17 November 2023 9:30
I was a bit uncomfortable going here after reading so many reviews about scamming but I’m super glad we went.
Yes you do pay more as a tourist than as a local and that seems fair to me, if you can afford to travel to Indonesia, you can probably afford 120 thousand rupiah (€7) to see 4 waterfalls with a personal guide.
Our guide was lovely, he gave us all the time we needed, gave interesting insights about the area and pointed out the black monkeys we would have otherwise missed.
I recommend going on a weekday, during the weekend there are many locals so it’s much busier then.
15 November 2023 0:44
Beware scam, FREE ENTRY, do not pay fake tickets as no admission required

- Locals scam 150k for two people, whilst Indonesian Government explicitly asks no entrance fees. Few locals are corrupt and pushy, in order to exploit naive tourists
- Waterfalls itself are gorgeous. One is a bit remotely located, suggested to drive your scooter bike into the property for c. 5 minutes follow the road until you come to an internal parking spot close to the furthest waterfall of the two. Other waterfall is close to the 2nd gate, taking a left when entering
13 November 2023 19:14
We hesitated a lot because of the reviews and we have no regrets. It's very, very beautiful and green.
You have to come early in the morning to be alone. On Sundays the locals come to swim.
A sarong is necessary for swimming but the fountains are not sacred.
Well marked paths, lots of stairs.
They are big and magnificent and the water is very cool.
We booked a trip on klook with a private road. On the route between Kuta and the waterfalls there are plenty of villages, mosques and superb rice fields. It’s super green (November 15,2023)
Torrential rain they sell capes at reception
The warungs at the entrance are sooo good! One of our tastiest meals in 1 month!
For those who want scooters to take you back to waterfall 2 via a road other than the path.that would be a shame there are plenty of insects to see. With the rain no monkeys.
Our guide told us they are nice.
Our private excursion contained the guide for the visit so we had no one pushy.
13 November 2023 17:20
Air terjunnya sangat indah, orang orang di sekitar air terjun juga sangat ramah.
Harga kacis sesuai dengan ekspektasi indahnya air terjun. Walupun saya juga melihat di sini ada beberapa komentar yang buruk.tapi itu kembali ke karakter orang yang berbeda-beda yang hanya melihat dari satu sisi saja.tapi sebenarnya, air terjun ini tetap di awasi oleh pemerintah setempat artinya tidak ada penipuan dan lain sebagainya.
Terima kasih sudah membuat kami berkesan
13 November 2023 12:27
Sangat puas sekali dengan air terjunnya, walaupun saya hanya di benang stokel saja,
Kemudian untuk masalah tiket masuk menurut saya kurang memuaskan dan perlu dibenahi karena saya sebagai turis lokal dikenai tarif turis internasional yang mana harus membayar tiap satu air terjunnya. Baiknya dipasang papan dengan keterangan HTM di gerbang masuknya, dan tiket dibeli di gerbang masuknya bukan di "gedung informasi turis".

REKOMENDASI untuk turis lokal langsung saja ke pintu gerbangnya walaupun ada seseorang yang mengarahkan ke "gedung informasi turis".
08 November 2023 11:22
Fabulous waterfalls! The walks down are a little difficult (very steep and a bit slippery) and of course coming back up is an effort but it doesn’t take very long.

The main waterfall with large pools is the best for swimming! Be aware that women need to cover up bikinis, sarongs we’re provided by our guide.

Entrance is cheaper in a group.
06 Oktober 2023 23:14
Jalanya gk terlalu jauh dan adem selama perjalanan menuju air terjun, dan suguhan dari iar terjun nya sendiri indah
04 Oktober 2023 6:49
A real gem.
Impressive, and not much tourist which makes everything look more!
We were going with the little one and the path is good and suitable, although there are many stairs and it is hard so a backpack is the most practical.
We cannot assess the price since it was included in an excursion with several visits.
06 Agustus 2023 22:02
Beautiful waterfalls. Tourists are pretended, however, that they need a guide. Just drive all the way to the front of the entrance, there is a sign with the real entrance fee. 35,000RP. You don't need a guide unless you want someone to photograph you. ;)
05 Agustus 2023 12:34
Booked a tour with a guide. Not cheap at 90,000 per person. It's still worth it. The tour lasts 90 minutes if you want to see all four falls. Besides, you can see a lot of monkeys that aren't as cheeky as the ones in Bali. Beautiful.
04 Agustus 2023 22:31
Screwing the tourist will backfire. Indonesian govt needs to wake up. Creates bad blood and makes me spend less on the local economy. Good luck.
03 Agustus 2023 11:27
Very expensive compared to the other waterfalls on the island…. 4 times more then gile and kelep for example which are as famous. I think because its so clos to senggigi people pay and fall for it
25 Juli 2023 19:28
Tempatnya bagus tapi tidak dijelaskan jalurnya ada 2 jalur lewat kiri buat pejalan sama lurus buat track motor/bisa buat jalan saat lurus sudah jalan 3 kali naik turun tanjakan ketemu percabangan tidak ada plang antar kiri dan kanan setelah liat peta ternyata ke kanannya bisa tembus jalur rinjani kasihan yg tidak tau bisa nyasar. Dan ojek disana maksa, sudah bilang ngk makasih masih ditawarin dikejer sampai lewat tanjakan pertama dan attitudenya nyeleneh bilang tidak uang seolah" Ngerendahin tapi tempatnya bagus tidak mengecewakan viewnya dapet
14 Juni 2023 21:09
Journey Era

March 24,2023CategoriesINDONESIA
Lombok, one of the islands in Indonesia, is known for its stunning natural beauty, and the waterfalls are among the island’s most popular attractions. Benang Stokel waterfall and Kelambu waterfall are two of the most breathtaking waterfalls in Lombok and are must-visit for anyone who loves adventure and nature. In this blog post, we will take you on a journey to explore the beauty of these two waterfalls and give you all the information you need to plan your visit. From how to get there, what to expect, and what to bring, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover the wonders of Benang Stokel and Kelambu waterfalls on Lombok.
22 Februari 2020 0:34
Bought entrance ticket from here at 60k Rp.without guide (the staff tells you that you won’t find Kelewon and Sesere if you go alone but you can.) ~1.5hrs drive from Senggigi with scooter. Worth visiting.
04 Februari 2020 19:53
Go in the morning to avoid the crowds, easily reachable by scooter, don't miss the hidden waterfalls. You can reach them if you turn a small path on the left between first and second big waterfall. Just ask the local salesman on how to get there.
04 Februari 2020 19:33
Pemandangan sangat indah dan alami. Namun untuk mencapai tempat ini Anda membutuhkan motor (sewa di tempat 50k atau pakai ojek 35k) jika Anda ingin menuju benang kelambu dan berjalan kaki jika ingin ke benang setokel. Tiketnya 30k, parkir 5k dan biaya masuk ke kawasan 5k. Jadi amankan siapkan 100k dan air yang cukup.
24 Januari 2020 1:36
We weren’t given a choice when we arrive, the girl at the entrance directed us to information counter and we paid 180k (2 people, one bike) for two waterfalls with a guide.

The first one is ride up (Forest) scary ride, the road is very steep and bumpy. If you are not confident don’t ride up but I don’t know what other way to go up.

I would have skip the second one because was just river water and the guide also recommended us not to play with it.

Although we paid but the guide was a good photo grapher and gave good advise
19 Januari 2020 22:36
Tempat yang begitu sejuk dengan rimbunan pepohonan pas untuk kamu yang ingin mencari ketenangan dari rutinitas kantor maupun pekerjaan
Tips buat kalian yang dateng kesini kalau mau lebih menikmati keindahanya di sarankan jangan pas hari-hari libur rame
Dan jangan hawatir gak bawa bekal di sepanjang jalur ke air terjun banyak ibu-ibu yang berjualan di situ kamu bisa cobain jajanan khas di sana
Sekedar info di benang kelambu itu ada loh 2 air terjun yang bisa kamu nikmati lagi di jamin gak nyesel kalau kesitu
14 Januari 2020 22:19
Berwisata ke air terjun merupakan pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan wisata Air terjun benang stokel pemandangannya sangat indah, sangat bagus kanan kiri pepohonan yang rindang dan keindahan alam ini berada di kaki Gunung Rinjani, airnya sangat segar dan sangat dingin, untuk sampai ke air terjun bisa ditempuh menggunakan ojek yg tersedia, ketika sampai di sana kita bisa langsung berbasah basah dengan aliran air terjun yang lumayan deras
22 Desember 2019 20:10
Locals can use bike to get there, tourists are forced to stop and use a 100-120k motor taxi to get there. Maybe you’ll find this worth it, then go. But in case you go to bali or Sumbawa or Sumba, go to all the waterfalls there. In case you don’t go anywhere else then you’ll have to accept the lombok’s attitude that will make you pay high price for everywhere. (Bali parking 2k, waterfalls 5 or 10k. Lombok parking 10k, waterfalls or parks are 100k). Maybe go here but pay a (English speaker) guide to get there with you, safer anyway. Same price or cheaper and you’ll avoid the struggle with locals that hope to get high prices out of every white face’d pocket.
19 Desember 2019 5:01
The end of our Tour after mount Rinjani we visiting all waterfall in Lombok benang stokel and kelambu is closed to AirPort
Thanks to Andi and driver was guiding us from start till end of our trip in lombok I was book my trek with Aman trekker Team
07 Desember 2019 10:00
Sangat bagus cocok buat wisata alam dan untuk camping juga tersedia beberapa tempat. Untuk tiket masuk murah banget bayar parkir 5000 rupiah dan bayar karcis masuk 5000 rupiah disarankan untuk tidak menenteng makanan bawaan anda karna monyet" liar disana bisa saja mengejar anda.untuk yang cari kuliner disini disediakan beberapa stand untuk kuliner dengan harga sangat terjangkau.
03 Desember 2019 18:10
Air terjun yang sangat indah, sangat bagus untuk ketenangan dan keindahan alam di kaki Gunung Rinjani, airnya sangat segar dan sangat dingin, untuk sampai ke air terjun bisa ditempuh menggunakan ojek yg tersedia atau tracking karena jarak yg ditempuh sekitar 15 sampai dengan 20 menit jika berjalan kaki dan tracknya agak lumayan sulit dan jangan takut untuk membeli perbekalan makanan karena di jalur tracknya ada beberapa warung yg menyediakan makanan dan minuman, Tiket masuk sebesar Rp. 5,000 per orang.
02 Desember 2019 18:55
Sangat bagus sangat cocok di kunjungi udara sejuk lingkungan bersih aman dan masyarakat sangat bersahabat saya beberapa kali datang kesini untuk acara prewed sangat bagus tolong jaga lingkungan tetap bersih
20 November 2019 16:06
Stunning place, on the way to waterfall you can see black monkeys on the trees, not crowded place really peaceful and must visit
19 November 2019 1:54
The entrance price is ridiculously expensive.i would never pay that much to visit a waterfall.the prices goes by headcount thus i only remember how much it was for 2 pax for 2 waterfall 180000IDR.if you are there to just check the price, ask your driver not to park at the parking, just wait at the holding area because the parking cost is 10000idr even if it was 10 min.
19 November 2019 0:26
Loved the waterfalls! Yes, they charge around 120,000 rupiahs (about $14usd) per person with guide included (you wanna do this to visit the more secluded waterfalls, otherwise you will get lost). In total, we visited 5 waterfalls and we had an amazing time. Eat at the local restaurants where the big parking lot is afterwards to replenish.
03 November 2019 19:49
Terrible dissapointment. Expensive ticket (for indonesian standards), giving you access to some not so impressing waterfalls. But to see them, you have to have a scooter or hire a local guy to drive you there (another expense) through a really terrible dirt road. Save your time and money and skip this during your stay in Lombok.
02 November 2019 17:29
A fine show of beautiful nature destroyed by the the locals. They try to overcharge and upsell you the moment you get close to the entrance, almost forcing a guide down your throat. Worst and most expensive waterfall experience we have had inn all of Bali, Nusa Penida and Lombok. The police or government should crack down on this place because it ruins their tourists experience.

Paying more than 10-25k per person to enter a spot of nature should not be allowed. I even highly doubt that is allowed by the government, since that seems to be the standard rates everywhere else in this country. The local mafia here is just trying to force as much money out of tourists as possible, and the money probably just goes straight into their pockets, instead of back to protect this spot of nature.

They don't even follow their own "official ticket" prices, as everyone we met had been able to haggle down their price. Ticket prices attached in image.
29 Oktober 2019 14:58
I really enjoyed my visit here. Yes, when you arrive they bring you to an "office" where you can choose how many waterfalls to visit, if you want to go with a guide or not and if you want to drive or hike there. The full package for 2 waterfalls was around 180k per bike and I think it was a fair price. I don't recommend you to hike there as I heard other tourists saying it took them an hour, while it takes 10 min with your motorbike. Our guide was really nice and friendly, offered to take pictures and answered all our questions. The waterfalls are probably at their best in the spring after the rainy winter.
26 Oktober 2019 20:00
There are many waterfalls in this area and you can either explore with an ojek (motorcycle taxi) or go hiking. I chose hiking and it was a nice one. The waterfalls are pretty, but the highlight was the Benang Kelambu. The spot isn't too crowded, so it's still a great place to visit and swim a bit.
26 Oktober 2019 6:33
Nice waterfalls where you can also swim. The price was high: 75,000 for one waterfall, 125,000 for two waterfalls and 160,000 for three waterfalls. And that was for one person. It came with a guide.
21 Oktober 2019 11:54
Air terjun ini berada di desa aiq berik lombok tengah, jika dari praya kalian membutuhkan waktu sekitar 25 menit, sedangkan dari mataram sekitar 45 menit. Untuk ke air terjun benang stokel membutuhkan waktu dari parkiran sekitar 15 menit atau 15 meter, sedangkan ke benang kelambuyna dari air terjun benang stokel membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 menit atau sekitar 1 km.
Fasilitas disini sudah sangat lengkap dr ojek ke benang kelambu dari parkiran, kamar mandi, musholla, serta berugak untuk kita duduk

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