01 November 2023 17:12
Aryaduta Medan is a great hotel which is located just next to Medan City Hall, in the heart of the city. It is just within walking distance to major landmarks in the city like Merdeka Square, Benteng Square, Main Post Office, Bank of Indonesia Medan branch, North Sumatra House of People Representative, banks and Kesawan Historical Street, Perniagaan Clothing Street, Pajak Ikan, etc or just around 5-10 minutes drive to Medan Train station (airport train departs from here), major shopping centres: Delipark Mall, Sun Plaza, Centre Point. It is located on the top floors of the Grand Palladium building. Sadly, this building is abandoned.

The staff here offers warm and hospitable service. They give you their best smile when greeting you. The minus pont is their housekeeping. Actually, they did good job on room comfort and cleanliness. The front office asked us to wait around 10 minutes when we arrived at 3 pm, despite we had made this booking weeks before and the check in time was 2 pm. A certain amount of deposit fee is applicable for check in.

The Grand Deluxe room was spacious with balcony. Room cleanliness and comfort is very good. The bed is clean and comfy. Two pillows are provided for each guest. The rooms also comes with one sofa seat and working table. The television set is a smart TV which is connected to Nextfix, Youtube and other on demand video application. A weighing scale was also here but not seems not so working well. There was minibar in the room. Drinking water in 600ml bottle, tea and coffee making facilities, as well as toileteries were provided completely. The wardrobe was also big with safety box inside. No bathrobe was provided.

The breakfast spread was great with numerous choices of local and international delicacies. From fruits, salad, pastry, porridge, rice with dishes, pancakes, egg, cakes, pudding, jamu (Indonesian traditional drink), cereal, tea and coffee, fruit punch, noodle bar, etc are available for guests to dine in. Taste of the food is good. Restaurant has a great city view. The restaurant also serves for in house guests all day dining as well as room service. The restaurant has open kitchen concept so guests may have a good scene of foods being prepared.

It also has a swimming pool with adults and kids section. There are also banquet facilities from ballroom to small meeting rooms. Small fitness centre is located next to the swimming pool but the machines were not well functioning. Parking is located at quite top floor of the building with entrance from the rear part of the building. Free parking is available for inhouse guests.
28 Oktober 2023 6:14
The rooms were okay, the facilities were a bit lacking and felt a bit old. Room service and housekeeping felt scattered and inconsistent. Location is great, near a lot of places. Would recommend for business trips, not so much for relaxing luxury.
21 Oktober 2023 20:48
First time staying at Aryaduta Medan and i must say i am impressed with the entire services.
Starting from the room, food, and facilities are truly beyond my expectation. The swimming pool is the best part of this hotel, incredibly mesmerizing. The entire staff especially the front desk staff is very polite, informative and super friendly.
Totally worth every penny.
09 September 2023 3:05
Suasana nya asyik banget.kolam renang nya oke.sajian makanan nya oke.hi tea dsore hari worthed banget.
31 Agustus 2023 2:09
Apalagi kamar nya menghadap kolam renang, aku pribadi puas, sarapan nya enak2, kolam nya bersih.
30 Agustus 2023 12:43
Lokasi parkir dan lobby tidak seperti hotel pada umumnya, wifi sering gangguan, dan fasilitas lift tidak sebanding dengan jumlah kamar. Lokasi lift juga tidak strategis, sebingga jika mendapatkan kamar yang bernomor tinggi maka akan terlalu jauh untuk menjangkau lift.
23 Agustus 2023 7:57
Sangat senang menginap disini. Lokasi dekat lapangan Benteng. Kamar yang kami pilih luas, flat tv ukuran cukup besar, rapi dan view kolam renang. Kolam Renangnya bagus dan luas, ada yang dangkal buat anak kecil dan disediakan alat fitness, treadmill dan alat lainnya.

Include sarapan untuk 2 orang, anak umur 5 tahun ke atas nambah 70K saja. Pilihan menu banyak dan bervariasi, mantap jiwa
26 Februari 2019 19:05
Pelayanan baik kebersihan juga terjaga dan juga tempat yang cocok untuk ber istirahat dari kepenatan pekerjaan karena tempat nya nyaman dan juga bisa refreshing sejenak dan menikmati swimming pool yang ada harga juga relatif tergantung dari quality dari kamar nya sendiri murah 450rb an dan yang saya tempatin kemaren dengan harga 1,1jt kamar di depan pool langsung (pool access). Tempat parkir luan dan juga kalian bisa sekalian menikmati keliling mall yanga ada tepat menyatu dengan hotel ini kalian juga bisa menonton film di mall tersebut
06 Desember 2018 5:23
This hotel is a great venue to organize a medium-sized forum or gatherings. I have visited the Aryaduta Medan for meetings for several times.

The service of the hotel is great. The hallway to get upstairs sometimes make me confused but the hotelier is very responsive to help me. The hotel officers asked me where I would like to go and politely showed me the way.

The lobby is convenient to wait for our friends or group. The place for praying is quite small.
I recommend this place for your company or event celebration.
28 November 2018 19:36
Kesekian kalinya kami bermalam di Aryaduta Medan, dan banyak perkembangan dan perubahan yang sangat bagus
24 November 2018 21:20
We stayed for 3 nights in Aryadutta.booking was for a family of 4.on reaching there we were shocked to see one bed. When we asked them we were told to pay for one more bed at an extra cost. This is not professional. When booking for 4 they charged 1 million for 4 for just 1 bed. Would never recommed staying in Aryadutta
06 November 2018 19:53
This hotel is located in the heart of Medan City, beside Kantor Walikota Medan.
And one building with Palladium Mall, a trade centre mall.
Car park is located at Parking Building.
This hotel is elegant and high quality hotel with 4 star hotel.
30 Oktober 2018 7:44
Sudah 2x stay di hotel ini.kalau liburan ke medan hotel ini salah satu pilihan untuk menginap bersama anak2
Untuk FO ada di lantai 9 kl tdk salah ingat.
Di bawah hotel ada mall nya (posisinya di samping hotel mall nya tidak terlalu ramai)
Bersebrangan dgn hotel santika premier.
Kamar nya bgs untuk ukuran deluxe termasuk kecil.
So far so good lah.
Kolam renang berhadapan dgn restaurant.ada 2 kolam renang untuk dewasa dan anak2.jadi tdk perlu khawatir kalau anak2 hrs berenang ke kolam dewasa krn sdh ada kolam renang anak.
Perlu ada nya staf yg berjaga di sekitaran kolam renang agar lebih memudahkan tamu untuk bertanya atau meminjam handuk (2x nginap di sini nga pernah ada staf yg berjaga di sekitar kolam renang)
Untuk sarapan pagi bervariasi dan rasanya lumayan.
Hanya saja kurang luas lagi untuk ruangan restaurant nya.
Ketika chek in kita akan di mintain deposit (tapi nanti di kembalikan kalau sdh chek out setelah di cek apa kah ada pengambilan/pembelian makanan di minibar nya)
Kadang suka bingung cari nomor kamar nya karena lorong2 nya banyak dan panjang hehehe.
Staf pelayanan nya baik dan ramah.
Di bawah hotel ada restauran yg buka 24jam.jadi kalau pengen makan di luar bisa kesna.posisi nya di pojok (berhadapan dgn hotel santika)
Kalau boleh kasih saran tolong sediakan playground untuk tempat bermain anak2
29 Oktober 2018 19:41
Kamarnya nyaman, menu breakfastnya banyak banget. Buat anak sampe dewasa, tradisional atau internasional. Rasa nya outstanding. Plg suka poolnya di lt. 9. Bersih. Tq
29 Oktober 2018 18:38
The hotel is well maintained and cleanliness deserves a praise. Hotel managers are accommodating to your requests and answers well to any of your enquiries. I enjoyed my stay there with them and felt very much at home.

The only drawback in my opinion is that, the hotel does not provide massage/spa facilities, as such slight inconvenience if you wish to look for spa facilities within the city itself.
26 Oktober 2018 19:27
Salah satu hotel bintang lima (5) di inti kota Medan. Lokasinya bersebelahan dengan kantor walikota Medan. Lokasi yang tepat, dan nyaman sebagai pilihan menginap untuk perjalanan wisata atau bisnis.
Posisi lobby berada di lantai 9 (jika naik melalui lift) dengan pemandangan kolam renang yang indah sembari menunggu proses check-in maupun check out. Hanya saja kolam renang tidak dibuka untuk umum. Sebatas kepada tamu hotel yang menginap.
Dilantai dasar terdapat max coffee dan paladium mall
22 Oktober 2018 15:39
Tempat oke pelayanan oke makanan oke, tp lebih baik dipisahkn makanan halal dan haram, kalau di hotel ini sy suka yg kamar akses pool, kalau parkir ada security yg bisa markirkan.
19 Oktober 2018 11:48
Hotel cukup mewah di kota medan. View dari restoran sangat bagus dan merupakan spot foto unggulan.

Gedung hotelnya sendiri memiliki desain mewah dengan kolam renang kecil dan poolside untuk bersantai. Namun sangat disayangkan, alat fitness disini sangat terbatas

Secara kualitas kuliner telah mengalami peningkatan cukup signifikan sejak awal dibangunnya hotel ini.
17 Oktober 2018 2:25
Kurang penunjuk arah untuk lift (sempat bingung cari lift saat menginap di lantai 11 karena tempatnya cukup luas). But, so far nyaman sih. Letaknya pun di pusat kota Medan, jadi dekat dengan berbagai tempat-tempat ikonik Medan.
09 Oktober 2018 20:06
Very nice hotel. Room is spacious, wonderful swimming pool, and good food. Lobby is on the 9th floor though and room facilities seems a little outdated.
06 Oktober 2018 16:27
Superb accomodation is provided here.
The brand is well known for the service in hospitality industries.
05 Oktober 2018 22:13
A clean hotel, with good view, a good small pool in an open area, a good restaurant and a helpful cheerful staff.
22 September 2018 14:19
Ruang ballroom untuk meeting sangat nyaman, bisa nampung 130 utk rountablre dan ruang pameran buat 10 ukm
16 September 2018 3:37
Jarak ke kamar terlalu jauh dengan lift, Kamar deluxenya terasa biasa saja, Rasa sarapan lumayan enak, pelayanannya terlalu lama dan ribet kalo minta apapun. Sampe minta handuk 1 lagi saja tidak diperbolehkan.
14 September 2018 22:18
Berlibur dgn keluarga, hotel sangat nyaman, bebas aroma merokok, area kolam renang sangat indah, air bersih, pelayanan dihotel mantap ya.hotel bersih, para pelayan tanggap.makanan enak, didalam kamar, sprei sngat bersih, kamar mandi bersih, pemandang keluar jendela adalah kolam, jd sangat indah.mgkn lain x akan kesini lg deh.
12 September 2018 23:49
Good n clean hotel, long corridored rooms, so find room nearby or its a long walk from lift lobby to your room
12 September 2018 22:59
Hotel nya sangat bagus. Terdesia fasilitas kolam renang yang bersih dan kursi pantai. Ballroomnya sangat cocok untuk acara seminar. Didepan ball room kita langsung dapat melihat kolam renang dan bisa bersantai sambil menikmati kudapan.
01 September 2018 9:34
The food in the restaurant The Kitchen is actually yummy, and very good price consider it is a 5 star hotel.
01 September 2018 5:17
Perkiraan motornya sangat ribet sekali cukup jauh ke dalam, saya pernah beberapa x ke situ untung lah scurity nya baik saya bisa nitip parkir motor d depan, walaupun saya pernah 1kali kehilangan barang d motor saya
22 Agustus 2018 2:09
Kamar luuuas, nyaman
Kalau soal sarapan saya blm cobaa
Yaa saya akan datang lagi kesini nantik
Thankyouu arya dutaaa
20 Agustus 2018 2:58
Kesan pertama staycation disini nyaman sekali, selain karena staffnya yg ramah, lokasi di tengah kota yg mudah di akses, kamarnya juga nyamaaaaan banget.
Ditambah lagi saat sarapan, varian menunya banyak sekali, dan yg penting rasanya pas di lidah.
Hhhhh.jadi pengen staycation lagi nih di Aryaduta

Tulis Ulasan

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