25 Agustus 2023 17:11
The worst service for parcel, don’t be deceived by the brand, as it’s different quality if you use this company in Indonesia too many scam and political. Almost like fraud, shipping my used clothes from overseas the weight is 29.5 and they claim it to be 35 kg (as my belongings was held at their facilities as they said I wasn’t at Indonesia yet). Forcing to provide boarding pass and passport stamp as a proof to collect my belongings, which make none-sense as I already provide my plane ticket as proof that I am going back for good and the stuff is my personal belongings. They insisted that it has to be boarding pass and the arrival stamp on the passport. Once arrive in Indonesia they make another none-sense and things to be difficult as they said that the document that been provided is blurry. Sent again using the scanner and they still insisted that it was blur. They keep spin out the time as if your belongings stored in their facilities you have to pay the amount of the weight if your belongings times and their “storage fee” which is stupid. I spent $600 for this shipment says door to door service. No difficulty turns out to be bunch of clowns playing people money and times around for their corruption. Shame on you, please be wise for people from overseas to be involved with this dodgy company. It’s just a waste of your energy, time and money. Not worth it, just find other facilities of international shipment. Definitely not recommend to use this service provider.
26 Maret 2023 19:34
Sdh bbrp kali kirim paket ke LN dg DHL. Tdk ada isue ttg hal ini. Pengiriman brg sgt cpt dan profesional. Namun utk kantor baru pindahan dr cargo Juanda mhn di-update di google agar tdk kecewa terlanjur dtg ke area cargo T1 Juanda ternyata sdh tutup. Diarahkan ke area Sier ternyata salah msk
ke area DHL suplly chain khusus produk Unilever dan diarahkan sama satpam ke Jl. Berbek Industri 1, ternyata titik map di google berhenti di sebuah pabrik lain dan diinfo lg sama satpam pabrik utk maju lagi sekitar 200 m. Tempatnya mmg agak pelosok tapi akan sangat membantu apabila informasi di map di update. Terimakasih.
15 Juni 2021 19:30
Bidang usaha yang ga ada matinya bahkan saat pandemi covid 19 yang sudah hampir 1 thn ini (red: 15 feb, saat review ini ditulis), terbukti dari jumlah volume pengiriman maupun penerimaan barang, meskipun ada penurunan, tapi masih mendominasi pasar forwarded di Bandara Juanda.
Betapa tidak, setiap jadwal penerbangan ke/dari luar negeri lewat terminal kargo, pasti terdapat barang/komoditi yang dilayani oleh DHL,
Simple deliver. Slogan yg sesuai bidang jasa pengiriman dan pengurusan barang.
Lihat saja dari plot kargo lewat Singapore Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Myindo sedikit banyak pasti ada bokingan kargo atas nama DHL.
Sebagai official partner event MotoGP, F1, serta Film Detektif Inggris James Bond ga salah kiranya perusahaan yg sudah Mengglobal.
Karyawan yang selalu dituntut profesional baik bagian Deliverry, administrasi, pengurusan Bea cukai, sangatlah terbukti.
Ada tempat khusus penimbunan barang impor di Terminal 1 kargo bandara internasional Juanda selain kantor DHL yang ada sales konter.
14 Juni 2021 20:26
Hari ini tutup smpai hari jum.at.sabtu buka lg. Lg penyeprotan disektifitan virus

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