15 Juli 2023 6:17
Love the services very friendy
But no beer there
Taste. Like. Usual.
Just oke.
02 Juli 2023 12:15
Makanannya enak waiters nya keren banget dari penampilan dan pelayanan wkwkwk harusnya naik gaji sih yg satu ini.
10 Juni 2023 19:46
Tempatnya enak, AC dingin, WiFi kencang, pizza enak, pizza-nya lebih tipis daripada pizza hut, domino. Sepi, cocok untuk yang gak suka keramaian sambil merenungi hidup. Harganya tidak ramah kaum proletar harus nabung dulu atau nunggu promo.
02 Juni 2023 4:44
The food tastes really great, the pizza dough is different from other pizza places. Love it.
Pizza price is standard but for others items are a lil bit pricey.
The place is really comfy.
In frame: Portobello Kale Truffle oil
03 April 2023 5:30
No Musholla. No free parking. Little bit pricey actually, but it's okay. A little bit dirty in the toilet. Overall so-so.
03 Maret 2023 4:42
Kangen marzano stl dlu langganan dijkt, tp kok g seenak dlu ya, secara harga sih g jauh beda sama dlu pdhl sudah 11 thn yg lalu, mgkn didowngrade
27 Februari 2023 23:17
This place is great! Atmosphere is chill and the staff is also friendly. The food is amazing, some Italian classics and some twists, very worth it!
17 Februari 2023 6:33
I ordered self pick up and have to wait for another 15 minutes for the pizza.and the waiter didn't even bother to apologize and not respectful.
26 Januari 2023 22:07
Comfy place, tasty food, and all the staffs are very friendly and helpful. Nice place to hang out with family and friends.
09 Desember 2022 8:26
Good food good service good place
Kesini bikin pizza utk kesekian kalinya
Cocok utk acara sekolah/kelas
Pelayan sangat ramah meski ada anak yg ga sengaja mecahin gelas
16 November 2022 19:42
Nice atmosphere. Many menu variant, and the waitress who serves me really good at give me advice on what I should order.
18 Juli 2022 20:27
Mhm this is good, you guys should really try it when you're in Semarang.

Margherita pizza is the best lmao just try it yourself
12 Juli 2022 1:54
Tanggal 11 di setiap bulan datang kesini dengan mengenakan pakaian belang2 seperti yang terlihat di foto yang saya lampirkan demi mendapatkan discount 50%
Untuk rasa, bagi penggemar makanan yang creamy2 dengan rasa yang berat sangatlah enak, tapi bagi saya yang tidak terlalu suka akan merasa cepat kenyang karena rasa makananya berat
Tetapi bukan berarti tidak enak
Boleh dicoba datang tanggal 11 dan rasakan promonya
27 Juni 2022 19:23
Been to the one in Jakarta a couple weeks ago, somehow the orange duck salad tasted better here. However the orange slices were smaller. We ordered margherita and calabresse pizza. Both are deliciousooooo. Also ordered the mushroom with mozza, yummm, not forgetting the famous doughball (original), fettucini carbonara, peri wings, and couple of desserts.

Bright, spacious and quiet a nice place to hangout with family. Only 1 washroom though, gotta wait in line if you gotta go.

Anyways, when you use BCA Credit Card, you get 20% discount but gotta order 2 add on and 1 dessert. For certain BNI CC, 20% off no T&C. Valid until end of June 2022.
23 Juni 2022 14:04
Dari parkir sampai area makan cukup luas, termasuk area smoking area, menu cukup banyak, harga cukup mahal juga terutama buat anak kos karena lokasi di daerah dekat kampus dan banyak kos2an, saran buat owner, klo harga jelas kalah bersaing dengan yg lain, harus ada inovasi, karena yg lain rasa udah disesuaikan dgn lidah Jawa, harus berani bumbu klo gak ya kita lihat aja bertahan berapa lama, masukan lagi kasih wastafel di smoking area juga, masih coba hanya beberapa menu saja, itu aja udah habis 500k, yg lumayan chicken wing ya, yg top malah es krim coklatnya overall okelaahh.klo lu banyak duit
02 Juni 2022 5:58
Kenapa sekarang suka gosong.yang dibawa pulang juga.gosong dan keras.bikin lecet pas makan
25 November 2021 8:21
Love the ambience, cleanliness, friendly staff, good food, and fancy plating (real Pizza in style).
Entertained by the maker juggling the pizza dough!
Taste good but pricey?
Best pizza: Portobello with Kale and Truffle oil
05 November 2021 19:22
Pizzanya enak sekali dan fettucini Tartulo juga sangat enak (beda dari tempat asli) Italian tastenya terasa banget. Pelayanannya juga bagus semua ramah2.
03 November 2021 2:44
Pizzanya dingin, padahal gojeg nya tepat waktu. Wedhes potatoes dan chicken wings bisa hangat, knapa pizzanya dingin? Nyesel
08 Oktober 2021 15:39
Pizza baru disemarang, bersebelahan dengan Starbucks setiabudi, tempatnya cozy, luas bersih.menyediakan berbagai macam pizza, pasta dan cake.

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