13 Juli 2022 14:09
Semoga yang lain ikut sadar supaya Lombok bebas sampah. Menjadi nyaman dan asri.bumi kita berseri
03 November 2021 4:54
A great place.
Tempat pengolahan sampah menjadi kerajinan yang bernilai jual.
Masyarakat juga bisa menabung sampah plastiknya di sini.
Tempat tempat seperti ini dan orang seperti Ibu Aisyah ini harus diperbanyak dan didukung oleh pemerintah supaya program zero waste nya berhasil.
Semoga tempat ini semakin maju dan sukses serta menjadi inspirasi.
23 Oktober 2020 6:07
A small haven for green people, tucked in a small alley. They reuse, recycle, upcycle and plant flowers and trees. Wonderful work by Bu Aisyah - to spread environmental awareness to local community.
03 Mei 2019 16:30
This place just awesome.we need to improve this wonderful activities like this in the world. They really made a movement for world to be a better place. Because they are collect garbages and turned it be a fantastic stuffs, such as bag, wallet, flowers vas, eco bricks and else.so happy gotten here, educated me without any word saying. I really wanna do the same like this, at least collecting plastic and making a ecobricks. Off course this place still need much a improvement, and also market for their plastic products. As you can see from my photos, there is a bag from ex-tire.and that would be a forever bag bc so hard to get broken. I think the bag till the end of the world. Hehe
Their staff very cool, they are employing disability people, very cool right?
Ohya, usually students from many schools come over for field study. Thats very important for their education and increasing their responsibilities about garbage.

So the world will be a batter place. Amin
08 April 2019 16:47
Bank sampah ini keren banget jalan.jalan masuknya cukul satu mobil, halamannya sangat luas, tempat selfie di buat dari barang bekas, sangat kreatif, para pekerjanya sebagian besar orang divable, hasil karyanya berupa tas, pupuk, dan masih banyak, pokoknya sangat inspiratif.pelayanannya sangat ramah dan memuaskan.
30 Maret 2019 3:48
Tempat yang bagus sekali untuk belajar bagaimana mengelola sampah dengan baik agar lingkungan kita menjadi bersih dan nyaman
02 Maret 2019 14:20
A very colorful and lovely place.they do great community work - they collect trash and plastics, clean em up, and upcycle them as art and handicrafts. I bought some lovely keychains and wallets as gifts for friends back home.in their gift store, they also have pencil cases, coin purses, an array of key chains, tissue holders, and wallets and purses of different sizes.the open space features lots of upcycled colorful art and a garden.they've also created tables out of recycled plastic water bottles stuffed with ribboned plastics.the staff are very nice as well:)

if you visit mataram, please support this local establishment!

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