17 Oktober 2023 18:49
Very cozy restaurant.
Employees are very nice and accommodating.
Had the chicken curry with rice and fries.
As expected, the fries weren't anything special.
The chicken curry was good but we have eaten better before. Unfortunately, there wasn't much meat on the chicken leg.
Reasonably priced. 125,000 for two meals and two drinks.
12 Oktober 2023 16:46
The Léo restaurant is incredibly good. We eat well with good music and atmosphere. Very lovely waiter!
05 September 2023 19:24
Very nice family restaurant. The cat fish is delicious. The service is good.

Project: Midwives Around the World
08 Agustus 2023 19:15
This is my second visit and the atmosphere is nice and the food is delicious. The price is also reasonable.
24 Juli 2023 9:28
I really enjoyed the food, which is delicious, especially the indonesian one, but a little bit annoying was the duration between order and getting the food, which was about one and half hour. Anyway if you'd like to try some authentic restaurant, Leo's is not the right choice. Maybe if you want something what is closer to western restaurants, this could be fulfuling your expectations.
18 Juli 2023 18:14
Best in town!
Must try lobster, ayam khas samosir.
Tempatnya jugaaaaa enak bangetttt.
All staff ramah2 banget.
16 Juli 2023 17:16
Cool. Makanan enak * terutama makanan ikan dan ayam nya yg sudah di buat 2 jam sblmnya. Owner dan semua pelayanan ramah dan baik hati. Sangat rekomendasi
03 Juni 2023 0:05
Menikmati makan malam disini. Ayam panggang yang enak dan empuk. Pelayanan yang baik. Lokasi juga tidak jauh dari Hotel Samosir Cottage.
03 Mei 2023 5:33
I came here with my 6 people family. Had a tasty food and drink. We ordered grilled fish and the fish is fresh. The sauce/sambal is a top notch. The restaurant allow us to use the karaoke and we had fun. A definitely must if you visit Samosir.
23 Maret 2023 20:23
Amazing food and drinks. Great atmosphere, friendly hosts and just really delicious food. So much so that we came back 3 times in 5 days.
18 November 2022 10:36
Salah satu tempat makan yang boleh di coba di daerah samosir ketika sedang mencari tmpt makan malam, tmptnya bersih dan taste makanan nya juga lumayan
12 November 2022 9:36
Restoran Nasional yg terleatk di tuktuk samosir, yg menyajikan hidangan makanan yg fresh dan lezat.
30 Oktober 2022 3:59
Very good place for a couple's dinner, food's great & he has a special menu. You'll love it!

He wants you to know he's nuts! Hahaha!
16 Oktober 2022 11:20
Very good fried chicken and chips.
Beautiful atmosphere and the people are super friendly.
10/10 would recommend
They do also serve the local lobster
15 Juni 2022 6:45
The food is perfect, clean and delecius.
Fish and chicken overall is good.
Wanna drink? There are vodka and Gin
07 Juni 2022 2:24
Makanannya super enak.harga sesuai.pesan chicken curry, capcay, ikan bakar dan salad.semua rasanya enak.porsi puas.pokoknya rekomend banget.mesti kemari kalo ke tuktuk.
02 Juni 2022 8:56
Good food, friendly staff and nice location. I had the chicken curry, which was fresh and tasty. Recommended.
25 Mei 2022 6:44
Makanannya enak, pelayanan cepat dan sangat ramah, rekomend banget buat yang liburan di samosir
22 Mei 2022 15:45
Pasti dinner disini setiap ke Samosir. Ito, eda dan anak2nya sangat ramah. Makanannya enak, bumbunya pas, harganya jg standard kok.
21 Mei 2022 10:29
Saran saya kepada calon costumer yang lain, agar mengorder makanan yang recommended.
Owner ramah dan cool banget.
Makanan enak, kita order capcai dan ikan bakar.
Sambal nya khas banget.
18 Mei 2022 6:17
Tempat bersih, makanan enak, harga wajar. Lokasi cukup strategis dan pelayanannya ramah dan cepat. Ada menu Ikan Naniura, makanan khas toba, bisa dipesan minimal 1,5 jam sebelumnya, karena akan dimasak saat ada yg pesan. Mungkin saat ramai ada live music segala, karena ada peralatannya. Kami datang di weekdays siang, sepi.
15 Mei 2022 12:58
Owner nya sangat ramah dan selalu ceria melayani costumernya.
Makanan nya enak dan recomend banget deh, kita order napinadar.
11 Mei 2022 22:25
Anda bisa mendapat informasi wisata dan menikmati musik tradisi sambil makan/minum disediakan Chef bersertifikat
01 Mei 2022 21:06
Very great experience at LEO'S restaurant. The staff is very friendly and helpful, the atmosphere is super nice and the food is just delicious. We had chicken napinadar (local speciality), fried rice and salad, all of them were super yummy. Highly recommended!
25 April 2022 9:39
Pada saat kami berkunjung chef tidak ada. Makanan lama sekali datang dan rasanya sama sekali tidak enak. Pesan indomi aja sampai 1 jam lebih dan keasinan. Saran: kalau chef tidak ada tolong restoran ditutup aja.
27 Maret 2022 9:07
2x makan disini saat berlibur ke samosir.tidak sengaja ketemu saat cari makanan halal. Kakak yg jaga juga sangat ramah.sayangnya tidak sempat foto makanannya, karena terlanjur lapar.pesanan visit pertama:
1.chicken curry (highly recommended - super enak)
3.orange juice (asli buah segar bukan sirup)

pesanan visit kedua:
1.fish BBQ (enak dan ikannya segar)
2.fried rice special

ayam goreng yg disajikan di fried rice special, dalamnya kurang matang, masih ada darah merah.tolong diperhatikan lagi tingkat kematangannya

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