15 Januari 2024 18:28
Definitely a place to go if you are genuinely interested in Karo culture and history. It is only a small space but it is enough to get a wrap up to karo culture overview.

I hope this museum will even be better in the future (hopefully a more thorough description on the artifacts) and also, even more artifacts can be preserved here.
08 April 2023 11:21
We unfortunately didn't get to go there because apparently they only open on weekends and from noon. The only reason why I gave 3 star not 2 or worse 1 star, was because when I message them here to check whether their opening time (google indicate that it is open from 10am to 5pm) was correct or not. It isn't.

Please could u update your opening time on google? I was actually looking forward to come and was disappointed that it was close.

Tulis Ulasan

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