29 Oktober 2023 9:00
Rekomendasi dr temen, akhirnya coba kesini sampe akrab sama mba baristanya, hehe. Tempatnya enak dekat taman corat coret, ada ruangan indoor dan outdoornya, pastrynya juara, lemon dan almondnya wah wangi banget. Favorit kopi caramel dan kopi tsuinnya. Wajib coba mEnu pastanya
01 Oktober 2023 10:52
Good place for intimate talking and mindful works. Come in the morning to get a peaceful vibe. Friendly staff and great coffee!
31 Agustus 2023 11:32
I like it when coffee shop open early at 7 AM, it makes easier for people who wants to work outside the office or house or just to find a new atmosphere in early morning. Tsuin is one of those places. The location is easy to spot and in a strategic area, at Ahmad Sobana st.

Simple yet intriguing I would say the look of Tsuin building from the outside. I never though it will be a coffee shop at first glance. Nevertheless the moment you enter the shop you will be welcomed by their calming interior design, a mixed of white and calm brown. They have huge mirror at the back of the entry door which a lot of people use it to take a picture and post it online.

By several visits, my personal favourite FnB was caramel tsuin coffee (33k) and croissant bread pudding (27k). I have also tried siomay (28k) the taste was okay and hot BBQ chicken taco (35k) for me it was too spicy I almost can't enjoy it. For beverages Tsuin also has non coffee drinks such as berry latte (35k) fresh and sweet and you can request some manual brew with different coffee beans. They say they don't use fixed coffee beans for the espresso so it was from different origin occasionally and even use import coffee like from Ethiopia. They served heavy meals starts at 11 AM.

The dining area was separated between indoor and outdoor and it was quite spacious although my slight concern is the limited parking lot. The service is nice the barista is a woman who is very informative and friendly.
18 Juli 2023 7:26
Tempatnya nyaman. Ruangannya ada indoor (AC) dan ada outdoornya juga. Pelayanan sangat baik. Minuman enak dan pastry nya juga enak. Untuk tempat parkir roda empat hanya tersedia tiga slot saja, jika ramai maka akan parkir di pinggir jalan. Untuk parkiran motor juga minimalis
25 Maret 2023 5:19
Berada di Bogor. Resto nya tdk terlalu besar, namun interior nya bersih dan bagus.
Makanan nya lumayan enak dg harga sepadan dg cafe sejenis.
Cocok untuk hangout.
02 Maret 2023 2:57
Nice place, nice coffee, price is average, good place to chit chat, not a good place to work with a laptop because the tables are small.
19 Februari 2023 12:31
Tempatnya enak, makanannya ok. Colokannya banyak, setiap meja ada colokan, penting banget buat yg mobile.
03 Februari 2023 23:26
Minumannya enak banget. Desain ruangan indoor-nya bagus dan nyaman untuk kerja. Bagian smoking area terlalu berdekatan sehingga jika ramai sangat padat dan berisik. Sempat mencoba pastry nya juga, lumayan enak tapi pricey
20 Januari 2023 1:14
Makan dan minumannya enak, suasana enak untuk kerja atau sekadar bersantai. Pelayanannya juga OK.
19 Desember 2022 14:18
The place is great, might be suitable if you wanna hangout with your friends or love ones. But, the menu (the coffee) was so-so
17 Desember 2022 22:50
Sering kesini sambil wfc karna senyaman itu, ga crowded, makanan dan minumannya juga enak walau agak pricey, wifinya oke, ambiencenya indoor atau outdoornya suka, lokasinya juga strategis bgt di pertigaan lampu merah taman corat-coret, mas dan mbaknya juga friendly. Good job Tsuin:)
05 Desember 2022 2:02
Dessernya & kopinya enak-enak, kekuranganya jarak antar kursi terlalu deket ya. Overall good
03 November 2022 16:07
Pros: Opens at 7AM, friendly staff
Cons: Unisex Toilets faces guests in the back area which is very inconvenient and disturbing, some seats are broken and not renewed, dirty walls.
Price: approx 80k/person for meal and drink
23 Juli 2022 0:46
Tempatnya cantik, parkiran lumayan, serversnya ramah dan sangat membantu.ada musolanya juga.makanannya ada main course, dessert nya ada slice cake sama pastry.
24 April 2022 18:16
Estetik sekali tempatnya? Stafnya helpful, pelayanan oke dan menu non coffee nya juga oke banget
15 April 2022 15:21
Minuman oke, kopi cukup strong tp no sugar yah.makanan so so.tempat nya ada beberapa spot foto yg ciamik, cuman kurang nyaman kalo mau buat kerja buka laptop berlama lama.
17 Juni 2021 0:45
Tempatnya enak bangett, buat nongki atau ngerjain tugas di luar nyamann, paling best tsuin ice coffee nyaa yg pake gula aren
13 Juni 2021 8:26
Bad service. Pada jutek banget. Bawa tumblr aja ga boleh. Mahal pula. Mening jelas jelas popolo atau awal mula.
31 Mei 2021 4:06
The worst coffee shop ever!
The service is bad, the food is limited and banning tumblr? !? Lol. Unbelievable.
've never had in my life any experience like this - my first one star review. Sorry guys you should improve your services otherwise people only come once. I'll stick with Awal Mula, Starbucks, Anomali and many others but (never) this place.
10 Mei 2021 10:16
A good vibe place! Bet you want to sip their coffee and get addicted minutes later. Nice work and ambience!
22 April 2021 21:43
Tempatnya lumayan kalau cuma buat nongkrong tapi kalau nugas kayaknya engga karena rame banget. Padahal di indoor acnya dingin banget. Untuk harga cukup pricey jadi gak bisa yang nongkrong tiap minggu ke situ. At least matcha lattenya enak. Gak yang manis banget.
11 April 2021 13:55
Best aesthetic cafe in Bogor with unique coffee and non-coffee taste. Worth the price, smoking area available, and best vibe cafe in Bogor. Must try!
27 Maret 2021 11:52
Located on street level near Taman Corat Coret, this place offers you caffeine varieties, snacks, meals, and nice place for chilling. Menu wise, the offer for coffee ranges from manual brew to signature beverage (which unfortunately unavailable by the time I visited). Price wise, the menu is relatively higher than several coffee shops nearby.

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