11 Oktober 2021 14:53
Alat dapur kurang lengkap. Minta sama ibu penjaga villa nya. Bilang nya ga ada. Si ibu nya juga aga ketus. Yg jaga nya bukan yg dulu ramah senyum.
26 Juli 2021 2:23
Luar biyasa view nya, cocok untuk meralaxsasi pikiran, melepas kepenatan, mencari insfirasi baru
Kuy ah booking
18 Juni 2020 14:59
Totally different from the draft design of this place. Disappointed to what it have become now.
20 Maret 2020 10:01
Villa yg recommended buat keluarga atau temen kerja. Kapasitas orang sekitar 22 orang.pemandangan depan villa nya mantep banget. Fasilitas villanya kolam renang, kamar 4, kasur, toilet 2, kompor, kulkas, piring, gelas, ulekan, magic com dll.
19 Maret 2020 20:49
Pengalaman pertama lewati jalan menanjak dan rusak.apalagi kami justru minim pengalaman melewati jenis jalan yg begitu, sampai saya turun dulu baru naik motor lagi. Alhamdulillah sampai juga.
22 Juli 2019 14:40
Villa nya bagus dan view nya mantap. Ada permainan bilyar. Tapi pastikan ngak ada punglinya sama penjaga villa. Buat anak anak bagus, ada kolam renangnya
25 Mei 2019 13:59
Kesini bareng temen kampus, ok juga tempatnya walaupun sempet mati lampu
kolam renang juga bersih,
peralatan masak dan perlatan makan tersedia, sangat menolong
01 September 2018 2:14
The most disgusting place to stay I ever stayed in. The house is a ruin and the furniture comes from a garbage dump. The whole house, rooms and beds smell of cat pee and mould. Mattresses, sheets and blankets are stained and completely trashed. No hot water, only icy taps. Dirty bathrooms and the toilet bowl is actually home to poo-eating slugs. Walls have cracks and stains and are rotten by humidity. Doors are broken off their hinges. The main door to the outside do not close or lock so you have to sleep nobody will enter during the night. The "pool" is filled with rotten yellowish water. You can get an infection just looking at the rotten mattresses or breathing the stinky air.
This slum should be destroyed and erased from the map. At 1.7 million rupiah it is the worst scam I have ever experienced! Stay away at any cost! Never again! Shame on the owner of this pest-infested ruin.even the roof is half destroyed!

Tulis Ulasan

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