21 Mei 2023 8:19
Worth it and affordable price. Located near many places that are suitable for both tourists and returning residents alike including local street foods and also high end cafes. Good and clean rooms and very friendly service and staff as well. Recommended:)
04 Mei 2023 22:54
This is my first time we're here. Actually we booked standard room but the customer service suggest we upgrade the room when we check in because I bring my little son too. Just add around USD 4 or IDR 60K we get bigger than standard room. Don't forget you have to deposit USD 10 (IDR 150K) and you'll get it after check-out.

In the room, we get 3 pillows, hot water (shower) in bathroom, 2 bottle aqua, 2 slippers and free wi-fi (but my little son said the bandwidth is really not wide). You can get additional water from dispenser out of room or in lobby.
Unfortunately the air conditioner in the room not too cold, I think the lobby colder than the room but it's okay for us. Oh yeah, if you're smokers, you have to ask them where the good area for smoke

The second point, we cannot watch the television because the receiver cannot turn on by remote or manually. Because we not always in the room so we no need to complain. And the other curtain not worked well.
We can rest well because the inn very quiet in the midnight.

In the morning, we have free breakfast from the inn. You can eat bread (or toast), porridge, green bean porridge, fried rice (not too nice for us), fried vermicelli, egg foo young, boiled noodles and some fruit. The additional, you can drink tea, coffee, milk and water too.

I think the inn maybe have around 4 parking area slot, so may be you have parked your car in road side if the parking area was full.
We just seldom see the other waiters except the security, customer service, and 2 or 3 waiters in restaurant.

I think this inn recommended for everyone, unfortunately there is no family room.my suggestion for the inn, the waiters must check the room when there are guest check-out.
21 Februari 2023 22:10
Pelayanan yang sangat buruk, sangat tidak di rekomendasikan, jelek banget, anda sangat menyesal dengan pelayanan disini.
08 Oktober 2022 10:15
Hotelnya bersih, pelayanannya ramah, fasilitas ok. Pokoknya recommended untuk nginap di sini.
18 April 2020 0:01
Hotel bersih dan perlayanannya juga sangat ramah, dalam segitu harga cukup pas lah dikantong. Dari segi designnya juga bagus dan kamarnya juga memiliki kamar yang luas dan bikin nyaman para pelanggan.
Top markotop menurut saya terlebih lagi para staff nya ramah ramah.
16 April 2020 15:41
Lokasi bersih, nyaman dan cukup lux.fasilitas lumayan ok.kamar cukup pas, tdk terlalu sempit jg.cuma lorong pejalan kaki antar penghuni agak sempit.trm ksh
05 November 2019 14:43
Hotelnya bersih, pelayanan sangat bagus. Tapi kayaknya penghuninya manusia paruh baya. Ini cuma perkiraan sih
20 April 2019 21:30
Gandhi Inn memiliki konsep homey jika hendak menginap selama beberapa hari. Hanya saja ac di lift panas sekali dan ac di kamar krg dingin. Jika bisa mohon utk dapat diperhatikan utk AC nya. Utk fasilitas yg disediakan ok. Namun bagi saya jika bsa disediakan jendela utk beberapa kamar. Kamar yg saya tempati tdk ada jendela sehingga krg adanya pertukaran siklus cahaya dalam ruangan. Satu utk perincian terakhir mengenai kaca di kamar mandi. Biasanya di wastafel akan ditaruh cermin meskipun kecil. Namun ini tdk ditaruh melainkan ditaruh di pintu kamar mandi depan. Jdi saya merasa kurang nyaman dgn penempatan cermin di sana yg krg tepat sasaran
03 April 2019 8:43
Lain kali kalo ke medan, nginapnya bakal disini lagi. Bersih, nyaman, pelayanannya baik dan ramah, dan yang paling penting, sarapannya enak banget.
27 Maret 2019 16:05
Great place to stay with the most friendly staff in town, a very helpful owner as well. Definitely will come back again!
14 Maret 2019 23:11
The location is good. Because in the middle of the city. Near thamrin plaza, pasar rame, asia street. The rooms are comfortable, clean and cold. The price is not expensive. Suitable for traveller.
27 Januari 2019 21:05
Average service with cheap price. But nice place to stay cause the location of the hotel is in the middle of the city.
26 Juli 2017 7:10
Untuk ukuran penginapan, Gandhi Inn termasuk bagus. Jika dilihat dari luar terlihat sempit namun di dalamnya cukup luas dan memiliki banyak kamar mulai dari yang kecil sampai yang besar. Karena cukup tinggi sekitas 7 lantai mereka memfasilitasi dengan lift tetapi tetap ada tangga. Di setiap lantai disediakan dispenser juga untuk air minum. Lantai teratas merupakan tempat kumpul terbuka dengan pemandangan kota Medan.
Disediakan sarapan yang standar.

Pemiliknya juga ramah dan sering berbaur dengan tamu.

Although the inn look small from the outside its actually quite spacious, 7 stories high with lots of room. They also have room with single bed which is great for lone backpacker. There's water dispenser in each floor. The rooftop have a great view. The breakfast is standard - fried rich, congee and such.
The owner is nice, sometimes you can spot him in the inn blending with the guests.
11 Juli 2017 8:09
Hotelnya bersih, sarapannya bervariasi
Harganya tidak terlalu mahal, dekat pasar ramai dan thamrin plaza di sekitar hotel banyak yg jual makanan dan staffnya ramah2

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