06 November 2023 7:25
Barang lumayan lengkap.cuma ya jangan over banget kita diintilin dari belakang dari mulai masuk pintu depan.belanja jadi ga nyaman.kalo khawatir barang hilang ya install CCTV di berbagai titik. Kalau khawatir customer tersesat, tanya produk atau lainnya ya cukup mas mbak pegawainya standby di beberapa titik.kan kita bisa panggil minta tolong.huffff.ya boleh si service nomor 1.cuma ya mbok ojo nemen2.kan kita ya saling paham to kalo dibuntuti terus gimna rasanya
28 Maret 2022 2:33
Super mahal2. Lagi mau milih2 diikutin terus sama mbak nya, udh kaya apa aja, jadi ga nyaman banget milihnya
29 Desember 2021 15:37
Yang naik mobil gak di ikuti yang bawa motor kemana kemana di ikutikaryawan gak genah di openi lek2

Awale mau beli banyak jadi males, kerena karyawane gak ramah, yowes lgs keluar tanpa pegang barang, pantes sepi
12 Oktober 2021 13:53
Untuk sebuah toko perlengkapan bayi kurang cocok karena tidak begitu lengkap dan harga relatif mahal.

1.lebih dilengkapi lagi berbagai macam varian perlengkapan untuk bayi terutama new born dengan produk kekinian.
2.tampilan depan toko lebih dipercantik dengan desain kekinian supaya lebih menarik
3.lampu didalam toko lebih diterangin lagi, kalo siang remangĀ²
4.mbakĀ² penjaganya jangan ngikutin customer terus, risih.seperlunya aja ketika dipanggil baru mendekat.semoga makin sukses dan tambah rame pembelinya
03 Agustus 2020 21:22
Love it here, not too expensive. First impression: Good customer service. Toys, skincare, clothing, etc.but not many choice for shoes. Got a nice pair somehow, cheaper than those in commercial center (M***o)
17 Oktober 2019 1:13
Went in there to buy an infant car seat and pack and play travel cot and few other things. Both the car seat and the pack and play models that we want, according to the sales persons are out of no stock. They only have the one on display. When we asked if we can order and just come back for it at a later time, they said no. They will not know when new stocks will arrive but it will take a very long time. A very long time they kept on repeating. I don't know if this is true or they were just too lazy to check for stock. Who would want to get a cot for their baby that is on display and accumulating dust at the store? The sales persons do not seem interested to help the costumer out, they seemed more interested to get rid of the customer so they can go back inside the adjacent room (office?) and chat among themselves. This they did as we were still looking for other possible options. I got tired needing to call them in the adjacent room (the one with glass door) and just decided to go to Mothercare at Paragon Mall. Thankfully we went to Mothercare. They have excellent service and online shop at the store. Things that they don't have at the store they can have it delivered to your house.

Nagatomi needs a store supervisor to make sure their sales staffs are doing their job.
01 Agustus 2019 14:48
Perlengkapan kebutuhan bayi, anak, ibu hamil, dari kepala sampai kaki, ada dan lengkap. Karena semua cari Puji aja. Kalau barang yang ga ada bisa di adakan.
12 Mei 2019 9:12
Recommended banget buat yang lagi nyari perlengkapan baby. Mulai dari pakaian sampai mainan. Lengkap banget pokoknya.

Melayani bungkus kado dengan pelayanan yang ramah. Harga lumayan sih, demi baby kan yaaa, harus yang terbaik

Parkiran luas.

Tulis Ulasan

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