22 Juli 2021 8:24
Kalau butuh cetak foto ekspres, bisa kesini. Karena lokasi nya dekat dengan kelurahan ploso, jadi sangat memudahkan orang2 yg belum sempat cetak/foto tapi juga butuh ke kelurahan ploso. Ancer2 nya, studio ini ada didepan pom bensin dan di sebelah bengkel motor.
19 Juli 2021 2:24
Tempat foto rekomend buat kalian yang ingin hanya mengabadikan moment kebahagian bersama keluarga atau pasangan
Atau mau hanya pas foto buat kebutuhan
Harga terjangkau kwalitas superrrrr
18 Juni 2021 22:50
This shop has been around since I was in the elementary school. At that time, photo studios were still very few. I remember that my dad would take me to the first outlet on Tambak Rejo street. Now the shop has already had a number of outlets, and they still stick to the business. I still remember that we had to wait for a couple of days to have one photo developed and printed since we had to wait for others to use the resti of the film roll.

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