02 September 2023 1:13
Hari ini senin 4/9 pukul 20.18

Sy order 2 porsi bihun Bebek, mgkin karena rebus nya kurang lama jd bihun nya rada keras. Sy kebetulan sih bisa makan dan tdk terlalu mempermasalahkan, tp pacar sy kurang cocok makan nya

Jadi 1 porsi pny pcr sy, kami komplain dan minta di rebus lg bihun nya agar lebih lembut
Sebenarnya rada malu, takut di cap customer yg banyak mau, apalg bos ny smpt lirik k kami. Tp surprisingly rupanya diganti dgn porsi baru

Just a small act, but appreciate it so much
Thank you so much, sure will come back again
The food also good, and located in center of medan night chinatown
30 Januari 2023 0:23
A fave of the family’s. I prefer the curry bihun but the Duck Bihun is objectively the better flavour. Can order from other stalls and pay as one. Turtle herbal sop is excellent. The satay stall partner is okay but probably not the best on the street.
03 Oktober 2021 1:11
Sejak umur 8 tahun bapak sudah sering bawa kami makan disana. Skrg umur 41 tahun, masih sering makan disana. Favorit.
20 Juli 2021 3:43
I loved the curry mee hoon here, it’s very smooth and savory. I’d prefer the curry here than the the all popular t*b*na.

It’s usually not so crowded and the seatings are good too. It’s a lil bit pricey, but it’s worth the price.
16 Maret 2020 0:52
Easily the best bihun bebek in town
the soup tastes are fresh and nice
the noodle feels nice and somwhat squishy, the duck are very well cooked and has good texture to it

you cannot go wrong with eating bihun bebek atak, amazing food to enjoy as a breakfast
07 Oktober 2019 1:58
This food joint which serves "Bihun bebek" or something like "Vermicelli cooked with duck meat and traditional chinese herbal soup" is one of the best in medan. Many of my relatives and friends ask me to take them when they come to medan. The duck meat here is tender and they traditional chinese herbal soup here is not too bold but kicking.ask for more fried garlic to strengthen the taste.
17 Juni 2019 17:28
Kami berlibur ke Medan mengunjungi orangtua. Sambil kulineran tentunya. Search di internet, ketemu Bihun Bebek Atak. Istri dan saya pesan bihun bebek, keponakan pesan bihun ayam, dan kakak memesan kwetiau kuah. Rasanya enak. Daging bebeknya lembut dan kuah sop-nya enak. Ada rasa manisnya juga. Kalau daging bebeknya dibumbuin, lalu dipanggang atau digoreng, sepertinya makin mantap.
11 April 2019 1:43
Bihun bebek nya emng enak. Tapi Bihun Kari nya ga banget! Masa 40ribu banyakan kuah, kentang nya ga ada, darah ayam ga ada, Suir ayam nya dikit banget! Ga rekomen buat pesen Kari nya.:) Nyesel beli nya padahal udah ada nama.
31 Maret 2019 22:16
Good place good food, located at center of the city.the location of this place like hawker street food.you can satisfy your belly in this place
06 Maret 2019 11:05
Enak. Utk yg suka bihun bebek dgn rasa obat yg tdk terlalu kentara cocok. Cuman kali ini bihunnya agak keras.
21 Februari 2019 12:08
Really tasty and delicious. Love the night market ambience since we can sit anywhere along the street.
01 Desember 2018 11:10
Restaurant ini cukup banyak pelanggan, rata-rata loyal customer dari berbagai kalangan. Ramai saat jam sarapan pagi dan makan malam. Selain bihun bebek juga tersedia mie pangsit, Sop bakso lembu dsb. Bila kurang bisa meminta pelayan memanggil makanan lain yang berada di sekitarnya. Tempat yang cukup terang dan nyaman daripada harus duduk di emperan Ruko yang kadang berbau dan dipenuhi nyamuk. Lokasi jalan Semarang ini hampir semua jenis makanan tersedia. Harga cukup terjangkau dengan kualitas yang sesuai.

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