04 November 2023 4:53
Lots of impressions! There are 2 pythons, many cockroaches and bats living in the cave. It's better not to go for the faint of heart:)
Entrance 60k, excellent guide, fresh juice poured at the exit
29 Oktober 2023 0:55
The visit is very interesting. Best time to see "the light from god" is between 1 and 2pm. To see the bats fly out of the cave it's at 6pm. Our guide Eddy was very passionate and knowledgeable. We definitely recommend this place to visit!
02 Oktober 2023 12:23
To do if you have never had the opportunity to visit a bat cave.
60k per person for the visit (includes a helmet, a person to guide you, a juice).
The visit is quick, around 15/20 minutes.
It's quite impressive to see all these bats. Namely: thousands of cockroaches trickle onto the ground in areas of darkness.
30 September 2023 6:59
Very very nice and fun experience
Highly recommend
The guide was super friendly and speaks perfectly english
Tips: come back at 6PM to see all the bats coming out of the cave
18 September 2023 5:01
Terdapat penginapan yang dilengkapi dengan fasilitas kolam renang, udaranya cukup sejuk. Lokasi gampang dicapai.
08 September 2023 10:42
I can only warmly recommend it, we were even given pineapple juice after the friendly and interesting tour. To the people who howl because the light annoys the bats: don't you think your mere presence annoys them too? Yes, your moral apostle
12 Agustus 2023 12:46
The cave is very beautiful and authentic, but not suitable for people who are sensitive to bugs. I recommend wearing closed shoes because there are places where there is no walkway and you bury your feet in bat guano. There are also plenty of cockroaches and small carrion beetles in the guano. They charge you admission at the reception and a guide accompanies you through the cave explaining little things about the fauna that lives there. There are two ideal times to visit the cave. During the morning to see the interior and at sunset the exterior and the exit of the bats.
20 Juli 2023 6:22
I am always happy to pay a fee if it goes towards conservation; especially if animals are involved although this 60k paid to enter the cave seems to not be doing any good for the environment or the bats. The caves are inhabited by lots of species, geckos, birds, and of course bats. The guides continually shine lights in the bats eyes for tourists which makes them super uncomfortable, evident by their cries, which they ignore. Furthermore - the worst part - they have lit a fire so that there is SMOKE in the cave for a cool photo. Like what? The smoke in the cave would obviously affect all the living creatures in the cave because there is no ventilation. This should really stop immediately, it feels very cruel and makes it unpleasant for humans to be in the cave too.
15 Juli 2023 20:57
Melakukan kegiatan Archaeological fieldschool di sini. Banyak yang datang untuk melihat gua, cukup bayar 60 rb.dpt guide.safety helmet, boot dan ekstra juice. Good to try. Atraksi terbaik sore hari.ketika ribuan kelelawar keluar dr mulut gua.
10 Juli 2023 12:13
Spectacular place with lots of bats. We visited this place at a daytime, so they were inside the cave.
06 Juli 2023 10:30
Siap² aroma tak sedap dalam gua, maskerpun tembus. Ratusan kalelawar dan kecoa ada di dalam gua. Tujuannya cuma mau fotoan dgn cahaya matahari yg masuk ke dalam gua.great experience
20 Juni 2023 9:02
For 60k per person you get a welcome drink, a guide, hard hat and they’re also willing to take some nice pictures of you. The cave is awesome but there are thousands of cockroaches so be prepared and wear trainers. Great experience
12 Juni 2023 5:35
We had an incredible experience visiting these bat caves. We arrived just in time to see the bats fly out at sunset which is like nothing we’ve seen before. We then got a very reasonably priced tour of the caves, and the thousands of bats and cockroaches inside! The tour guide was very informative. The owner and staff were very friendly, giving us a free juice afterwards. The owner even offered to drive us home as we had walked to the caves and it was getting dark! We didn’t have enough time to eat at the restaurant, but it looked very nice and clean. Would 100% recommend this to anyone staying in Lombok.
09 Mei 2023 21:57
Amazing place, well worth a visit. Wish I had come at sunset though but still at 10: 30am it was the best place I have been too.
08 April 2023 4:09
Interesting experiance. We went there two times. Once in the evening around 18.20 to see thousands of bats fly of the cave and second time during the daytime to visit the caves. Guide was helpful. They privide torches and helmets. Worth the money.
27 Agustus 2022 3:33
Bat cave nya alami, resort yang nyaman, sejuk untuk di tinggali, taman nya indah tempat parkirnya luas, ada swimming pool nya jugak
21 Agustus 2022 16:03
Untuk yg foto jenik n doyan selfi Bat Cave of Goa Bangkang pas banget buat kalian dan akan menambah nuasan foto anda menjadi lebih indah dengen ke exsotikan ciptaanNya
03 Agustus 2022 3:14
Omg this place is insane! You can see so many bats flying out of the cave all at once at 6pm. Thousands of them! It's a fantastic thing to see. If you go inside the cave you can see them in there too. Really close. There are also coacroaches in there which makes for a spooky but amazing experience. Highly recommend.
18 Juli 2022 19:56
Tempat staycation nya cocok banget buat yg Honeymoon karena disini paket lengkap bisa Explore goanya, ada swimming pool, ada restaurantnya
Tempatnya juga tidak jauh dari sirkuit Mandalika Lombok
Recommended buat kalian yang mau liburan ke Lombok khususnya Kuta Mandalika lombok
06 Juli 2022 6:09
Stay disini cocok untuk keluarga maupun Singkep
Karena tempatnya berada kek di puncak
Trus ada kolam, Goanya, restauran
06 Juli 2022 4:22
Wao, wao wao.
Guys, you have to try explore this cave. You will see best thing inside with very good guide and photographer.
Cave was amazing with a millions of bats
Food was delicious and staff was so friendly.
To recomanded
20 Juni 2022 10:03
Not very friendly for local tourist. They charge 50k/pax for entrance. It can provide for 2x meals.
09 Juni 2022 22:24
Sayang sekali waktu berkunjung kondisi tutup.jadi cuman bisa ngintip dari pagar.
Gua yang unik, menurut temen saya, penduduk lokal gua ini ada dalam properti pribadi, dulu mereka tinggal dsini.setelah ditinggalkan, sekarang dibuka untuk umum.
01 Juni 2022 0:38
GOA yang sangat.indah.saya rekomndasikan.teman2 yang cari.tempat liburan.staffnya Ramah guide juga bagus
08 Mei 2022 1:04
Tempatnya sangat indah alami dan goanya keren habis. Tempat liburan setelah kejutan dan sirkuit. Goa bangkang prabu
24 April 2022 7:40
Digoa bngkang prabú terdapat kolam renangx dan juga pemandangan yg indah, diatas goa itu sendiri terdpt tempat2 berfoto yg bisa langsung qt kunjungi dg menaiki anak Tangga.
20 April 2022 18:17
Goa bangkang prabu sangat bagus, Saya rekomendasikan untuk berkunjung karna bukan spot Goanya saja yang ada disana,
ada pool swimm, restaurant untuk lunch, dinner dan ada tempat Resort untuk staycation
19 Maret 2022 5:21
Good place for sightseeing and photography.
Recommended bagi kalian yang bisa tahan dengan bau yang menusuk.

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