07 November 2023 10:38
The sushi somehow stopped using the traditional Japanese rice mixed with salt and vinegar and is just using plain white rice. Really ruins how the sushi tastes and overall I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The fish quality is still good, but if you are ordering anything maki/nigiri/gunkan I'd recommend to stick with the sashimis.
14 Agustus 2023 7:09
Tempat lumayan nyaman, menu bnyk variasinya, hidangannya fresh semua, pelayanan
Ok, ngga ada kekurangannya, yg ada kelebihannya yaitu lebih di 'uang nya' alias mahal dibandingkan restoran sekelas, makanya kl kesini harus gali dompet lbh dalam lagi apalagi kl dng rombongan
14 Agustus 2023 3:57
Tetap tempat makan Sushi paling Favorit di Pekanbaru, Cita Rasanya memang Original Banget.
20 Mei 2020 10:14
Makanannya cukup oke. Chicken karage favourite gue tiap dtang kesana. Cma toiletnya ga selevel sama restonya. 4 bintang dlu. Klo toiletnya udh sepadan sama restonya, baru bintang 5.
13 Mei 2020 17:15
So far, a good deal of Sushi in Pekanbaru! Best sushi restaurant in Pekanbaru if I might say.

Nothing is best in class (so, avoid premium items like otoro, uni, ankimo - best to have those dishes at high-end restaurants), but prices are reasonable and quality has been consistent over the years.

Usually here for their Sushi! Nothing else! Their Moriawase Sushi especially Aburi Sushi Moriawase and Sushi Mentai Moriawase are made to my perfection!

Dont forget order their special roll. My fave are aburi salmon roll and tuna salad crispy mentai. Must have!

Their yakimono dish are also worth to try such as Salmon Mentaiyaki, Hotate Mentaiyaki, Chicken Gyoza and Tamago.

Take out are were comfortable with free ocha while waiting. They provide varieties of Gunkan, Nigiri, and Moriawase Sushi. No omakase sushi here. Staff is good, efficient service with comfortable dining area and great ambience.

Huge parking lot. No need to worry about the parking thingy tho
28 April 2020 22:15
+ Good location
+ Nice and cool atmosphere
+ Various healthy Japanese menu
+ Great food taste and consistency
+ Very Good service
+ Lots of dining tables
+ Large parking space
+ Fair prices
No Minus
24 April 2020 14:06
The location is easy to acces since it is located in jalan soekarno hatta. Teh sushi is delicious, Here are recommended menu from me:
tuna salad chrispily mentai
Sushi roll and also sashimi
19 April 2020 7:33
Expecting something great like the sushi tei in other city, but the salmon is plain and mentai too slimy
13 April 2020 21:22
Still the best sushi place in town. Offers variation of sushi, Don, ramen, udon, dessert, and beverages. Quality is the best so far in town, in terms of the ingridients quality, quality of the service, and the facilities provided. Might take some time to order and serve the food, especially during peak hours. Strongly recommended for you to try! They even have limited time all-you-can-eat style promo every year.
29 Maret 2020 5:32
I never knew if sushi tei is very recommended to be place for do meeting place with your team. They have half private room, very cozy!

and ofcourse you can order delicious menu!
28 Maret 2020 4:19
Tempat makan sushi paling enak dan segar bahannya. Pilihannya juga sangat lah banyak, bisa kalap kalau masuk kesini, semua pengen.
16 Maret 2020 3:55
Sushi. Salah satu makanan yang mampu membuat kita tersenyum bahagia.termasuk juga semua hidangan disini mampu membuat saya tersenyum bahagia.sushi tei pekanbaru, tempatnya sangat nyaman, server juga ramah dan tangkas, area parkir sangat luas. Selalu tanyakan promo harian bila berkunjung kesini:).
06 Maret 2020 21:46
Kalian hrus cobain menu khas pku, masing" sushi tei setiap daerah selalu ada menu tersendiri khas daerah. Walaupun harga nya high, tpi rasanya juga juga worth!
05 Maret 2020 11:50
Great tasting Japanese and Sushi train restaurant in Pekanbaru!

Enak sekali rumah makanan Jepang di Pekanbaru!
27 Februari 2020 10:18
Service was very very slow, it took the waiter more than one hour to get rice for us. We called the waiter for the rice about 4 times. The food was ok.
15 Februari 2020 17:57
The food is very inconsistent, one day the food would taste good. And then another day the food is just plain. This happens more than once.
17 Desember 2019 9:38
Tempat parkir banyak. Kalau ke sini pas weekend emang ramai banget, sampai waiting list. Cuma nunggunya ga begitu lama kok. Menunya banyak mulai dari sushi, udon dll. Cuma favorit aku tetap sushinya. The best! Pelayanannya ramah banget.
13 Desember 2019 5:44
Pekanbaru memiliki banyak tempat untuk wisata kuliner, salah satunya adalah restauran yang nenyediakan makanan dan minuman khas negeri sakura. Sushi tei adalah salah satu restoran jepang yang sangat recomended karena menyediakan masakan jepang yang lengkap selain sushi. Jangan bilang suka masakan jeoang kalo belum ke sushi tei
09 Desember 2019 18:58
Delicious sushi.the strategic location.you can find at jalan soekarno hatta no 111, pekanbaru, riau. I recommended menu is tuna salad chrispily mentai and both of below photo with hot or cold ocha.if you go on monday it will not much person.but in saturday and sunday it is so crowded.i love the service.so polite and excellent.love the taste.never feel this best sushi taste in the town.love sushi tei taste so much.thank you
02 Desember 2019 2:19
The best sushi in town! Selalu suka dengan bahan yang digunakan fresh dengan kualitas yang bagus juga.
08 November 2019 18:37
Pelanyannya kerang cepat. Akan tetapi tmptnya nyaman dan mknannya jga enk. Worth it antata mknan dan harga
22 September 2019 2:51
Yg pasti mahal. N tax nya ada dua. Tax 10% n service
Jd tipsnya bwalah uang banyak.
Tempatnya bagus, cozy juga.
12 September 2019 17:09
Best place to have a fresh salad. Also good sushi. I go here almost every Friday. Well recommended!
05 September 2019 23:17
Nothing much I can say as the whole food experience is totally disastrous from the minute I ate the Inari from the conveyor belt. It's filling is like as if it's been purposely filled lesser. Too much "air" trapped within. Then I had the dragon roll, the avocado wasn't really nice. The sushi rice breaks easily too. Pretty upset about it actually. The ultimate insult was the unagi don. Thinly slice of unagi filled the top portion of the rice. Pretty salty. Maybe it's because I'm so used to eat Sushi Tei at Serangoon Gardens that's why all this small details which lacks here in Pekanbaru plays a pivotal role in making my dinner experience a pretty bad one. Hope they'll do buck up and maintain the high standards that Sushi Tei has been doing all along. The only consolation is the place. Very nice, warm, cozy and grand looking. Lotsa wood involved.
05 September 2019 6:21
Alhamdulillah sekarang sudah halal, selain itu tempatnya bersih, nyaman, dan ramah. Untuk masalah makanannya udah pasti juara di bidang per sushi-an!
01 September 2019 7:20
Good food, good time. Every branch of sushi tei have their own local speciality food and taste. In medan is more tasty, but here still good

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