07 Oktober 2022 23:01
The best place to learn programming di Surabaya. Coachnya sangat sabar dan helpful sehingga saya bisa lebih cepat belajar programming
07 Oktober 2022 14:42
Kelasnya asik, gurunya sabar, meskipun terkadang progress saya lambat tetapi gurunya tetap sabar dan selalu mau membantu
10 September 2021 22:17
Tempat belajar programming basic maupun advanced yang sangat saya rekomendasikan!

Awal mula belajar programming dari 0, diajari basic dengan bahasa yang mudah bagi pemula.
Lanjut ke kelas advanced, kurikulum, training algoritma, dan pembelajaran tertata dengan baik. Pembahasan soal serta debugging yang diberikan juga jelas serta membuat murid paham dan belajar dari kesalahan.

Kelas robot/Arduino yang ditawarkan juga sangat baik dan gurunya menjelaskan dengan baik. Proyek yang dikerjakan juga seru serta murid bisa memilih mau melakukan proyek apa.

Saya juga berteman baik dengan beberapa murid lain di Puede, bahkan kami sempat mengikuti final lomba competitive programming di Jogja bersama (bukan satu tim).

Berkat bimbingan Puede education (salah satunya), saya kini dapat melanjutkan S1 Computer Engineering saya di National University of Singapore dengan gratis!
03 Agustus 2021 10:37
Hands down the best programming course here in Surabaya. I would recommend anyone who is interested in learning any kind of programming for any purpose (especially competitive programming) to start your journey here! The teacher (mr jimmy) will guide you patiently through any obstacle you might encounter during your course.
29 Juli 2021 14:36
The courses are taught by a very patient teacher who has endless great reviews among olympiad students and students looking to pursue computer related major overseas. The teacher is both amazing at teaching beginner and more advanced courses especially those written in c/c+. Teacher is also putting an amazing effort despite the online learning limitation. Learned a lot and would definitely recommend to anyone interested in coding.
28 Juli 2021 9:13
Not a computer geek, but needed to take programming course for college. Had a hard time understanding the lesson but the teacher is always super patient. Great course overall.
24 Juli 2021 3:55
Best programming course in Surabaya! Despite the current condition (global pandemic), Ko Jimmy was able to deliver classes efficiently and clearly. I truly believe that my learning experience in Puede Education has been very pleasant and beneficial. Thanks to Ko Jimmy and all his hard work, I am now able to create basic programs by utilising C+ fluently and accurately. I hope this review may become helpful for others that are interested in learning programming during this unsettling times.
18 Juni 2021 0:48
Very good learning experience, started from scratch with no background in programming, but the teacher is very patient and engaging. Even in midst of pandemic, I got to learn a lot from this course. Highly recommended!
12 Juni 2021 3:36
Had an amazing experience to study under Mr. Jimmy to prepare my coding skills before entering university. The lesson is perfectly suitable for beginners who want to have a head start before matriculating.
08 Desember 2020 17:27
Top programming course in Surabaya with professional and patient teacher. Your place to go for learning programming. Enjoyed my time learning programming here. Very recommended
26 November 2020 20:19
A good place to study or start programming. Each problem is explained thoroughly and the problems are interesting. It helps you to improve your logic in programming
04 Agustus 2020 0:55
Gurunya baek, metode pengajaran cukup jelas. Cocok untuk anak" yg mau ambil jurusan komputer tp mw bljr dulu persiapannya.
12 Juli 2020 6:53
The teacher is very nice to all of the students, and extremely patient. I've learned a lot more efficient ways to code here, it sure is a nice place to learn programming!
14 Maret 2020 1:05
Came feeling that coding is hard and tedious. Always felt that computing is tiring and unmanageable. However, puede education has taught me that its not as hard as I thought it was. Pak Jimmy taught me patiently and always encouraged me not to give up easily. He taught me ways to find my mistakes and pushes me to fix them myself. They say coding is not for everyone, but 3 weeks of lesson made me realise that as long as you dont give up and have the right way of studying, the right method and mentor, you'll be able to code.
12 Februari 2020 18:12
Tempat belajar kompetitif programming recommended. Menurut anak saya, pengajarnya tipikal guru ambis yg menginginkan anak didiknya bisa. Cara mengajarnya mudah dipahami dan sabar.
04 Januari 2020 1:17
Came in with no learning experience on computer science at all, came out thoroughly understanding all the basic commands of C+. Would recommend to anyone who seeks to study computer science.
27 Desember 2019 19:44
Puede Education terimakasih iya.jadi Saya skrg bisa apa itu Internet Maketing. Sukses terus buat Puede Education.
17 Desember 2019 2:40
Tempat les programming untuk kompetisi /olimpiade terbaik di Surabaya.materi pengajaran tersampaikan dengan baik, sehingga murid2nya bisa cepat memahami dengan baik. Pengajarnya telaten dan sabar sehingga siswa merasa nyaman dan senang belajar. Kalau ditanya juga selalu dijawab dengan detil. Sukses buat Puede Education
27 Oktober 2019 4:14
The teacher is very experienced, patient and good at teaching. Lessons are taught step by step, which make it very clear. Came in for my uni prep without knowing a thing and learnt a lot! Def the best place to learn CS!
15 September 2019 15:31
Had a very great experience learning basic programming here. The teacher is also very experienced through several years of teaching. Very recommended!
03 September 2019 16:33
One of the best teacher ever. Makes complicated problems seem so simple and easy to do! Really patient too!
01 Agustus 2019 20:13
Great place to learn about basic and advanced programming. Tutor is really friendly and helpful, while materials given are straight-forward. Comfort environment too. Thank you Puede Education!
28 Februari 2019 10:07
The best computer training school. Puede Education help me a lot for my university in Melbourne.

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