20 Januari 2020 1:42
Tempat makan yg aman nyaman jauh dari kebisingan kendaraan umum bisa untuk poto poto juga disediakan tempat makan suasana santai sambil ngobrol dijoglo gitu
18 Januari 2020 19:48
Nice modern atmosphere with a touch of ethnic decor, hence the name. The food is great for an upper middle class restaurant, suitable for family.
01 Januari 2020 19:43
We had dinner here, it was quite crowded on Saturday night. Make sure you make a reservation if you plan to come with a group. The place is nice and homey, the garden is beautiful, the weather is just nice and cold. I ordered creamy tomato cheesy chicken and mushrooms served with rosti, it is delicious! The goulash soup not so much, too sweet. The scallops are nice!
months before, we Had a quick breakfast here! Love the atmosphere. We ordered smoke beef sandwich with extra cheese and tahu tek. Both are delicious
07 Desember 2019 7:36
Great food. Loved their Nasi Tutug Oncom and Nasi Timbel. Too bad their service is slow and inefficient. When you sit in the garden. The server won't approach you till you come to them. Eat here many times as it closed to my place.
26 November 2019 4:50
Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner:)
really liked the tranquil garden which invites to relax and stay a little longer. Their dinner options are fabulous:)
05 November 2019 23:31
Tempatnya lumayan tersembunyi menurut saya soalnya ada dijalan kecil2 gtu. Mungkin tempat ini cukup diketahui mahasiswa-mahasiswa karena cukup dekat dengan Universitas Parahyangan.
Kalo mau nyari tempatnya harus pelan-pelan, pintunya kecil terus tempat parkirnya menurut saya sempit jadi ada kemungkinan parkir dijalan.
Yang bagus dari tempat ini itu suasananya. Pas banget buat diskusi2 penting atau sekedar ngobrol ketemu temen lama. Kalo buat menunya gabungan western sama indonesian food.
29 Oktober 2019 21:58
4 bintang kejora. Waroeng Ethnic adalah restoran yang wajib di datangi kembali jika anda berada di Bandung, makanannya dari sup sampai ke rosti sangat worth it, dan enak.saya sangat merekomendasikan rosti mereka.tempat tidak perlu dipertanyakan sangat enjoyable, dan tidak padat.saya tidak merokok tapi area smokingnya adalah area yang paling saya senangi karena bentuknya pendopo yang sangat klasik dan angin sejuk Bandung Utara sangat terasa.well done ethnic
28 Oktober 2019 18:19
Outstanding food, highly recommended.
They not only serve local food, as well they have very interesting western choices. In terms of quality both are very, very good.
We loved sitting in the garden and enjoying our dinner in the middle of this green oasis.
We will definitely come back.
13 Oktober 2019 11:34
Rasa makanan enak, sesuai dengan harganya. Banyak customer non lokal disini, mungkin karena memang rasa makanannya cocok untuk mereka. Cocok untuk yang butuh suasana kerja sendiri dan hening. Suasana resto cocok bagi yang mencari suasana romantis, terutama malam hari. Tempat parkir mobil sedikit, cukup sulit untuk parkir di pinggir resto karena jalannya pun sempit untuk dilalui 2 mobil.
09 Oktober 2019 20:26
Oldies but still nice to have a place like this in bandung. Suasananya enak, adem, sepi. Enak buat ngumpul keluarga ato temen2. Makanannya ok. Variasi masakan Indonesia sampe steak. Mie tek tek nya top!
Western nya anak2 jg suka, cocok banget.
Harga abit premium tapi dapet taste good, suasana n pelayanan yg ok.worthed banget.
21 September 2019 5:11
Makanan sih biasa aja, terus service-nya kok kurang ya. Apa krn sy dan tmn2 duduknya outdoor belakang jadi kayak dicuekin. Buku menu ambil sendiri, trs pas pesen jg mesti cari2 pelayannya ke dalam, eeh ngobrol mereka. Gak kepikiran dtg ke sini lagi, ditraktir pun ogah.
16 September 2019 22:12
A little hidden heaven. It's located on a narrow street, deep in a luxurious residence at ciumbuleuit area.
The place is homy and serve full range breakfast.
Try the Rosti, try the semur lidah, try the nasi goreng kriuk hmmm yummy.
No other commwent. Just try?
15 September 2019 15:02
Everything on the menu is good. Great for gatherings, couples etc. Really. Everything on the menu is good.
07 September 2019 9:52
Eh teman, bagi yg blm tau waroeng ethnic coba dong kali kali datang disana makanannya banyak variannya dati makanan lokal sampai inter nasional enak enak semua looooh. Bahkan tempatnya adem dan nyaman smabil menikmati secangkir kopi sambil melihat bunga terhampar indah dipandang mata.serasa melihat bunga sakura nanjauh dijepang.pokoe mantap deh
02 September 2019 0:05
Good place, good food. The place is cozy even though it feels a little bit old. The food is also variative, you can choose western or indonesian food. They serve toast or steamed bread also. The price for indonesian food is quite cheap where the price for western food is a little bit expensive. The taste was delicious. Worth to visit!
28 Agustus 2019 14:12
Restonya nyaman. Terletak di jalan Rancabentang tidak jauh dari jalan Ciumbeluit. Jalan kaki menyehatkan, banyak pepohonan di sekitar resto. Restonya homey, masakannya dari yang ringan hingga yang berat tersedia di sana. Menu spesial di antaranya adalah Nasi Tutug Kriuknya. Mantapss!
25 Agustus 2019 23:24
Favorite place to dine around Ciumbuleuit! Last week I tried Ayam Kampung Garang Asem and Semur Lidah. I asked the waiter whats their best menu and he suggested us (mostly) Indonesian food. He also mentioned Nasi Tutug something but I didn’t choose it. The main course is start from 30k, trust me it worth the taste
12 Agustus 2019 20:11
I will put 2 star only for the green and peacefull atmosphere but i didnt get the time to eat here, the waitress was horrible, not even a hello, she looked piss off to serve us and it was the first time it happenned to me and my family in Indonesia so we decided to left the restaurant without even eating anything
08 Agustus 2019 11:56
Ngga cuma ada makanan khas Indonesia, disini juga tersedia makanan eropa. Klo makanan favoritnya sendiri untuk Indonesia bisa cobain Nasi Tutug Kriuk / Nasi Tutug Oncom, sambil nunggu makananny jadi bisa pesen dulu krupuk aci sma sambal oncom. Untuk makanan eropa nya bisa pesen Rosti, favorit banget deh.minumny bisa pesen Sereh Tea.terakhir untuk pencuci mulut bisa pesan Pisang Goreng Ethnic.mantap deh
04 Agustus 2019 8:13
Sy blm pernah membeli msakan wrung ethnic buat pribadi ataupun kluarga, sy hnya mmbeli dn mengantar apa yg d pesan custumer
30 Juli 2019 7:58
Best rosti. Seems i underestimate a bit because the place looks like serving local food. When i asked for their recommendation, they refer to rosti, which rarely sold in bdg.

The bad part is the journey to this restaurant, took another hour just getting stucked in ciembeluit road.


Worth to try and will come again.
23 Juli 2019 15:34
A cozy place for lunch/dinner with family and friends. I came with my family and we ordered gado-gado, nasi timbel ayam, nasi timbel gepuk and nasi gepuk penyet. They also have western cuisine. If you want a complete meal, order nasi timbel ayam or gepuk. It is served with fried tempe, fried tofu, salted fish (only 2 little pieces) and sambal. Sadly, for vegetable menu, they only have gado-gado.
The service is good and quite fast, although we came during Lebaran holiday, and kind of crowded there. While waiting for food, you can spend your time by taking pictures around the restaurant. It surrounded by nice view of nature.
Their public facilities, like toilet, also very nice and clean. But they only provide 12 lots for the car to park, so people need to park their car outside the restaurant if the parking lot is full.
22 Juli 2019 6:07
Semuanya enak enak.paling special pisang goreng nya yg manis dan kopi susu panasnya yg pas banget dmakan bareng pisang gorengnya.tempat favorit banget!
16 Juli 2019 9:33
Cozy place for hanging around with relative especially family. The food is superb, both western and Indonesian. Rosti's menu is a must to choose in here.
08 Juli 2019 18:24
Good vibes, good foods, relatively pricey but worth it. One thing is they dont have spacious parking lot so you may need to park your car outside.
04 Juli 2019 19:50
Tgl 13 juni cari makan malem trs kesini krn reviww nya bagus ehh asli nya Gak bakalan kesini lagi.pesen jeruk hangat yg dateng jeruk pahit.nasi gorengnya biasa banget harga 35ribu dpt telor ceplok doang nasgor nya kirain ada suwir2 ayam.
07 Mei 2019 7:27
Ada makanan western maupun eastern ada disini, Nasi Rawon, soto Bandung, gado-gado, cair mie Malang sama mie tek Tek nya paling enak disini
05 Maret 2019 16:46
Restoran dengan suasana yang hangat dan nyaman. Taman belakangnya asri, dilengkapi dengan kolam air mancur. Waktu mengunjungi tempat ini saya memesan nasi goreng Ethnic dan mengira itu adalah menu spesial, namun yang tersaji hanyalah nasi goreng dengan telur mata sapi, tanpa tambahan topping lainnya (bahkan tanpa suwiran ayam). Jauh dari ekspektasi. Tapi menu lain yang saya pesan—rawon—rasanya enak, lengkap dengan telur asin dan kecambah.

Hidangan unik untuk penutupnya saya pilih es krim bakar (tidak tertulis di menu tapi bisa ditanyakan ke pramusajinya). Es krim yang dilapisi foam, disiram rhum lalu dibakar. Enak, perpaduan rasa manis dan agak pahit dari rhumnya.
30 Desember 2018 13:24
The place was crowded when we arrive, may be because it was Saturday night, and also close to year end.

The place is cozy and the vibe is chill, as it has alfresco dining at the back yard beside its main dining inside the house.

The food itself are mixed between western and local food. But yesterday we are all taking western food.

For starters, we had onion ring (crunchy with a nice sauce), chicken caesar salad (nicely coated, tender grilled breast), grilled beef tenderloin medium (using imported beef costs 155K, while local costs 95K - we choose imported), herb roast beef (again using imported beef costs 155K, while local costs 95K - we choose imported) all the beef tenderloin is perfectly medium and the portion and side dishes are enough to fill you up [200gr beef]. The kids ordered pasta, both creamy sauce and aglio olio taste nice. And the aglio smells heavenly with roast garlic.

The service was rather slow because it was crowded, but on weekdays, mom said the service is quite fast.

Definitely will come back again.
01 November 2018 15:01
The majority of customers here are families and maybe it’s partly because of their tagline. Waroeng Ethnic has various cuisines on their menu, but Western and Indonesian are their signatures I think. I ordered fried rice and the taste was okay with quite big portion for me.
The place was quite big with homey feeling to it, and there is also a bakery. However, their mixed steak (chicken, beef, and ribs) wasn’t that good because it lacked sauce and the steak wasn’t cooked according to request. Their staff was not that attentive, too.
Additionally, their rosti was also so-so and it also lacked sauce, unless they expect me to eat beef steak with tomato sauce.:/
27 September 2018 21:36
The food was simply delicious. We really loved the interior with all the plants and the nice windows. The menu had a lot of choices, from Asian to Western dishes, also a wide range of Swiss dishes (which were amazing!)

The lovely owner and his family made our stay in Bandung even better. They made us feel very welcome.
You should really visit this place when in Bandung!

Frans and Natalia:)
03 September 2018 1:05
When you miss your homemade dish, you definitely will love this place! A homey resto with homey dish <3

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