13 Juli 2023 17:24
Going up Mount Rinjani (2D1N) is literally one of the best experiences I have had in my life thus far. And I am pretty sure Hallo Trekker made that happen, because without our guide, San, it wouldn't have been as fun and enjoyable. He is super friendly and speaks good English, a very good conversationalist who knows his way around the mountain and have got funny jokes to tell. Me and my friend, learnt quite some Lombok Indonesian phrases from him. The climb itself was of course laborious, but nonetheless 100% worth it for the breathtaking views, besides the guide is always ready to accommodate slower pace and breaktimes. The food, delectable. Also, Lombok coffee in cold mountainuous weather is a life-saver.
02 April 2023 8:40
We had a great trek with our porters and our guide San, we couldn’t have done it without them, patience and kindness are some of their strong attributes. They are great at taking pictures too!
All the team was great to chat with and it made our journey much more enjoyable despite our physical limitations and pain.
Love you guys
23 Januari 2020 6:12
Unfortunately we couldn't climb the Rinjani as the park was closed because of a fire. However, they remained very responsible (by WhatsApp) and refund everything when the trip was cancelled.
Thanks Rustam and see you for our next Lombok trip (hopefully on top of the Rinjani this time!)
01 September 2018 6:24
My husband and I loved our Rinjani hiking experience with Hallo Trekker! Even before we arrived in Indonesia, communicating with Rustam, the manager of the company, was simple and easy. I was also very impressed with how Rustam handled our last minute request*. San, our guide, was great during the trek itself - he helped navigate more steep areas and always offered a hand when you needed extra balance. Our porters made delicious, warm food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Our table was the envy of the volcano because of how delicious and beautiful our food was. Would love to come back to do the summit one day! We highly recommend Hallo Trekker!

*We originally booked a 3D/2N summit trek but an injury I got earlier in the year started acting up the day before we were to start. We contacted Rustam via email and WhatsApp and he was able to change our trek to the 2D/1N to crater rim trek. We still were on the hook for the price of the 3D/2N summit trek but that's understandable since we were the ones who requested the last minute change.

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