steak tasted delicious, not hard to cut and chew and was a good portion, but maybe not quite enough to satisfy a man's belly.
The Fish and Chips with Tartar Sauce was also delicious. Portion was good enough but definitely not for sharing. Fish was soft and seasoned well. Eating it with the Tartar sauce, they were perfect match!
We also ordered Soto Ayam (no picture). It came with a candle underneath it so it stayed warm the whole dinner time. It tasted very delicious! We all loved the soup! The chicken was soft, not cut up thinly like regular Soto Ayam but in lumps.
The Chicken Cream Soup was omgly belly warming and scrumptious! Thickness of the soup wad perfect, not too thick not too watery. There was small lumps of chicken and a pice of cracker in the bowl. I guess this was the most delicious dish we ordered here.
The Chocolava was a tad bit overbaked but still tasted good regardless.
They really have a professional chef for he got 5 out of 5 score a.k. A.perfect score on his dishes.
We went here in the dark of the night so couldn't enjoy any view even from the 3rd floor. It was pitch black outside. Maybe it's much more beautiful in the daylight.
28 September 2019 23:18
Tempatnya udah ga keurus, kaca penuh debu. Sayang bgt padahal dulu pernah hits pada masanya. Toilet tidak ada tissue gulung. Sayang bgt pokonya.
12 Agustus 2019 6:31
Very cold and nice place, nice food with reasonal price.
My favorite is their hot chocolate!

You should try the steak, quite nice but the pancakes are best!
23 Juli 2019 13:54
Dont go when dinner time, the road is lack of light, need extra careful, food mostly western and little expensive.atmosfer is good and chill.
08 Juni 2019 12:10
Main Coursenya sih enak. Cuma pelayanannya buruk sekali, makanan lama datang, minuman yg dipesan tidak keluar. Kurang rekomended, beda dengan dulu
13 Maret 2019 17:15
Sekarang the peak tu kurang kerawat dan agak kumuh ramenya cuma disaat ada acara acara tertentu paling tiap harinya penuh sama anak remaja pacaran
06 Maret 2019 16:44
Romantic dinner with great wine!
Tmptny cocok klo jaman skrg bahasanya Instagrammable (maklum cowok: jrg foto2 posting update) Yg penting worthed + harga cocok di kantong
Urusan foto belakangan dehhh. Akses ny klo sy pribadi masuk ke komplek Triniti
Steak nyaa mantappp! Btw sy kenal salah satu marketing senior disana & smpat bekerja sama di bbrp event. Salam!

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