27 September 2019 4:55
Lokasi sangat strategis di jln besar gatot subroto, fasilitas hotel cukup baik, untuk resepsi sangat bagus.
18 September 2019 21:03
Kamar bersih, akses mudah dan ruang pertemuan cukup memadai. Hotel ini juga memiliki fasilitas kolam renang
08 September 2019 17:28
One of the restaurant is on the same floor as lobby and serving Indonesia and western food. The other one is Sky Mansion on the rooftop
24 Agustus 2019 9:43
The room rate is OK. Facilities such as lounge, breakfast and light in the room need to be improved with same standard of Four Points Hotel.
21 Agustus 2019 15:40
Dapet kamar yg pemandangan nya atap rumah warga.
Kamar nya nyaman.bersih.
Selimut nya agak supak warna nya.
04 Agustus 2019 2:56
Stayed here during Lebaran season, very beautiful & luxurious interior, with marbel in so many part of the building and room interior. Very nice. Love it.
29 Juli 2019 13:49
Hotel bintang empat dengan fasilitas lengkap, layanan yang ramah, kamar yang luas dan bersih, kasur dan bantal yang nyaman.
27 Juli 2019 6:22
Hotel yang berubah nama yang awal namanya adalah grand serella. Area lobby yang luas dan ditata indah dengan banyak lampu kristal kaca yang membuatnya semakin mewah. Kamarnya nyaman, pelayanan-nya ramah, dan menurutku makanannya enak, tapi perlu ditambah lagi variasi makanannya, agar tidak bosan. Overall good.
25 Juli 2019 13:05
Hotel yg menarik dan sangat di rekomendasikan kepada para traveller yg membutuhkan kenyamanan dalam istirahat. Masalah harga itu relatif sih, tapi harga cukup terjang kau dngan fasilitas yg wah banget.
25 Juli 2019 12:05
They cancelled ouf booking just one hour before we arrived and without any reason. When we came, they told us that we can sleep but we cas to pay more.
24 Juli 2019 11:30
The staff is great! The food also delicious, the room was comfy

But the security is so slow and not kind, they dont greet us with smile.i think if they put more smile this place will be great
19 Juli 2019 6:23
Nice hotel but checking-in took toooooo long with only a couple in front of me considering we had a very tiring journey. Only 1 staff available at check-in counter. Bad experience.
11 Juli 2019 7:10
Hotel nya nyaman bersih dan fasilitas lengkap, cuma kemarin reception nya menurut saya kurang friendly.
10 Juni 2019 3:11
Tempatnya oke sih tp makanannya standard aja dan gelas minumnya kecil bgt utk buka puasa, ga tau deh emg ukurannya spt itu atau uda keabisan gelas
07 Juni 2019 19:48
Tempat penginapan atau hotel yang bergaya Eropa, setara dengan hotel bintang lima juga menmempunyai tempat parkir dan disediakan atm,
27 Mei 2019 1:58
Terima budget corporate dan goverment rate. Agak jauh dari pusat kota, tapi sekitarnya lengkap. Ada swalayan, laundry kiloan, dan banyak tempat makan murah bin enak. Recommended buat yang lagi business trip dalam waktu lama.
23 Mei 2019 15:58
Sudah pesan kamar Non Smoking dan Single Bed High Floor, dan sudah dikonfirmasi hari sebelumnya. Saya kecewa saat checkin dapatnya smoking room (kamar bau), twin bed dan middle floor. TV nya juga burem, ga enak buat ditonton.
Harap pelayanan pre-check in nya diperbaiki, kualitas bagus tetapi pelayanan kurang bagus.
01 Desember 2018 19:23
Hotelnya over all bagus banget beberapa kali pernah nginal. Hanya saja untuk kolam renang kurang longgar aturannya. Krn harus pakai baju renang. Temen saya pernah memakai kaos dan akhirnya tidak bisa berenang padahal keadaan kolam kosong dan bukan berenang betulan melainkan hanya menemani saya berenang tapi ingin masuk dalam kolam juga. Meskipun telah dijelaskan, tetap tidak boleh. Padahal ada tsmu sebelumnya yang tidak memakai pakaian renang melainkan kaos dan legging yang lebih pendek dsri yang dikenakan teman saya.
29 November 2018 11:51
I stay in room 320, on 10 October 2018. No internet connection. I already have deposit by sweeping credit card, but when I ordered snack room service I have to pay cash or pay by credit card! I did follow hotel request, but really annoying stay since I will stay four nights and I have reconciled all my scattered bills for company claimed. I feel stay in not a modern hotel, where you have peace of mind. There is repair work in front of hotel. This afternoon when we arrived by car, the security not opening the way to lobby, we have to circle and to yell at security for access. The front officer give smooth ok when I asked for the room have a spacious windows but I got a room with roof top and wall. Hotel promise to move me tomorrow, let see if they can keep it. It seems the hotel is very new in hotel management and the people are not friendly - I assume it may be of Medan culture? !
03 November 2018 2:14
This hotel is a great venue to organize a medium-sized forum or gatherings. I have visited the Four Points by Sheraton Medan for meetings for several times.

The service of the hotel is great. The hallway to get upstairs sometimes make me confused but the hotelier is very responsive to help me. The hotel officers asked me where I would like to go and politely showed me the way.

The lobby is convenient to wait for our friends or group. The place for praying is quite small.
I recommend this place for your company or event celebration.
06 Oktober 2018 18:08
Bermalam utk kedua kali di hotel ini. Harga standar dengan fasilitas yg sy suka terutama lantai lorong hotel dr karpet dan kamar jg lantainya dilapisi karpet.
Aminities cukup lengkap ada sisir rambut juga. Minusnya tdk ada kran air utk wudhu, jd susah kalo mau bersuci. Asli ribet utk wudhu.
Makanan cukup enak, apalagi ayam bumbu laosnya endes.
Staff sangat ramah. Minusnya, front officer cuma 2 jd kadang antrian bs panjang. Sebaiknya minimal 3 lah.
Selain itu, minusnya hotel ini, lorongnya kok bau rokok ya.

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