07 Desember 2023 1:38
Tempatnya nyaman, banyak koleksi lukisan, disini juga bisa belajar tentang kesenian, melukis, musik, menari, dll. Disini setiap hari minggu ada kegitan melukis model.
10 April 2023 10:56
Pranoto is well known artist from Solo, he built this place few years ago and when you are in the area, I highly recommend to visit his gallery. Live sketching sessions are available and Pranoto team is very friendly, chatting with them makes you feel so welcome and you can learn a lot about the area nature, culture and traditions.
16 Februari 2023 23:24
Tempatnya nyaman, banyak koleksi seni berupa lukisan fan patung. Serasa dirumah sendiri. Sayup sayup terdengar debur ombak menyapa kita. Selamat datang di pacitan.
29 Desember 2021 16:48
Biisa lukis model, p pram ramah terbuka sangat welcome galeru unik artistik
11 September 2020 9:31
A lovely place to unplug and enjoy a dreamy afternoon talking with Mr. Pranoto about art, music, tradition, culture and life in general. Came back from the gallery with a mind completely refreshed
15 Agustus 2020 16:42
It's a good gallery for paintings and antiquities in a beautiful jogjo close to the shore. Meet Pak Pranoto, he is gorgeous (speaks English very well).
08 Januari 2020 17:50
It's a good gallery for paintings and antiquities in a beautiful jogjo close to the shore. Meet Pak Pranoto, he is gorgeous (speaks English very well).

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