04 Desember 2023 23:11
Letaknya di Senggigi tp agak jauh dari pusat keramaian senggiginya.

Kamarnya OK, cuma jangan lupa ditutup, banyak nyamukk!
Staff hotel cekatan, ramah, dan tanggap akan kebutuhan tamu.
Kolamnya juga sangat attractive.ada floatiesnya.bagus buat lihat sunset!
Yang kurang buat saya sih Wifinya. Sama sekali gak kepakai.sama tv nya juga susah.remote nya tidak menjangkau sensor kalo kita lagi bersantai di kasur.

Breakfastnya Ok. Nasgor dan migornya nya sih B aja. Homemade Jam nya yang enak. Cocok sama waffle dan pancakenya.wafflenya lbh ringan sih. Jd lbh cocok juga. Hehe. Buah Naganya.enak. Manis!

Overall stay rating: 4,0/5

Review yang saya tulis, hanya sekedar opini pribadi, tidak ada maksud negatif, tersembunyi atau apapun. Semoga menjadi acuan bagi pihak hotel untuk menjaga apa yang sudah bagus, memperbaiki apa yang masih kurang, dan mengembangkan yang belum maksimal untuk kepuasan bersama.
02 Desember 2023 16:01
My stay at Living Asia Spa Resort in Lombok was incredible! I was so satisfied that I extended my stay. Special thanks to Adi, Ori, and Ara who provided amazing service throughout, making my solo-trip and experience truly exceptional. Highly recommend this serene retreat for anyone seeking a relaxing getaway!
05 November 2023 13:36
Nice hotel and ocean view
The best hotel in lombok the location after senggigi 10 minut by car and quiet, you can activity like jogging, yoga and than walk araund the hill with bikecycle
27 Oktober 2023 4:01
The bed was amazing, the pillows were super soft but the best parts were definitely the bathroom with an awesome open top shower and of course the breakfast that was delicious and has kept me full for hours. The breakfast is worth the price alone.

My only problem would be with the placements of the charging plug-ins which the room had enough of but they were inconveniently placed far from the bed
30 September 2023 23:53
What's not to like amazing property, friendly staff, big rooms with one the most comfortable beds I have slept in. The pool area is brilliant right on the beach with spectacular sunsets listening to some amazing chillout music from the bar, I recommend for couples and families.

The food and drinks is pretty well priced and amazing.

I have seen some petty comments on here ignore them these are people that you will never please.

The town of Senggiggi is 10 mins cost around $3 AUD and the city Mataran is 40 mins away around $15 AUD.
23 September 2023 20:27
The staff is very friendly, and location of the hotel is very good, with perfect beaches.

However, prices of services and other things in a hotel are on the expensive side and definitely not worth it.
E.g. The hotel gives the worse exchange rates on the islands (compared to other exchange rates), the price for a meal is around 4 - 10x more expensive than in a local restaurant, and so is ordering a taxi.

I recommend booking the hotel for the location, but getting other services elsewhere from the local, for cheaper and more pristine experience
20 September 2023 5:47
Large hotel, with a beautiful garden and a beautiful swimming pool overlooking the sea. The room is correct and the bathroom is spacious and superb, open to the outside (the only negative point was that the toilets made noise day and night).
The breakfast is great, lots of choice and very complete.
16 September 2023 0:53
Great place at the seaside. Staff is very friendly and helpful but if you can book things yourself you save money.
03 Maret 2023 20:41
Lovely comfy bed. Very helpful lovely staff. Pretty gardens, had a lovely dinner at Christmas and as it was raining the management did everything possible to make sure we had a fabulous night. Thank you Addee?
06 Oktober 2022 14:08
We had a great time at living asia resort, highly recommended! Beautiful, clean resort, spacious rooms and awesome food in their restaurant. Special mention to the staff which is incredibly friendly and accomodating. We also recommened the “beachboys” Ajik and staff (+62 853 38827351) who organized for us a great snorkeling tour to the Gili islands.
17 September 2022 0:35
The Resort is realy beautiful and the few abouf the sea is great. The roams are nice. The bathroom is extraordenary and the shower without roof is faboulos. Only the fact that the rooms are not Moskito save is a little problem. The bar is perfect and the service is great.
15 Agustus 2022 8:20
Tempatnya sangat nyaman dan tenang. Cocok untuk menghilangkan penat dari keramaian. Viewnya langsung pantai, persis di depan kolam renang. Cocok juga gathering untuk kantor maupun keluarga. Karena halaman luas bisa untuk antivitas seperti mini futsal, tarik tambang, dll
11 Mei 2022 22:05
Yah pernah lewat doang sih gak sempat mampir
Tapi kalo di liat2 sih ok juga ya, insyaalah gass lah kalok ada waktu amiin,
11 Mei 2022 20:18
Resort ini menurut saya sangat bagus, bersih rapih, asri pelayannya sangat ramah - ramah, konsep tempatnya yang asri ditambah lagi resortnya terletak di pinggir pantai yang indah.
Selamat Menikmati.
21 Februari 2022 20:56
Kamarnya luas dan nyaman. Pantai yang terletak di belakang hotel langsung memberikan kenyamanan untuk tamu karena tidak ramai. Pelayanan staff juga bagus dan ramah
13 Februari 2022 5:55
Asbak tidak ada di ruangan maupun di balkon. Di kursi kolam pun tidak ada asbak. Breakfast makanan sedikit hanya nasi goreng atw bubur atw mie goreng tidak ada american breakfast
29 Januari 2022 13:07
It's a nice place for vacation. Large grass field, clean and big room, pool facing the beach, and great food.
23 Januari 2022 9:20
Saat kesana tgl 10-12 Des masih sepi. Weekend baru lumayan ada beberapa tamu. Byk kamar yg belum renovasi (katanya baru buka kembali sjk WSBK stlh tutup lama krn covid). Jika weekdays sarapannya hrs pesan dahulu. Nelpon ke semua ext jarang banget diangkat, sehingga susah jk ada kebutuhan kamar.
15 Januari 2022 20:50
The resort just recently reopen. Still have plenty of maintenance to do. I went there for relaxation and that's what I got! The place is tranquil, the pool is nice but the water is warm during the day as not much coverage. Food was ok considering the limited choices that they offer during low season. I can't get enough of the beach view so just sitting on the long chair with a book is heaven. Will soon be back there. The pool package is worth it. I just hope they'll still offer it though.
28 Desember 2021 17:58
Nice view, mgkin yg harus di tinjau kmbali setiap pergantian tamu yg menginap tolong disemprot anti nyamuk di setiap kamar, utk sarapan enak juga.the best utk mkannnya.
26 Februari 2021 15:16
If you are looking for a place to retreat this is the one! Beautiful and spacious room, elegant design and stunning ocean view! Friendly staff and amazing infinity pool!
30 Januari 2021 0:06
Living Asia Resort & Spa is open for business.
Visitors are welcome to come to Lombok, to visit its many wonderful natural and cultural attractions not affected by the August 2018 earthquakes.
Importantly, visitors can not only support the communities directly affected by the major event, but they can support the economy of Lombok Island. During their visits people provide income to individuals and local businesses through the sales of goods and services which is then passed on to their staff and their families.
If not today, but soon, come and enjoy your stay in Lombok!

Living Asia Resort & Spa terbuka untuk bisnis.
Pengunjung dipersilahkan untuk datang ke Lombok, untuk mengunjungi banyak atraksi alam dan budaya yang indah yang tidak terpengaruh oleh gempa bumi Agustus 2018.
Yang penting, pengunjung tidak hanya dapat mendukung komunitas yang secara langsung terpengaruh oleh peristiwa besar, tetapi mereka dapat mendukung perekonomian Pulau Lombok. Selama kunjungan mereka, seorang memberikan penghasilan kepada individu dan bisnis lokal melalui penjualan barang dan jasa yang kemudian diteruskan kepada staf mereka dan keluarga mereka.
Jika tidak hari ini, tapi segera, datang dan nikmati masa tinggal Anda di Lombok!
23 Januari 2021 1:25
Nyaman dan aman, staff hotel sangat ramah dan bersahabat.
Jadi salah satu opsi akomodasi kalau ke Lombok lagi nanti.
21 Juli 2020 22:47
Hotelnya sangat indah, nyaman apalagi pas menjelang sore kita di suguhin pantai yang begitu indah dan bersih, selain itu pelayanannya juga sangat memuaskan.
03 Maret 2020 1:29
I found the staff very friendly and welcoming. The beachfront was perfect for us. Food, including breakfast, was great and so was the daily afternoon tea. Beautiful resort and clean. I loved the outdoor washroom. I also liked that it was slightly outside the main part of Senggigi, so quieter area, and it only cost $2.50-$3USD to taxi back. They have a daily afternoon shuttle that goes to the center of Senggigi also. Would recommend!
01 Maret 2020 21:05
Worth the price you pay.you are on the beach, swimming pool is very good size even if we didn't jump in it.the location is a bit far from the center and the pier.so having a transportation is a must
05 Februari 2020 20:36
It is a really quiet place. Staff is very friendly.
Our room was very clean and the outside shower open it is cleaver. You can see the stars when you are taking shower. Also can be a bit hot in the morning, but paid off.
24 Oktober 2019 20:49
Perfekt um eine Auszeit zu nehmen. Speisekarte könnte überarbeitet werden und die ein und andere Instandhaltungsarbeit sollte zeitnah erledigt werden. Das Personal ist sehr freundlich und überaus bemüht einem alle Wünsche zu erfüllen.
08 Agustus 2019 17:01
Menginap dengan harga promo disini sangat awesome! Sesenang itu Hotelnya bagus, bersih, luas, pelayanan super ramah. Komplit juga fasilitasnya. Ada welcome drink dan dapat voucher massage 15 menit juga, oiya kami juga mendapat free tea/coffee serta snack di bar-nya. Kami menginap di tipe kamar partial ocean view. Lumayan dekat dengan laut dan kolam renangnya. Menu sarapan bervariatif dengan rasa yang enak. Terimakasih Living Asia, semoga dapat kesempatan menginap disini lagi
27 Juni 2019 12:26
Firstly the grounds are really outstanding. Perfectly maintained beautiful gardens. We had a nice welcome and staff were super helpful and friendly.
Menu is a little on the expensive side. I think you're paying for the lovely view of the sea and sunset. Food was average.
This is great for if you want to stay in the hotel for your trip as it is very far from anything. Nothing is in walking distance and there's not much in the area at all apart from beaches.
The shower in the room is an outdoor one. Really nice however having hot water was hit or miss. If you don't like bugs and ants crawling around your bathroom you won't like the outdoor shower. Obviously not the hotels fault but something to remember.
The main thing that bothered me is that each time I slept in the bed (huge and comfy bed!) I woke up the next morning with bites. Possibly mozzie or flea bites I'm not sure. I've got about 10 over my legs and a few on my back
Still giving 4 stars because the service and grounds are impeccable.
01 Mei 2019 19:18
Lovely retreat for relaxation and leaving all worldly worries behind you. Located at the far end of Senggjgi Beach and far away from the rowdy crowd, peace and quite is guaranteed if you preferred to be left alone. Hotel staff always helpful and makes you feel pampered. Lawn meticulously manicured every day.
21 April 2019 23:56
Lovely stay, staff, swimming pool, spa and villas. Also great breakfast and had a couple of dinners there as well. Reasonably priced, definitely recommended!
28 Maret 2019 6:27
I really liked my week staying there.every one is very friendly and kind and all of them are smiling.the food is good and they do have a good beach.

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