15 November 2021 1:04
Saya lupa nomor pakai bayar angsuran bulan Sep. 2021 ini. Bisa dibantu nomornya?
06 Oktober 2021 23:35
Mau ambil BPKB aja di persulit, sampe 4X bolak balik padahal mau ambil punya sendiri. Nyetor dk pernah telat dan udah lunas. Mau FIF apa sih?
19 Juni 2021 22:30
I've been a customer at this place for quite a long time, i think it's good enough.there's a small TV, the receptionist is capable to explain basic things about what to do when its time for me to service my bike (although i don't know if the receptionist is a bilingual). Maybe i would rate it 5 stars if the place is more clean and comfy enough for the customers to wait and can enjoy the moment, cause that's the only problem that i believe I've faced so far. (edit this review from 4 to 3 stars, because i just went to the bathroom and i believe some people could found it uncomfy)
24 April 2021 0:15
Mohon berikan informasi yg jelas tentang penyetoran di bulab april ini.apakah free selam satu thun sesuai apa yg di paparkan pak jokowi atu bagi mana.mohon jangan mempersulit nasabah.nya
23 Maret 2020 18:32
Lokasi strategis mudah dicari, parkir motor luas. Ruang tunggu luas, sejuk, nyaman, cantik. Staff dari satpam sampai kasir ramah dan informatif. Nunggu juga waktunya normal tergantung apa yang diurus. Ke sini mu urus fotocopy bpkb untuk sarat pengiriman motor.
29 September 2019 2:54
Salah satu tempat yang nyaman untuk service motor, dilengkapi wifi dan free coffee for customers

Tulis Ulasan

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