17 Januari 2024 12:10
Unitnya aman selama dipakai keliling lombok 3 hari. Mas yang ngantarkan motor juga ramah, kita diberi rekomendasi tempat2 menarik sesuai sikon
Semoga lancar selalu usahanya
12 November 2023 5:40
Langganan selalu sewa disini sudah 5x motor dan mobil, layanan sangat baik, mobil terawat, perhitungan fair, antar jemput juga on time, thankss
04 November 2023 12:57
Penyewaan kendaraan di lombok yang teruji aman dan amanah.bisa menyesuaikan mode serah terima kunci sesuai kebutuhan kita, misalnya di bandara, pelabuhan atau tengah kota.harga bersahabat.admin nya fast respons.kendaraan nya sehat sehat.pokoknya dijamin aman.kenyamanan nomor 1.gak bakal kecewa nyewa disini. Semoga bisa lebih baik dan lebih besar lagi penyewaannya beberapa tahun kedepan. LOMBOK FRIENDLY
29 Oktober 2023 9:51
Despite the driver is very nice, we had very bad experience with Evan Trans. We rented a car and signed the rental agreement which also says that the car has All risk insurance and the eventual damage is covered by the 500.000 deposit.
Unfortunately we had a small accident with a broken rear window. Despite the signed agreement, Evan Trans forced us to pay 3.500.000 for the damage caused.
There is nothing mentioned in terms and condition that the customer should pay rental fee during insurance process and while the car being repaired which does not sound reasonable. What is also the point of having all risk insurance if you would not use the insurance.
Very unproffessional and tricky company!
22 Oktober 2023 16:38
Karena ada keperluan kerjaan event MotoGP mengharuskan untuk pergi ke Lombok dengan persiapan yang mendadak, Alhamdulillah Puji Tuhan, dengan waktu yang singkat dipertemukan dengan Evan Trans (nyari-nyari di grup FB Backpacker Indonesia dan Instagram)

Bisa antar jemput langsung di bandara, staf membantu dan komunikatif, harga saat even MotoGP memang naik, tapi masih bisa ditoleransi (engga kaya harga hotel yang naiknya bisa sampe 3-5x lipat)

Proses pemesanan, pengambilan, pembayaran (cash / transfer), dan pengembalian semuanya aman terkendali

Maaf motornya ditempelin stiker free pass vendor MotoGP

Terimakasih Evan Trans
22 Juni 2021 3:53
Keren pokoknya.pemiliknya ramah, harga murah.
Sukses buat Evan Trans Lombok!
01 Mei 2020 8:30
Good place good services. Driver ramah, kendaraan bersih, thank you Evan Trans udah diantar keliling lombok.
16 April 2020 11:04
Absolutely the WORST rental service I ever had to deal with and trust me I dealt with quite a few in my life due to private and work travels. You might read many good reviews but one really bad one and think this might be an exception, however bear in mind that this could be you. So I implore you, do not risk ruining your holidays. There are many more reliable rentals. If you are interested in knowing what happened read further.
-We contacted the owner and went for a negotiation as you would normally do in a country like Indonesia. And he happily agreed to a price of 250k/day. (See attached photo for their alleged fixed price). I thought he was sending me the Xenia, but only found that he had sent me the APV which I already had complained about in our WhatsApp conversation. This might be considered as a misunderstanding. So I overlooked. But the condition of the APV was horrible. The AC didn't get cold which was unacceptable in the hot weather.
-Then, we had to go to their garage and lose precious time of our holidays only to find out that we only had one option with higher price (only God knows why!). That was an Innova automatic. The condition was again really terrible. It had so many damages that the checklist had barely any space left to mark the existing damages. The tires had barely any profile left on them so it was really hazardous to drive mountain roads. I only took that car because I didn't want to lose anymore time and efforts.
-At this point he wanted to have 350k/dayx4 days= 1.4 million for the Innova and we finally agreed upon 1.25 million. Only around 10 USD less. I simply offered the price and they agreed. If it was too low for them they could have just told me and I wouldn't get the car from them. Please note this, because later he kept on blaming all the troubles on the ridiculous concession he offered.
-The car we took (Innova) started having problems. At first it was not driving well and felt like it's not accelerating. It also was consuming fuel like it was a thirsty camel in Sahara. The cockpit lights were dimmed down so much that no warning lamps would show on a sunny day. By the time I noticed that the emergency brake of the car wasn't retracting completely, even with the lever completely pulled down, leading to a constant braking, I was too far in the North and had no access to internet. So I had to stick with the car for 1.5 days.
-I notified the owner as soon as I got access to internet and they wasted my half day with useless arguments rather than just accepting and offering a solution. Instead of taking responsibility for the faults of his car, he kept on saying that it was our fault that we took the car without checking. He even asked for more money for a better car.
-Finally we agreed on a solution that they would send me a 2016 Xenia manual transmission in the morning at 8AM. Please note, we had already booked trip to the Gillis and time was of the essence. Although I told the owner several times about our booking, in the morning around 9AM the driver came. And to our surprise or perhaps none anymore we saw that he had sent another (old Avanza manual) car. Upon contacting him he told the Xenia had issues (not surprising). Anyhow not to waste anymore time we just switched with Avanza. Luckily the condition of the Avanza was much better and we could drive it for the rest of the holidays.
-The problem however was that he had sent this car with almost no fuel left on the car while I gave the Innova back with 200k worth of additional fuel. I was concerned if I could reach the next gas station.
Please note his driver coming one hour late with the car disrupted our plans for the day.
-You would think this is the end but we weren't that lucky. He kept on arguing instead of apologizing to us on WhatsApp. Needless to say he was extremely rude.
He kept on behaving rudely until the end kept ruining our moods. Our holiday got entirely scarred due to this incident. And in the end he blamed all on us. So if you really don't want to gamble with your holidays, please STAY AWAY from them!
06 Maret 2020 3:13
Minggu kemarin baru pulang dari keliling lombok pakai Evan Trans. Ownernya ramah dan bisa kasih rute yang ciamik. Motor dan mobilnya juga oke punya. Terimakasih Evan Trans!
06 Januari 2020 21:55
I prebooked the scooter online even from India and chose Lombok airport at my drop point. I have to admit that these people are really professional since they delivered the scooter right in time. I am really impressed with the quality of service. Moreover the quality of scooter was amazing, almost as much as brand new. The scooter did not broke anywhere in Lombok. Really amazing and highly recommended! In terms of price and quality you need not have to search anywhere else. Just go for it! The best part is that these people are easy to contact on whatsapp.
12 Desember 2019 22:34
Oke banget pelayanan nya.waktu itu kita rent motor ditengah jalan, motornya ada sedikit trouble tapi mau biker ganti motor.thanks Evan trans besok kalo ke Lombok kami rental lagi
21 November 2019 10:23
Yang punya rental baik banget kemarin sy sewa motor dan sempet jatoh di jalan motornya lecet tp yg punya pengertian sekali.terimaksih pak kapan2 sy sewa lagi.dan akan lebih hati2 lagi.
08 November 2019 7:43
Of all the places I rented scooters in Indonesia, this was by far the best. Had a practically new scooter, delivered for free at the airport at a great price. The other company close to the Lombok airport wanted a huge deposit, and a fee to deliver the scooter.
04 November 2019 12:40
Rent car terpercaya di lombok. Semoga sukses dan lancar.
Anggota resmi Rent Car Indonesia.
Aman menggunakan jasa rental ini.
28 Agustus 2019 5:48
Tempat untuk sewa Mobil dan Motor Terbaik di Lombok, Murah, Fast Response. Ownernya baik, bahkan sampai ditraktir sate Rembiga karena kami Sewa selama 4 hari. Kendaraan super bersih dan terawat.akhirnya memutuskan setiap kali ke lombok, pasti kontak Evantranslombok.
05 Agustus 2019 13:42
Kalau masalah transport Di Lombok, mau motor Mobil bahkan kapal sailing, Evan Trans ahlinya. Pelayanan baik Dan ramah, yang penting ownernya Amanah Dan humble. Terimakasih om Christa.
27 November 2018 15:01
Respon cepat, unit juga terawat. Bisa antar jemput bandara, dpt 2 helm, jas hujan dan juga masker.
Yg mau jalan-jalan k lombok recomended bngt pke evan trans ini
21 Juli 2018 14:45
Terima kasih om atas kerjasamanya. Tamu saya puas dan gak ada komplain. Next kalau ada order di info kembali.

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