02 April 2021 20:11
Waterfall is gone. River dry till the dam as you can see. The place looks abandoned since a year ago at least. Don't go there
02 April 2021 10:53
This is one of the best waterfall we have been visited in Lombok. I don’t know why some people said there is no water or not exist! That is totally wrong information. The waterfall was, is always there:)
We have been this waterfall this afternoon and spend 4 hours there, its definitely so many water
Mogli is very nice (the ticket guy), he showed us all the high light of 5 waterfalls around the area, if without him we never can see all the hidden waterfalls and then invited us to his home with some local foods from his village.
Anyone who plan to go waterfalls in Lombok, this is the one must come to visit and we recommend to take the tour with him.
Worthy for what we paid. Tickets fee and some tips for him.
26 Maret 2021 6:28
Suasana yg alami sejuh indah di pandang mata penduduknya yg ramah dan juga bersahabat alam yg terjaga
12 Juli 2019 14:12
Lumayan bagus untuk wisata tempat cukup luas dengan suasana hutan di lengkapi dengan tempat selfi yg sudah di sediakan dengan suasana alam
10 Mei 2019 13:35
Please visit this place on Lombok.
After the earthquake the local people suffered a lot. Buildings have collapsed or unsafe to life in.
And worse, the waterfall is not as active as or was. People are trying to rebuild the once beautiful sight.
I spoke to an okt man, he was so passioned. That it really hit me, what the impact was afther the earthquake.
30 April 2019 17:06
Bagus sih banyak spot fotonya.tapi aku dateng pas airnya gada. Bener2 kering dan panas. Bad time travel. Aku saranin dtgnya pas ada air + musim ujan biar ga panas, seger, dan ramai gitu.
21 April 2019 3:15
Abadikan setiap sport utk selfi di sini. Air murni dan jenih membuat pikiran tenang berada di sini. Tp yang bikin gereget, utk fotoan hrs ngantri saking byknya pengujung datang ke sini.saya aja udh 2 kali ke sini.
30 Januari 2019 12:55
Perjalanan lumayan.dri mataram 1 jam lebih sedikit.gak rugi kesini.silahkan bagi yang suka keindahan alam.jangan khawatir tempat parkir kendaraan sudah ad.silahkan jangan ragu ragu
20 Juli 2017 19:46
Tempat favorit saya.taman dengan banyak air terjun dan pemandian.dari sini kita bisa melihat air terjun tu pupus. Bannyak orang memakai tempat ini untuk selfie

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