24 November 2023 18:57
Highly not recommended. Buy live seafood ended serving with fake quality. Don't eat here
18 November 2023 13:37
Not honest restaurant, choose live fish and crab but served with not a fresh one after cooked. Manager doesn't admit it and only deduct small amount from the bill, the crab and fish also became smaller, is a scam restaurant
18 November 2023 3:23
Only live seafood available. Not suitable for Vegan. Not suitable for those who are unfamiliar with choosing live seafood. Not friendly to kid.

Difficult to order as most of the staff are not speaking English. No one serves while we are around. And once speak English, the staff try to shun away.
16 November 2023 2:15
There are many mosquitoes
There are not a lot of dishes on the menu
The service was too slow. I sat there for 15 minutes and no one came to order.
11 November 2023 4:34
Had order fried prawn,
fried baby sotong,
fried snapper fish with tomatoes sauces,
sambal KangKong was not properly cleanse & cooked as we feel like eating some sand,
Flower crabs was small size, steam with garlic
Tom yam soup,
Overall the food was just mediocre, and the toilet was poorly maintained. I wouldn’t recommend this place
10 November 2023 4:00
Place is quite accessible with huge carpark. You can choose the seafood before making way to sit inside the restaurant. Place is huge and plenty of tables. Seafood varieties are alot but really depends on your budget. I had 1 hongkong style steam red snapper fish, 2 crabs in butter garlic, 4 mantis shrimp using salt and pepper style, 1 ayam goreng small, 1 sambal kang kong medium and 1 hot plate egg tofu medium. On top, has 2 bottles of beer and 2 coconuts. The otak otak need to order from another person. Total cost 1.4million rupiah. To me price is okay as the seafood are live. The only problem is there are alot of mosquitoes which is super annoying.
29 September 2023 6:48
The Seafood Village, which has a very large venue, has added business to foreign tour groups (native products shop) in recent years.
The place is built on the water, and the seafood is very fresh.
14 September 2023 23:18
Don’t eat here! The seafood is not fresh. Our group got food poisoning after eating here. Avoid at all cost.
08 Desember 2021 1:53
Menyediakan hewan laut segar atau hidup, cocok tempat makan siang dan malam kalau pagi sarapan lontong biar murah
20 Oktober 2021 12:12
Tempatnya enak untuk rame-rame atau keluarga.menunya beragam dan penyajian lumayan cepat. Parkir luas
12 Oktober 2021 3:17
Harga tertera di kolam adalah
Kepiting 30,000/ons
Udang 10,900/ons
Cumi 12,000/ ons

Saya ingat sejak april saya makan disini memang segitu harganya tdk mahal

Tadi barusan jam 18: 40 saya bayar total
4 ons Kepiting = 200,000
3 ons udang = 75,000
2 ons cumi = 20,000
Es teh, lemon tea, nasi
Total 360,000 + 10% tax = 405,000

Saya tanya kenapa harganya koq mahal kepiting biasa 30,000 / ons, kenap jadi 50,000 / ons
Dan semua harganya beda dgn yg tertera di kolam

Dijawab oleh Kasir yg bernama SISI itu adalah harga promo, yg sekarang ini harga normal

Bahkan minggu lalu saya makan di golden prawn ber 8, tidak semahal ini.

Utk pihak manajemen harap apabila ada perubahan harga actual harap mengupdate papan harga yg di kolam. Karena menurut saya ini seperti penipuan.

Untuk temen2 yg mau makan di GP, sebaiknya ketika memilih makanan di kolam harap menanyakan ke petugas harga / ons berapa.

Saya makan di table 8, hari Rabu 18 Agustus 2021. Bill pembayaran pada pulul 18: 37
15 Agustus 2021 6:49
Tempat makan seafood yg enak dan tidak mahal di batam.ikannya banyak pilihan dan besar2.udangny dan cuminya mantap.saya suka makan gong gong nya.
Tp jgn pesan makan ayam disini.mahall
11 Agustus 2021 21:51
Menarik tempat dan rasanya.resto kelas satu lah, cuma better kalo di dekat meja ada colokan listrik buat charging HP
01 Juli 2021 2:43
Good, pas ada acara buka bareng terus ada menus yg seafood banyak cangkang, ternyata cangkang semua hahaha, 1% dari cangkang ada dagingnya hahaha
22 April 2020 16:00
Toilet kotor, ada kotoran manusia BAB tidak disiram, tidak ada air. Makanan standar, tidak ada rasanya.
12 April 2020 2:25
Lumayan ok. Sayang perlengkapan udah harus diregenerasi. Jepitan kepiting nya jelek-jelek semua, gak bisa digunakan lagi
10 Maret 2020 10:39
Arrived here at around 5.30pm and stayed till 7pm on a Sunday, there were only 4 groups of customers throughout the duration.

Ordered steam prawn (not in picture), 3 black pepper flower crabs, garlic chicken and rice for the price of RP435,600 (SGD43.56).

Prawn was RP70,000 for one piece but it was huge. We were not sure what type of prawn was it. We ordered just to try it and it was nice but definitely not worth RP70,000 per piece.

The flower crabs were RP18,000/gram and we got 3 which weight slightly more than 700gram in total. We like the taste of the dry black pepper but the flower crabs were basically meatless. We don't recommend getting flower crab.

Next, garlic chicken cost RP60,000 and the quantity served was pathetic (see picture). We were given only few pieces and the chicken pieces were mainly bones. We like the taste but i think the restaurant can do better than serving few pieces of chicken bones to us in an exorbitant price of RP60,000!

Lastly, we didn't enquire the price of the rice as it was put on our table in bucket and we thought it was going to be cheap but we were wrong! The receipt indicated RP9,000 per person for the rice. My boyfriend and I eat very little rice and so we shared one scoop of rice. Obviously, the staff didn't care how little we ate and charged us RP18,000 for 2 person. Of course we didn't argue as it was our mistake.

To conclude, Golden Prawn 555 is a very expensive restaurant and their serving is very little quantity. Also, there's no view at all. We totally don't recommend here at all.
14 Februari 2020 14:18
Huge restaurant mainly catering to tour groups. Food portions are acceptable and the taste is suitable for those who enjoy Indonesian food. It's been renamed as Golden Prawn 555. The setting near sea area is a plus point. Several luxurious resort houses with indoor pools are built in the vicinity of this restaurant. Strange but perhaps this might be an upcoming all-encompassing location with food, facilities and activities.
09 Februari 2020 22:03
A must to visit whenever go to Batam. Always satisfied with meals and prices. Wide variety of dishes and delicious.
07 Februari 2020 18:14
Recommend you to try out their otak-otak. The food is nice tho when i visit here, the service was quite slow so we have to wait around 30 minutes for the food to be ready on our table
04 Februari 2020 21:42
One of the overhyped places in Batam for seafood cuisine. For Singaporeans seeking for cheap seafood versus prices in Singapore, this may be the place to go but the quality and good taste may not be to a certain liking.

In my opinion, the quality and taste were far off. I wouldn't mind paying bit more for quality and good taste but I don't see it to be hopeful either by looking at the whole set up.

I went through several comments about how cheap it was for 4 person dining. Unfortunately, those diners cannot be compared to my own 4 person a family. I guessed my family had bigger appetite than the rest in the comments and the price tag doesn't look the same as what they described. But still it's cheaper than in Singapore but with lesser quality and taste.

Would rather settle for Indonesian local food cuisine than its seafood.
30 Januari 2020 9:07
Ikan, udang dan seafood langsung pilih sendiri. Segar2. Klo makan mlm bisa disertai musik karaoke. Cocok untuk acara keluarga dan kolega.
14 Januari 2020 5:45
I will never recommend this restaurant despite its very strategic location. We had a bad experience and it is thanks to the waiters. I picked a 700gm crab and a 700gm fish but the waiter, Nanda, said he is from a poor family and said he will reduce the weight of the seafood in the bill if I tip him. I fell for the mischief, something I have never done before, regret and will never do again. I paid him a 10$ tip and he said the bill will show 400gm crab and 400gm fish while I will get the original weighted orders. Truth is when the dishes came it barely had a 300gm crab and a 300gm fish and we felt very cheated. Plus due to the complexity, I had entered in, I could not even complain to the management. The entire eating experience went downhill from thereon. I purposely blog this incident as I am never shy of speaking out the actual mistakes I make and will request readers to not fall for this trap. Actually, not bother coming here at all.

Read more in my blog emojisarebald com
13 Januari 2020 20:20
Kelong) Restaurant seafood, China's food yg berlokasi di Bengkong Laut. Restauran terlama dibatam sebelum ada jalan lingkar dr Bengkong Mahkota. Ramai tourist manca negara yg datang kesini utk acara makan makan. Tersedia lengkap masakan Laut segar dan masih hidup yg disiapkan dalam kolam dan keramba ikan. Suasananya romantis. Tempat parkir nya luas. Sangat cocok SBG restauran utk tujuan wisata kuliner.
06 Januari 2020 18:03
Seafood is quite fresh, though cooking is so-so only.service is polite and prompt.place is very spacious with gentle river breeze.
06 Januari 2020 10:32
Tempat ini sangat bagus ditambah view nya dekat laut bersih dan nyaman jika anda ingin memasang WiFi boleh japri kami
05 Januari 2020 20:12
Tempat wisata kuliner di Batam paling terkenal adalah Golden Prawn, di tempat ini anda dapat menikmati beragam hidangan khas Batam terutama seafood yang enak, Golden Prawn terletak di Bengkong Laut di kawasan Bengkong, jika anda datang ke tempat ini lokasinya sangat indah karena berada di pinggir laut dengan segala fasilitas lengkap.
02 Januari 2020 1:21
One of the best seafood restaurant in Batam. With good view pond fish and you can bring eating the fish. Large parking area and excellent services
25 Desember 2019 7:22
Most seafood are fresh, live & in a cemented enclosure. You pick what you want from the friendly assistants.
We had 12 flower crabs, 3.5 kilos Gonggong (shelfish), 2 kilo prawns, all steamed. 2 bakar (bbq) live golden pomfret, a plate of sambal kangkong, 5 coconuts. Total S$150 for 8 paxs.
15 Desember 2019 23:49
The restaurant is built on stilts and the ambience is good, with the fishes swimming under the buildings. But the food was there before we got here (they pre prepared it) and the drinks was already pre-chosen. But the food was okay and was delicious
14 Desember 2019 20:12
Tempatnya asik, kalo malem ada live musik bahkan kita bisa nyumbang lagu, tapi di sini ga hanya sekedar restoran seafood, mereka juga menyediakan ballroom besar untuk keperluar acara apapun, hanya saja tempat ini agak sulit di akses menggunakan kendaraan umum, karna tidak ada kendaraan umum yang melewati jalur tersebut
08 Desember 2019 1:47
Rumah makan menengah ke atas dengan ruangan yang luas dan ada live music dengan menu makanan laut yang freshhhh
05 Desember 2019 15:26
Not as cheap as Singaporeans make it out to be. But quality is pretty good and food is scrumptious.
25 November 2019 4:44
Makanan seafood nya fresh banget.dan enak enak menu nya.sip lah batam punya style seafood resto ternama d kota batam.
11 November 2019 1:49
Went there early to avoid the lunch time crowd. Overpriced food with unwelcomed service. I would not recommend. I rather go again to Wey Wey Seafood which has better taste and value for money.
08 November 2019 23:26
Took a one day trip through a tour package. Came here for lunch. The place is big and right ontop of the water. Ambiance is good, the seafood is delicious
08 November 2019 11:22
Great service. Good range of seafood fresh from the tanks.
Good feed for 2 people 40-50 AUD
27 Oktober 2019 7:09
Tempat makannya asyik karena di atas laut.namun sudah terhalang pemandangannya.atmospherenya ok karena teduh.pelayanannya Ok, karyawannya banyak
24 Oktober 2019 10:48
Fresh food and service was fast on a Sunday evening.however, the chilli crab sauce taste more like sardine sauce from the can instead of what we were used to.
18 Oktober 2019 18:36
Feel the food is over spiced. We couldn't taste the freshness of the food. It is fresh. Just that the spices overpowered it. May be its the type of cuisine.
18 Oktober 2019 12:42
Restaurant responded to the bad served fish with apologies n replaced new one in n time. He boss also came to apologise positively. Thank-you
18 Oktober 2019 7:20
You cannot find any place like this with so much fresh seafood. Being there for 200 times like the first time still.
17 Oktober 2019 16:17
Pricey with average taste. They will also charge you more if you are foreigner and give you big portion more than you can take if you don't ask. They are overhype
11 Oktober 2019 18:11
Tempatnya sih sangat luas, mungkin bisa menampung sampai 500 orang atau lebih, ada ballroom juga, bisa digunakan untuk acara wedding dll, tapi rasa masakannya kurang mantap.
07 Oktober 2019 17:56
Pantai lumayan bagus dan bersih walau ga luas.tapi bisa mengajak keluarga dan yg penting anak2 klw mandi ga khawatir.murah meriah tempat rekreasi ga bikin kantong bolong
30 September 2019 7:54
Food was moderate, But they over charged from us once we finished the lunch. Telling the price for the dish, but charging for the weight.
24 September 2019 18:44
Price was great, food was better! My husband snatched up the mantis shrimp as soon as he saw it. All food is cooked fresh here as well!
11 September 2019 18:19
The food failed my expectations (i.e. The rice is not cooked properly it is not done yet, one of the dishes is a clam but they were just the shells and the meat is gone, the food serving is not enough for people per table). The toilet is wet and messy. I hope they improve.
05 September 2019 13:07
Totally disappointed with the prawn. Look at the pictures, the size of prawns totally can't make it.

By the way the staff here are friendly and helpful.

Price expensive than town.
09 Juli 2019 23:09
Service slow and slope food very low standard and tasteless price very high over all a disapointment
14 Juni 2019 15:42
Salah satu Restorant Seafood yang enak di Batam, selain Rezeki, Love Seafood dll, untuk mencari makanan seafood yang enak ya disini.
05 Mei 2019 0:08
Cut throat. 1kg crab, bawal fish, 300gram prawn $100+. Be aware.they do cheat sinaporeans or foreigners.rather spend on other things.cheater.expensive then singappre. #avoid or regret
08 April 2019 20:12
The standard dropped tremendously over the past 2 years. Used to be one of the places to go for seafood. Now go if you want overpriced seafood and half even frozen. We saw them thawing the frozen squid and leave it there as if it is fresh.
13 Januari 2019 7:16
Golden Prawn terletak di jalan Bengkong Laut, Pulau Batam. Golden Prawn terdiri dari dua restoran, yaitu Golden Prawn 933 dan Golden Prawn 555. Selain itu, disamping Golden Prawn juga terdapat Hotel Golden View yang merupakan satu bagian dengan Golden Prawn.

Untuk makanan, seafood di sini memang akan memanjakan lidah Anda sebagai penikmat seafood. Rasanya memang enak, didukung oleh view yang menarik, maka akan membuat Anda menikmati pengalaman kuliner yang cukup menyenangkan di sini.

Jadi, buat Anda yang sedang merencanakan liburan ke Batam, jangan lupa masukkan Golden Prawn sebagai salah satu tujuan wisata Anda.
27 Juli 2018 5:41
Tempatnya bagus, harga makanan termasuk rata2, untuk rasa masih banyak yang lebih mantap.
Yang payah harga minumannya, terlalu banyak ambil untung bisa 1/3 dari total tagihan.
20 Juli 2018 9:48
Big place with many kind of seafood. You can choose crab, lobster, fish, shell etc. Taste good. Parking is a lot
18 Juni 2018 4:32
Quite old place, lots of seafood option.
Fresh fish, lobster, prawn, veggie.
Good for occasion, formal or non formal
Got indoor or outdoor table option
Karaoke available, singer and keyboardist could be provided by the restaurant.
02 Juni 2018 12:47
Tidak afdal rasanya jika ke batam belum makan disini. Rasanya juara, sayang gongongnya lagi kosong pas dateng

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