02 Desember 2022 22:19
Banyak galeri mahasiswa untuk ngobrol. Musholla bersih dan parkiran mobil dosen mirip taman, sangat rindang.
13 Maret 2022 2:47
Museum antropologi nya keren banget. Musholla nya juga bersih, harum dan dingin.
20 Juni 2021 20:43
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Airlangga was first established on December 23,1977 with the name of Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS). The Department of Sociology was the first and only department under the Faculty of Social Sciences. Now FISIP has seven undergraduate programs (S1), namely, Anthropology, Political Science, Communication, Public Administration, International Relations, Information and Library Science, and Sociology. There are five graduate programs (S2) namely, Sociology, Public Policy, International Relations, Political Science and Media Communications. Social Science Studies Program is one of the majors with the Doctoral Program (S3).
22 Juli 2020 17:02
Tempatnya nyaman. Ada tempat diskusi di sekeliling gedung. Jika lapar, silakan ke kantin dengan harga rata rata 10k. Bagi kalian yang berminat untuk kuliah disini, fisip unair menawarkan kualitas berskala internasional karena sudah terakreditasi baik dan diakui internasional. Perlu diketahui. Tempat diskusi ini sangat nyaman dan sering digunakan diskusi hingga larut pagi. Jadi fisip unair tetap ramai sekalipun tengah malam: v
10 Januari 2018 10:24
The best place for those who serious about learning sociopolitical science in many ways with students and lecturer with various expertise. It has facility for every single faculty or department such as library, laboratory and discussion places. Many students came to this place for having discussion at the place sorrounded the building called, galeri, you can express what you want for having discussion, playing music and games, management or organizations, and many more.

The wifi here sometimes in good condiditon, which means faster, but sometime you may be upset If there is some troubled access. The main thing is, if you are student at that faculty, please spend your time well, because you may find many excited activities there.

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