10 Juni 2023 0:37
Another specialty coffee in palu, tree by three (or is it three by tree). Anyway they have la marzocco linea pb, mahlkonig k30, ek43, mazzer kony. Onward coffee bag spotted. They have manual brew menu. Mostly busy near closing hour and lunch time.
28 Februari 2023 23:57
Salah satu tempat favorit saya untuk menikmati kopi dan kudapan sambil menyelesaikan pekerjaan. Suasana nyaman dan tenang.
13 September 2020 8:46
Tempatnya agak tersembunyi walau terletak dijalan protocol. Buka hanya sampai pukul 18.00 bahkan di Hari weekend. Cocok untuk ngobrol santai Karena tdk bgtu ramai. Makanan nya enak coba saja pesan ebi furai Dan curry. Untuk minuman saya sangat Suka dengan ice coffee palm sugar the best in town. Cocok buat kalian yg ingin deep talk atau nongkrong dengan tenang.
19 Februari 2020 14:15
The best coffee place in Palu. Its a little bit small but cozy. The owner and barista are friendly, you can talk a lot about coffee with them.
05 Februari 2020 8:11
I love the vibes here. The foods and beverage really good, and the owner and all of the barista also really friendly.
26 Desember 2019 15:59
Ini cafe segmented banget, tapi tastenya bisa diadu, cake, kopinya bener2 classy, affogato-nya is the best, sayang kalo malam dan hari minggu tutup
09 Juni 2019 21:53
I really love the cheesecake. The coffee taste good to. The brownies is really delicious. Maybe put a neon box in front of the shop so people could see.
20 Mei 2019 9:35
Tempat yg Very cozy. Memberikan kenyamanan untuk bercemgkrama n makanan serta minuman yg sangat lezat
04 Februari 2019 14:02
Tempatnya enak, pelayananx ramah, makanan dan roti enak. Minumanx jg terutama kopi dan coklatx aq suka

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