13 September 2020 17:09
This hotel is nearest with the Airport only need 10 minutes ish.
Strategic place and easy to find.
Unfortunately in Pandemic Covid-19 made this hotel not much got a guest, so the situation in this place little bit a mess.
I was meeting in here, the meeting room was okay, the foods was good.
The cleanness must need get improvement, for example the Personal Computer on the desk near the lift is so dirty. And also the restroom need more attention a lot.
I wish everything will okay so soon, the covid will gone and the hotel get the attention what it need.
08 Mei 2020 13:12
Great hotel to stay near the airport. There was a small lizard in my room but the people say they don't hurt humans. The hotel provides a free shuttle bus even in the midnight.
09 April 2020 22:56
Charged me and my wife $40 for laundry. Yes. $40. Food wasn't cooked right and really is a rip-off kind of place thinking it can take advantage of the tourist's coming from the airport. Even had a car rental guy that tried to get me to rent a car and they only had one car in total to rent in the first place. Don't even offer free breakfast either
16 Maret 2020 11:38
Very unhappy with a lot of things about this hotel. Staff were not helpful and also caught them always looking & laughing at us. Rooms are so gross, felt very uncomfortable in them, they smelled like there was dampness in there. We asked to be move to another room which we found smelt better just the beds were very itchy felt like we were getting bitten by bugs. My advice to this hotel is to invest your money into the hotel a bit more as it’s very close and easy to get to the airport. Unfortunately I will never be staying there again & wasn’t the best way to end our holiday.
06 Februari 2020 8:06
Process check-out takes more than 30 minutes? ! What a service! There are 2 trainees in the receptionist who do not know what to do except waiting for their friends.
It looks like they dont have standard Operation procedure. They donzt inform where is the lift, where is the dining room, etc, less hospital itu, less communicative, less responsive.
The breakfast? You better buy outside the hotel.
I have stayed in the 3 stars hotel for couples time, this is the worst.
28 Desember 2019 7:10
Hotel transit, hati-hati ketika booking, pastikan semua term condition jelas. Pengalaman anatar teman yang booking via app, tertulis voucher berlaku tanggal 19-20 November, tiba di hotel tgl 19 siang, dijelaskan oleh staf voucher berlaku 6 jam jadi sebaiknya check in jam 10 malam. Malam kami tiba kembali untuk check in, receptionist bilang kalau voucher hanya berlaku sampai jam 12 malam. Padahal jelas tertulis berlaku sampai tanggal 20 dan staf siang bilang bisa check in jam 10 malam. Penjelasan resepsionis berbelit belit 'memang begitu, dan dari kemarin sudah dikomplain banyak orang'. Bahkan me ganjurkan untuk cancel. Sangat pengertian sekali. Entah bagaimana manajemen nya, sebaiknya segera diperbaiki.walau lokasi hotel dekat bandara international lombok dan
tersedia shuttle antar ke bandara, hotel ini tidak recommended, regulasi tidak jelas dan bikin kecewa.
16 Desember 2019 3:04
1. Cek in harus jam 2 dan itupun tdk ada welcome drink. Mungkin biar diarahkan ke swalayannya biar bisa beli minuman
2. Kami sering keluar kota di indonesia, baru x ini ketemu hotel kalau cek out, listrik juga ikut mati jam 12.00 ini etikanya tidak bagus spt mengusir paksa tamu.
3. Lampu kamar hotel tidak memadai, tidak ada lampu tengah.mau kerja jg tdk bisa
23 Juni 2019 8:12
Hotel terdekat dengan Bandara Internasional Lombok di Praya. Fasilitas cukup lengkap. Tersedia antar jemput dari Bandara yg dapat ditempuh 5-10 menit.
19 Juni 2019 11:24

10 Juni 2019 18:48
Salah satu hotel bintang terbaik d lombok tengah. Pelayanan hotel sangat baik.
Fasilitas hotel baik.dan temasuk lengkap.
1.kolam renang
2.sky garden yg bisa djadikan spot foto.
3.taman kecil dbelakang hotel.namun sebaiknya lebih dlengkapi dengan beberapa fasilitas tambahan unyuk bermain anak2 misalnya agar lebih menarik lagi.
4. Kekurangan mungkin untuk lahan parkir yang kecil sehingga jika banyak pengunjung kendaraan harus berada ditempat terbuka.
5. Minimart
6.bar dan restauran.dll
Lokasi berada didepan Bandara Internasional Lombok.
Jarak untuk menuju k kekota praya hanya butuh waktu 10 menit.
Sangat cocok untuk wisatawan yang ingin berwisata dlombok tengah.
Untuk menuju k pantai Kuta lombok hanya butuh waktu 20-30 menit.
08 Juni 2019 1:36
It needs better employee management and facilities improvement. I booked a room for one night on 26th April. Called on 25th April to use the shuttle service from airport to the hotel.asked if it is possible to have one pick up for my flight and another pick up for my partner on a different flight, the staff said it is possible. Informed them my flight is at 19: 50 and my partner’s is at 22: 50. On the day of the flight, I received a call from the hotel at 07: 50, as they thought I was landing in the morning. I corrected this and again provided information about my partner’s flight again. Upon arrival, I waited for 5 minutes and there was no one to pick me up. I waited for 15 minutes and called the hotel. They said the driver is refuelling and it will take 10 minutes. I waited for a further 20 minutes and called again, this time asking for the driver’s phone number. Hotel receptionist informed the driver does not carry a phone. I waited for a further 10 minutes before calling again for 5 times, but all calls were not answered. After waiting for an hour, the driver finally came and waited at the different meeting point that was informed by the hotel receptionist. Arrived at the hotel and asked them to pick up my partner on time, and for the third time they asked for the passenger information, which I provided. Unfortunately, when my partner landed at 22: 50 and I came to the lobby at 23: 00, the driver was at the hotel lobby. He asked if he needs to pick up my partner. My partner ended up taking up another mode of transport. In the room, the main light was broken. It needs better employee and facilities management.
27 Mei 2019 22:01
A good and representative transit hotel.not far from airport, foods, staffs and facilities are nice
16 Mei 2019 11:42
The max adalah salah satu hotel berkelas di lombok.tempatx tidak jauh dari bandara internasional lombok.dan sangat strategis.ini ke tiga kali sya berkunjung di tempat ini.menikmati malam di beberapa kamar yg tidak terlalu mahal.tempatnya di kelilingi persawahan dan view yg cantik ketika berada di lantai atas.serta sentuhan ornamen yg cantik membuat hotel ini tampil beda dengan hotel yg lainnya.
13 Mei 2019 13:39
Terbaik di kelasnya, fasilitas terbaik dan sangat memuaskan, pelayanan sangat ramah, free breakfast bisa menambah telur goreng, juga dekat dgn bandara, harga miring
02 Mei 2019 19:06
DMax is very close to Lombok airport. It is an ideal location if you are going to have an early flight.

It is a comfortable hotel with natural white color wood element as the main furniture which make the room looks prettier & looks more spacious. The room is big enough with spacious minimalist style bathroom though it seems to be too big for the room size
The building is not so huge means we need not walk a lot. So that the swiming pool, small one. So cute looking garden by the pool.
The bar by the pool is cute in blue.
I took pictures of the dome however I need more lights which were not switch on quick enough after the sun setted. I think it will look prettier with lighting on.
The bad thing when my friend checked-in was her room was not ready. Do they lack of people after the earthquakes like many other places?
I expect the towel are newer for a newer hotel

However, staffs were friendly.
30 April 2019 22:03
Dteng siang jm 1 hrus msuk jm 2 (dh wjar x y.hhee), tpi molor smpe jm 3 baru bsa msuk kmar.bareng jg ada tmu yg kmplain ktnya msuk kmar sdah ada orangnya. (soalnya ps rame2nya.y hrusnya g sprti itu y.) unk kmar nyaman, bersih, klau untuk pnerangan agak kurang pas di tmpat tdur (mnrut sy) g ada brosur mkanan dn no tlpon dkamar.kl mau mkan agak susah, soalnya jauh dari warung.kalau di resto hotel stndby tp y ckup mahal kl mnrut sy.jg trsdia mktail, cctail dn brgam liquer, gin, vdka dll lah yg suka dngn alkohol.kl untk srapan ckuplah, msakan enak, crner egg, 3 lauk untk mkan, roti, buah, pdding, dll.jd kl untuk snggah sbntar dn lnjut prnrbngan lg ccklah, soalny dket dngn bndra.slmt brstrhat atupn brlibur.
23 April 2019 18:24
I have stayed both in standard room and Deluxe room during my humanitarian volunteer. My first night in the standard room was small but was very clean with no noise issue. On my last couple of nights, I decided to stay in Deluxe room at extra cost however I could hear the next door's coughing, snoring and talking. Obviously the walls are not noise proof!
11 April 2019 21:18
Dekat dengan bandara, free shuttle bus antar dan jemput bandara. Kamarnya bersih, front office ramah,
31 Maret 2019 19:57
Hotel Bintang 3 yang lumayan bagus untuk menginap dekat bandara Lombok Praya.

Fasilitas kolam renang yang bersih dan bagus membuat kita bisa relax sejenak.
Selain itu juga ada ATM dan Toko Mutiara Lombok yang dijual disini!
23 Oktober 2018 9:47
Tolong management hotelnya diperbaiki, sepertinya bosnya tidak memperhatikan kesejahteraan karyawannya.
Pakaian pegawainya kotor, penggunaan bahasanya kurang bagus, dll
21 Oktober 2018 14:46
Meski di guncang gempa, lombok hrs bangkit
Pesona hotel yg dkt persawahan membuat tempat ini sgt cocok untk beristirahat1
15 Oktober 2018 13:24
This place has room's facilities that allow us to enjoy the tranquility and natural scenery from above
14 Oktober 2018 2:41
Nice hotel, near airport, free shuttle bus from/to airport, friendly staff, modern&cozy room but not really spacious, there's a convenient store near hotel lobby, breakfast will be packed into a box when you leave the hotel before 6 a.m.
04 Oktober 2018 15:03
Hotel yang terletak sangat dekat dengan airport (LOP), hanya sekitar 5 menit saja.

Kamar hotel bersih, rapi dan minimalis; walau terasa agak sempit tapi cukup leluasa untuk business trip.
Meeting room terletak di lantai 1, dekat dengan lobby, restoran dan lift. Terdapat beberapa pilihan meeting room yang sesuai kebutuhan anda.
Kolam renang terletak di lantai 2, dengan posisi di atas lobby.

Agak sulit mencari makan di luar hotel, apabila anda mencari snack sebaiknya beli dahulu sebelum kembali ke hotel.
23 September 2018 23:10
Hotel D Max
Pengalaman menginap di Hotel D Max di jalan Raya By Pass km 2 Praya Lombok Tengah cukup mengesankan.
Kami memesan hotel include dalam paket Tiket Citilink.
Kami masuk hotel sekitar pukul 16.00 waktu setempat.
Hotel cukup bersih dan kamar rapi.
Hotel sangat dekat dengan bandara, tetapi cukup jauh dengan toko toko sehingga untuk traveller yang tidak memerlukan acara jalan jalan Kota, hotel ini cocok tetapi untuk yang suka keluar makan dan berjalan jalan di Kota hotel ini tidak disarankan.
Dari Kota Mataram sekitar 1 jam atau sekitar 40 an km.
Restoran tersedia di lantai dasar, dengan makanan yang lumayan
Untuk makan, di belakang Hotel terdapat warung makan yang cukup megah dengan masakan enak dan harga yang terjangkau.
Kolam renang ukuran kecil dan tersedia handuk kering untuk yang selesai berenang.

Rekomendasi untuk Traveller yang akan pulang dari Lombok, bukan untuk yang baru datang.


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