17 November 2023 11:20
Fair points, price is what you expect, nice place
probably just minus on the flat environment and ambient
06 November 2023 0:38
The restaurant is located overlooking the sea and specializes in seafood. The food is good and the prices are high.
The staff is great
21 September 2023 7:23
Makan siang dengan tamu,
Lokasi samping Marriott Hotel Harbourbay Batam
Layanan lumayan cepat.jadi makan juga cepat
Kerapunya sedap.ayam kecapnyanya juga.udang apa lagi.cemilan kentang goreng OK juga
Minuman Jus mantap.kelapa muda ada juga
Tapi kalau sia g makan disoni.hati hati dengan oengintai diatap. Gagak Hitam gelas jus teman disambar sampai tumpah.lumayan dapat ganti.
06 September 2023 17:56
Good place for trying some seafood. We were recommended Wey Wey seafood, but found this one to be slightly higher rated.

We had a late lunch around 3PM on a weekend and the place was mostly empty with the staff taking a break. However, service was quite prompt and friendly.

The place is huge and I imagine it fills up late in the evening or at breakfast.

We ordered the following -

1) Steamed Lobster - we chose our lobster upon our waiter’s recommendation. He told us to have the steamed and this was a good choice for us lobster novices. The meat was soft and easy to pick out. Along with the chilli sauce it tasted really great

2) Sea Cucumber - this dish was ok, we found more garlic and other veggies compared to sea cucumber. Goes well with rice.

3) Butter prawns - this was the best dish. Prawns coated and fried in butter and we didn’t even feel full or heavy after eating them. Crunchy and delicious till the last bite.

4) Durian shake - this was a nice cooling drink for a warm afternoon.
06 September 2023 4:46
I recently went to Batam yesterday and ate here for dinner and it was so tasty and good. The food, service and atmosphere is very good. While I was eating, I saw the beautiful sunset and the sounds of the waves was so nice. I've never seen a beautiful sunset in my life.
19 Agustus 2023 10:55
Ordered black pepper crayfish and the meat was hard.

Generally the food was not delicious.

The environment was okay but with a foul smell from the sea.

Worst they were caught trying to overbill us for 1 kg of crayfish when we only ordered half kg for two persons
16 Juli 2023 9:56
Recommended by driver for lunch, fresh seafood.

Priced toward tourist, compared with SG, value for money.
29 Mei 2023 8:10
No doubt a place for seafood.tables are always available and the food and atmosphere is quite ok.
20 April 2023 5:55
Datang kesini bagian dari business trip, gak tau harga nya tapi rasanya mantap. Suasana nya kadang berangin tapi tidak jadi masalah karena Batam bikin betah. Silakan follow jika review saya membantu
21 Maret 2023 23:47
Salah satu tempat terbaik untuk menikmati bermacam pilihan menu seafood dengan rasa oke, sangat sesuai di lidah. Toilet bersih juga tersedia musholla.hanya saja sesekali tercium bau seperti bau selokan mampet.
18 Maret 2023 6:48
Datang kesini bagian dari business trip, gak tau harga nya tapi rasanya mantap. Batam bikin betah.
11 Maret 2023 1:26
Tempatnya bersih, view laut di sore hari lebih bagus. Makanan cocok di lidah, tdk lama nunggunya.
17 Februari 2023 0:03
Ordered 5 to 6 dishes, only served 2 dishes after waiting for more than 1.5hours.highly DO NOT recommend especially with hungry kids.my son ended up eating the Otah with White rice.for drink we also had to remind more than 10times.arrived around 8pm, drinks served after almost an hour.told staff at 9.45pm that if food is not served by 10pm, I'll walk out.and they did serve the only 2 dishes at 10pm.paid for the 2 dishes and drinks served but was "accidentally overcharged". I went through bill and corrected them and they appeared to be unhappy about it.not coming back again
28 Januari 2023 7:53
We dined in on 17 Dec. 5 adults who ate crab were down with food poisoning! We had bad diarrhoea and vomited severely.
19 Desember 2022 11:42
Udang garamnya juara! Nggak nyesel ngajak keluarga makan disini. Seafoodnya masih fresh. Makanan lainnya jg enak-enak…
15 Desember 2022 15:10
Seafoodnya enak semua, udah nyobain hampir semua menunya. Nasi gorengnya juga enak. Tempatnya bersih dan lumayan luas, karna dipinggir laut jadi seafoodnya udah pasti fresh semua, sangat worth it
04 Desember 2022 13:43
Deket sama hotel, makanannya nggak mengecewakan. Ayam bawangnya mantap banget. Bos aku sampe nambah haha
30 November 2022 1:20
Viewnya bagus banget, makanannya juga enak enak terutama lobsternya, wajib coba sih kalo nyari seafood di batam
20 November 2022 22:57
Udah kesekian kalinya makan disini. Masakannya emg ga pernah mengecewakan. Cocok buat bawa keluarga
01 Oktober 2022 9:43
Seafood place near near harbor bay ferry terminal.highly recommended clean place and delicious seafood
26 Juli 2022 4:56
Krapu tim Thailand, udang goreng cereal dan baby kailan enak, tempat bersih dan terang, harganya sesuai dengan kualitas makanan nya
04 Juni 2022 19:14
Yang suka makanan SeaFood di rekomendasiin kesini aja, Pelayanan nya ramah banget, Gw suka Udang Saos Telor Asin nya dsini, Juara deh best in Town
23 Maret 2022 4:43
Tempat terbaik untuk menikmati seafood di kota batam. Dari hotel kami di marriott tempat ini terlihat sangat indah dan ternyata malah lebih indah saat kami datangi langsung. Lokasinya benar-benar dipinggir pantai dengan suasana yang nyaman dan santai. Buka sampai tengah malam menjadi nilai lebih karena saya suka menikmati suasana pinggir pantai di malam hari. Untuk harga resto ini sangat reasonable, untuk rasa saya tempat ini bisa dibilang juaranya. Menu nya juga lengkap. Favorite keluarga kami adalah Gonggong, lala, dan ikan kerapu nya yang lezat.
17 Januari 2022 19:01
Ikan bilis nya enak bgt, ayam bawang juga enak bgt trs pelayanan nya ramah sekali dan murah senyum. View nya laut jadi enak adem karna angin cuma kalo malem gelap.
01 November 2021 21:19
Makanan seafoodnya enak. Tempatnya bagus. Pemandangan bagus ke laut ga perlu jauh2 makan seafood untuk merasakan nuansa kelong karena dekat pusat kota
29 April 2019 23:55
My opinion, best among the 4 along side of harbour bay. In term of location, it's breezy because it's the first restuarant along side. Not smelly breeze. Clean all around.

The Chinese boss is accommodating n friendly.

Food taste is 5 stars. Portion is value for money.

Customer service 4 stars.

If serve peanuts, water and tower be 5 stars.
Provide crab pincle plier and lime washing water.

Tulis Ulasan

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